4 Beliefs Keeping You Invisible Online

Hi, my friends. Today on the podcast I want to share four beliefs that might be keeping you playing small when it comes to your presence online, your visibility, and your marketing.

So often in entrepreneurship I find that it's not about coming up with a new product or the right service, but it's all about improving your visibility and your marketing and targeting your messaging. These four beliefs will help you to leave this podcast episode with ACTIONABLE STEPS on how to shift your mindset when it comes to visibility online.

I hope this is the pep talk that you need to reignite your fire and passion and excitement for getting visible in your business!

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  • Information about updates to my program Visible Impact (you can now join at any time throughout the year!)

  • Letting go of the desire to get EVERYTHING right and instead focusing on one or two spaces to really focus on

  • Realizing that there is more than enough space for you in the online space

  • Truths to help you kick impostor syndrome to the curb

  • Why you need to own what you know RIGHT NOW

  • Leaning into what YOU think of you instead of what others think of you


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript.**

    Speaker 1 (00:00):

    Hi, my friends today, I wanna share with you four beliefs that might be keeping you playing it small when it comes to your online visibility, when it comes to your online marketing, I hope this is just the pep talk that you need to reignite your fire and passion and excitement for getting visible in your business, whatever it is that you're selling and marketing right now, giving you permission to not, you know, go to scratch and like create a new offer though. That's okay if you need to. Right. But I find that so often in entrepreneurship, it's more about getting your visibility better, getting your marketing more effective, getting your messaging more targeted, then it is redoing your offers all the time. Right? Um, and so today what I wanna do is help give you four things that might be holding you back from getting visible.

    Speaker 1 (00:52):

    So that ideally you shut this podcast afterwards and you feel more on fire when it comes to creating your social media content, writing your marketing emails, all of those beautiful things. Um, and this is because I'm so excited and to announce that I have completely reworked my program visible impact that I've walked over a hundred women through personally, to help them get more visible online in a really simple way. You guys know, I run my business in about 20 hours or less a week, and I have a full client load. And how I do that is I really have my marketing and visibility on autopilot with the simple system that I use to plan six weeks of content at a time and, um, really attract dream clients with it. And I've used the same six step method. When I, you know, for Facebook, for podcasting, for Instagram, my clients have used it for YouTube, for LinkedIn, for TikTok.

    Speaker 1 (01:45):

    I mean, really this visibility program works no matter what platform you use, which is really powerful because then as the online space changes, what doesn't change is you consistently getting visible, you consistently signing clients, you consistently having marketing online. Um, and so I dropped the price of this program. I made it evergreen. And so you can access the simple six stack step system. And I also made it. So it feels like I'll be live coaching you along the way, because once you sign up the day you sign up, maybe it's today, you actually get six weeks of automated emails that will encourage you to do each of the six steps. And that will also encourage you every week, every Thursday to create your content. Right. Um, I also teach you how to do content creation in less than an hour a week. So you get that system and every Thursday I'll be popping into your inbox, bugging you to say, Hey, right next week's content, Hey, record those reels.

    Speaker 1 (02:39):

    Hey, write that email. Right. Um, and so I'm just so excited to have this at your fingertips whenever you need it. Um, in the first of those six steps in my signature method is clearing visibility blocks because I really feel like the strategy, the writing, the content is actually way easier when we clear the blocks that are holding us back from being visible. So that's what I wanted to start diving into today. And then if you grab visible impact, make sure you do not skip that first worksheet, um, that walks you through clearing all of your visibility blocks. Maybe these will be some of them. Okay. So block number one that might be holding you back from being visible, more visible right now and not playing it small is the desire to want to get it right. This was huge for me. So for me, I didn't wanna pick the wrong thing and waste time, right?

    Speaker 1 (03:27):

    I was like, should I pick this platform? Should I pick that platform right? When you commit to like six weeks of visibility, in some ways it's not that long, right? In other ways it can feel like a long commitment. And I really encourage you invisible impact to pick one platform, not 90 platforms <laugh> to get visible on with the fierceness for six weeks and to tell your audience, Hey, if you want value from me online, this is where I'm gonna be hanging out. So come follow me, right. I am a fan of like picking the social platform where your audience is, but even bigger than that, it's really picking the platform that you like, that you feel comfortable and confident on. Right. Um, and it can feel like when we're getting visible that we wanna get it right. Because for me, I didn't wanna waste time.

    Speaker 1 (04:09):

    Like time was of the essence. I already kind of like felt behind I was pregnant. Right. I had a lot going on. So I think in our desire to get it right, we can be a little perfectionistic and we can spend our time spending our, spinning our wheels or researching instead of actually committing and seeing if something works. Right. Because it's more safe. It's more vulnerable to actually put yourself out there. And so if that concern of yours, I wanna get it right. Give yourself permission. Number one. <laugh> this might be hard to hear, but like there is no right answer. Probably both the options that you're picking. If you're stressing out that much over them, probably either of them is gonna be fine. Right. I also think you can give yourself, um, if you are making an informed decision, give yourself a block of time, like give yourself two days to pick, right.

    Speaker 1 (04:59):

    Any more than that, you probably don't need it. I also have a podcast episode called um, the seven step seven step process for decision making. So if you are stuck around a decision around your visibility, try that podcast episode out, have me live, coach you in that way and then pick right. Pick Instagram or TikTok. Right. Do the pick. Um, but that could be one block that's holding you back is that desire. That really good desire to get it right. And I find like, try switching it from like, instead of finding like the perfect solution or the one that doesn't have any downsides, really picking the thing that feels the most aligned the most, right. They're both gonna have downsides and upsides. And then also reminding yourself that even if you do pick wrong, you can, I, this is what I believe about God. Right. I believe that like, as long as I'm trying to do the right thing, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna mess it up. I can't screw it up. Right. I really believe this with like dream clients too. People are like, I wanna say the perfect thing on sales calls, right? Like the right clients. You really can't screw it up with

    Speaker 2 (05:56):

    Same thing with like, partners, right? Like when you find the right partner, you're not gonna screw it up with them. You don't have to walk on eggshells. Right. Um, oh. So believing that even if you make a visibility decision, that's wrong right after you try it out. After you get yourself out there, you could always redirect and change your mind and switch it. Almost nothing is irreversible. Right. Okay. Another limiting belief that might be holding you back is my niche. My industry, the online space is too crowded. There's not enough space for me. Who am I when I am comparing myself to everyone else online. Right. And you've heard me talk about this before, where often we follow people in our niche or in our industry. Right. So it makes the online space feel more crowded than it is because our social media feeds are being filled with voices that are similar to ours.

    Speaker 2 (06:49):

    But usually your ideal client, isn't following very many people like you. Right. We're really remembering that. And really believing that, like I always try to ask myself, like, how many clients do I actually need this year? Is it 10? Is it a hundred? It's not 2 million. You know what I mean? Like really being clear on like, how many people do you actually need to be fully booked? That's what your visibility should do. Right? If you have an email list of a hundred people, if you have an email list of a thousand people, that is plenty when you're showing up with heart and integrity and soul to sign and get fully booked, right. Another block that might be holding you back is, I don't know enough. I don't know enough. This is that imposter syndrome thing. Right. Of like, who am I to be sharing this and speaking this?

    Speaker 2 (07:40):

    And what's most useful for me, the truths that I always come back to are like, I only need to know like one, like to be like one or two steps ahead of my ideal client. Right. That, and here's the other thing. I'm also a big fan of like being willing. Of course, we always wanna be honest with our experience. We never wanna lie about that. Right. But I'm also, okay. I have coached people that have made more money than me. Right. It's okay for you to quote, support people that are quote more successful than you, even in the area that you're teaching or in other areas. Right. I think we get intimidated by successful people, but remembering a, that you're a successful person too, that you're probably underestimating your own ability. Number two, we all have different zones and areas of expertise. Right? And so the point is that someone is coming to you for your expertise and it's remembering that they're an adult and they can choose whether to hire you or not.

    Speaker 2 (08:30):

    Your job is to be really brutally honest. Number one about your shortcomings, but also about how awesome you are, what you've accomplished, what you've done as far as wins. That's the part we hold back on. Right? And then for your potential clients to say yes or no to you, but I find we often disqualify ourselves from people instead of letting them be an adult and decide if they wanna work with you or not, your job is to get radiantly visible and then they will choose whether they wanna work with you or not. Right. Not for you to decide, like, do I know enough? And here's the thing that I found, right? Like it's important that you own what you know right now, because one year from now you're gonna be in a different place to teach it. For example, visible impact. The course, I am so glad that I captured that course and that six step framework right after I got visible.

    Speaker 2 (09:19):

    And right after I really got the momentum of what it was like to master social media and sign clients online. Because honestly I've been doing it now for six years on repeat on autopilot. I do the same method, but I'm further out from it. And so in my mind, I'm like, mm, it's kind of easy. Right. But when I was in it, I was like, this is hard. This is hard to put yourself out through online. This is intimidating. This feels like death. This feels complicated. Wait, how many times? Like, it felt big and scary. And so me recording that content right after I mastered it was actually really useful because I'm really empathetic in that program. Right. I'm really clear. I really break it down. If I did it now, it would be okay. But I feel like that version to me was the best teacher of that content.

    Speaker 2 (10:07):

    And so I think when we wait to know more, to be more advanced or to be further along, we actually do a disservice when it is actually useful to teach our clients from a place of freshness, from a place of knowing, from a place of feeling, from a place of remembering. Right. And so really remembering and even asking yourself, like, what am I even more qualified to teach now than I will be in five years. Right. Okay. Next belief that might be holding you back. So that last one was like an enoughness piece, a worthiness piece, right? I am worthy. I am enough. I am qualified. The next one is, I'm afraid of what others will think of me. How will will people judge me right. When it comes to my coworkers, when it comes to my friends, how will people think of me when I'm being visible online?

    Speaker 2 (10:54):

    Especially if you're feeling more called recently to put more of your personal beliefs out there, who you are, your authenticity, your story, your past, your history. You know, I really believe in visibility showing up with authority, with expertise teaching, but also showing up with story with your heart, with who you are with your values, right? Because your audience doesn't just wanna learn from you. They wanna learn someone from someone that resonates in vibes with them. That's the authenticity piece, right? And a big fear around this is like, what will people think of me? And my question of you, my love is what do you think of you? What do you believe of you? That's the most important voice that matters. And it's really thinking through whose opinions do matter to you. Right? I do believe in community and believe we should take feedback, but I really have like a close circle of friends that I really rely on. For my honest feedback. I think honest feedback is super important to growing, right? But from the people that know you and that you trust and really being able to

    Speaker 3 (11:52):

    Release, release, release other people's thoughts, other people's judgments, right. And trusting that usually when people have things to say about us, it's almost more about them than it is actually about us. Right? And really leaning into and rooting into your approval of you. What you think about you, what God thinks about you, what your close friends think about you more than anyone or anything else, and really being locked in and rooted on your purpose. You are here for a reason. You are here for a purpose it's to create generational change in your family, but it's also to create a tide pool ripple effect on your clients when you work. And when you do your work with your clients, it not just affects them, but it affects their families. It affects their children, right. It really affects the ripple, affects their clients, right. Their circles. And so really trust that like what the work that you're meant to do is so important that it really doesn't matter at the end of the day, what other people think or believe about you?

    Speaker 3 (12:51):

    Can you get into that place? Can you root into that? Can you believe it? Okay. I hope this was useful for you. And I hope you feel a little less crazy. We all have visibility blocks. In fact, I bring dump on that first worksheet, visibility blocks, exercise every few months in my business. Because as you grow and scale your business, more things come up more is required of us when it comes to being visible. And so just get practice now at seeing the blocks, releasing them. But of course, being so gentle with yourself as you release them, not like, oh my gosh, I'm a horrible person for having these blocks. But like, of course I would have these blocks because I'm doing something really bold and brave that so few people are willing to do. And that is getting super visible online, right? It's time to stop playing it small.

    Speaker 3 (13:37):

    It's time to stop playing it small. I really feel like that message is out there for several of you. And I would love if you would DM me or email me, even just with that phrase, I'm ready to stop playing it small because X, Y, Z, give me the reason. Give me the reason. Is it because you wanna be an example for your children? Is it because you wanna make an F ton of money? Is it because you feel like you're born for a greater purpose and you know that you have people to reach out there along the way, right? Yes. It is hard to get visible. Yes, it is brave. Yes, it is bold. Yes, it is vulnerable, but is it worth it a hundred fricking percent and know that you're not alone in the journey.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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