Nail Your Dream Client in 3 Steps


I'm so excited to talk to you about this because I've been sharing this three-part framework on getting your dream client with so many of my own clients lately and I think it might blow your mind a little!

I'm going to walk you through these three steps and then give you an in-depth example from my own business. I know for me at the beginning of my business and even when I was growing and scaling, I had moments of doubt and really questioned my niche and my message and my ideal client when I really just needed to keep things simple.

This is one of those episodes that you may want to come back to with a notepad because I would love for you to execute and implement these steps in your own biz!

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Re-evaluating what you need in your business as the seasons change

  • The importance of daily mindset work to keep your business strong

  • The value of diversity in your business

  • Why you should keep marketing and sales SIMPLE

  • Not just selling yourself or you product, but your METHOD to solving their problem

  • Sharing your values often so that you attract clients who are aligned with them

  • Getting clear on specific example of clients that your product or service works best with


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript**

    Speaker 1 (00:00):

    Hi friends. It's time to forget everything you thought you needed to know about your ideal clients' dream clients, ideal avatar. Right. And get clear on this instead. I'm so excited to talk to you about this, cuz I've been sharing with so many clients, this little three part framework for getting clear on your dream clients. Um, and I think it might blow your mind a little bit. So I'm gonna walk you through these three steps and then I'm gonna give you an in depth example from my business for this. And I really hope this helps because I know for me at the start of my business, but even as I like grew and scaled my business, I had moments of like wobbling and doubt and really questioning like my niche, my message, my ideal client. Right. And we can get really swirly there instead of keeping it simple.

    Speaker 1 (00:48):

    Okay. So this is one of those podcast episodes where you're gonna wanna listen through to, but you might wanna come back with an notepad because I would love for you to execute, implement, and actually get clear on these three things. And if you're a client of mine, share these with me because I would love to give you feedback. Um, and let's dive in this. One's gonna kind of be like homeworky, right? Hope you guys are having a good start to the summer. I also wanna give you guys just to, um, <laugh> reminders. Uh, I was talking to my cell with her mastermind ladies about this, but summer or change of seasons, a lot of my clients are mamas. Right. And if you're like me, that means the juggle of like, I think I have my kids in like three different summer camps this summer because none of the schedules worked and it's just like a show.

    Speaker 1 (01:32):

    Right. But it's so normal that like, as the seasons change, like maybe you're taking some time off work to spend with your kids. Like I'm taking a little, uh, uh, marketing pause in July. I mean not in July. Yes. In July in my business. And so as the seasons shift, right? Number one, giving yourself grace and not making yourself wrong about like, make that right. Right. Like that's why we have a businesses create this flexibility and freedom. But so often we criticize ourselves, right. Instead of like, no, this is why I'm doing it. So I can take time off with my kids so that I can take Fridays off. Right. So that whatever it is, right. And just really give yourself permission to re-look at like, what do you want this next fresh season to look like for your business? Maybe you need to update your dream week.

    Speaker 1 (02:16):

    Um, but that being in mind, I just wanna underscore the importance of mindset work always. <laugh> if you're a client of mine, you're like, I already know Anna, but the importance of your daily mindset practice, especially in seasons of shift in transitions. And when rhythms change really pulling back of that rhythm of your daily mindset work, right. I have a podcast episode called six questions. I ask myself daily. Um, and that basically is my little baby mindset routine that I do almost every day in my business. Um, and so if you don't know what mindset is and you're like, huh, like start with that. But I really recommend you have that daily rhythm for yourself and your business to keep yourself strong. Um, I also recommend you take time if you're in the cell with heart mastermind, we're gonna do this together. But what we do is every quarter, we have a quarterly planning session where we get together for 90 minutes and we plan what's coming up for the next three months.

    Speaker 1 (03:09):

    So if you don't already have a time like that on your calendar, make sure that you do that. It's so important. Like I think we like pendulum swing one way or the other. We like over plan for our business. And we feel like we have to like take a week to plan out our quarter or we don't do it at all. Instead of like, honestly, all it takes is 90 minutes. Like it just takes 90 minutes to really look at like, what marketing events am I doing? What am I launching? What am I selling? Right. Some of those basic key questions. So just wanted to remind that for you as the seasons change. Um, and also just normalize, like even I feel it too. I got to go to a really sweet, the beautiful poet Rupe. Um, I got to go to her poetry reading last night with some of my girlfriends, which was lovely, but also we stayed at super late and it just like, I'm feeling that, you know, just like a, a changes season.

    Speaker 1 (03:55):

    So I'm like trying to be gentle with myself. Okay. Enough of the intro. Let's talk through these three steps to nail your dream client. Okay. I'm gonna say them first and then we're gonna go through them one by one, your dream client, number one, drinks. The same Starbucks drink that you do. Just kidding. <laugh> ha did I get checked? Did I get checked if you guys don't know this about me? I'm like, especially in corporate, like I'm a little bit of a jokester. I don't really like pranks being pulled on me. I remember my cousins growing up with like pop outta closets. I hated it. But I really do sometimes like a little joke. I do this thing with my kids too. They know that I'm teasing, but like, it's like an ongoing joke or like, let's say I'm driving really fast. I'll be like, well, you know, before you were born, mommy was a race car driver.

    Speaker 1 (04:40):

    And they'll be like, no, mommy, you're kidding. Right. Or I'll be like, you know, before mommy, before you were born, I was a dentist. Right. Or like, whatever is anyway. <laugh> so I might tease you a little bit, this podcast episode, but I always tell you when I'm teasing you, um, no, your ideal client does not have to order the same Starbucks drink as you do. Right. We think sometimes we have to like get really clear on all these nitty gritties. But I think what that does is it accidentally makes us too close minded on who our dream client is. And we accidentally end up attracting clients that look like us smell like us. Think like us are from the same state or country as us. Right. And at the end of the day, I think working with clients who are diverse or different from us, adds so much value, not just to them, but to us, right.

    Speaker 1 (05:24):

    That we can really experience and be exposed to. Like, let's say you're a health coach, right. You really get to be exposed to what other countries think and do when it comes to health. Right. And dive in there. And I think so often we feel like we have to be an expert at everything. Instead of realizing like, no, we can be open minded, right. We can work with people that look and think differently than us. And I think this framework allows for that openness. Okay. Number one, your ideal client has the problem that you solve. Number two, your ideal client is ready to invest in your method of solving

    Speaker 2 (05:56):

    It. Number three, your ideal client has core value alignment with you. I didn't wanna put a number four, but the bonuses specific examples of clients that you've worked with with success. Okay. I'm gonna say it one more time. Your client has the problem you solve is ready to invest in the, your method of solving it. Number three has core value alignment. That's it? You're like, wait, what <laugh> but my guess is you are not clear on at least one of these three areas, honestly, as I was like, refilling this out for myself, I was like, Ooh, actually I could be better at communicating that. And so this seems simple, but it's simple in practice, but difficult to execute. And that honestly is all marketing strategy. If someone tells you a marketing strategy and you feel like you have to like get a PhD to do it, like hard pass, right at the end of the day, the best marketing and sales strategies are actually really simple.

    Speaker 2 (06:47):

    But what holds us back is the mindset around it, right? Like, think about like posting on Instagram. It's actually not that hard to write an Instagram post. But what is hard is when we think about what do people judge to me, right? Um, all those things. And so I just wanna really encourage you to not underestimate this little framework that I developed here for you. Okay. I'm gonna go through it one by one. Are you ready? <laugh> number one, your ideal client has the problem that you solve. Right? Really getting clear on that. What is the thing that people come for? What is the problem that they come to you with? What is the solution you provide? Let me give an example because I think this one can be a little bit arbitrary, right? But it shouldn't be, it can be as simple as right.

    Speaker 2 (07:35):

    If you're an accountant and you offer bookkeeping services, your ideal client has the problem of needing someone to do their bookkeeping, right? If you're a virtual assistant, your ideal client has the problem of having more work than they can handle. Right? If you are a health coach, your ideal client has the problem of wanting to get healthier, wanting to lose weight, wanting to get more energy, right? Like keep it really simple. Right? You can get a little, little more specific over time. And let me give you an example. So I chose cell with heart mastermind as an example here, and I put sell with heart. The problem that I solve there is sell with heart is best for messy, middle entrepreneurs who are ready to create consistent income in their business. They've already made at least 25 K in the lifetime of their business or businesses, but they're not yet making a hundred K annually.

    Speaker 2 (08:24):

    Right. They're not yet making consistent eight to 10 K months. That's the problem that I solve. Right. And do you see how that like leaves a lot of openness, right? When you say like, I hope someone that needs bookkeeping. I hope someone, whatever. Right? Like I get that. It leads a lot of openness, but we're gonna get more specific in number two and number three. Okay. But first get really clear on like, what's the problem that you help solve. And are you telling your audience really clearly, Hey, right. Like this is what I, this is what I help solve. This is what I do. Are you telling them that every single week on social media, if not like doing that <laugh> and I know you might feel like a broken record, but like that's the whole point of messaging is people need to get like, oh, she's the girl that can help me with that.

    Speaker 2 (09:12):

    Right. Okay. That's number one. Number two is ready to in this, one's kind of like two parted. I kind of was sneaky and did like two a and two B okay. Two a <laugh>. So two is ready to invest in your method of solving the problem. Right? So two a is ready to invest. Right? Your ideal client is someone that's ready to pay you for your services period. End of story. Right. That sounds crazy. But it's true. If someone isn't ready or willing or able to pay for your services right now, no problem. Right. But they're not an ideal client. Okay. Part B is they're ready to invest in your method of solving it. What do I mean by this? If you haven't listened to the podcast episode, SPF, go back and listen to it. But basically what I talk about in the let's see, is it S P or F oh no.

    Speaker 2 (10:02):

    Uh, hold on. Let me pause this. Okay. People it's the S sold on your method. I was like, wait, there's no M in SPF, my framework is falling apart. The S the sold on, right. Your audience needs to, when you're selling in your business, you don't just need to like, sell them your thing, but you need to sell them your method of solving the problem. Okay. Let me give you some examples here. Okay. So let's say for example, you are a, um, a health coach, right? And you're helping people lose weight, right? There's multiple methods that someone can use to lose weight. Right? You can do group fitness classes, right? You can change your exercise. You can change your diet. Right. Maybe another coach is selling like the vegan lifestyle. Right. Does that make sense? Okay. So another example, like, let's say, there's a coach and they're helping you find clients, right?

    Speaker 2 (10:56):

    One coach might help you do that through paid advertising. Another might help you do that through organic marketing. Right? Okay. Let's talk about a life coach. Like let's say a life coach is saying, I'm gonna help you reduce your anxiety. Right. One might help you do yoga to reduce that anxiety. Another person might do mindset work, right? Like there's multiple ways. So like, yes, they have the problem that you solve, but they're ready to invest in your specific method of solving it. Does that make sense? So for me, for example, you already heard me say and sell with heart. I help women that have already made 25 K in the lifetime of their business. So they've had some business experience, but they're not yet making 10 K months. Right. But there's lots of business coaches out there offering solutions to help you grow your income, grow your business.

    Speaker 2 (11:46):

    Right. My method of solving that problem is a hybrid between private mentorship and mastermind support, because that's what I've seen work. Right? Let me all, I wrote a paragraph, let me read this to you. And then I want you to write your own of you answering the question, your method of solving that problem. Hopefully this will help illustrate it. What I wrote is how I see clients get to consistent eight to 10 K months is with the hybrid of personal support and sisterhood support being around women who get you. That's why I design sell with heart to be intimate, where I know you personally and can customize your strategy in a way that optimizes your fastest path of success in the least amount of time centered around your dream work week, right? When you're a messy metal entrepreneur, like you're kind of done with cookie cutter courses, right?

    Speaker 2 (12:35):

    It means I'm here to give daily feedback on your marketing plan sales page, you know, give you feedback on that tough email. You have to send or be a listening ear when things are challenging during a launch, but it also means you have nine other women in your corner who have your back, that become friends and really make the ride a lot more fun and filled with ease. And what I find is that when women are having fun and feeling understood and supported, it's easier to make money, right? It's easier to have less mind drama. So that's why my method of solving that problem includes that hybrid, right? It also includes a hybrid of the targeted trainings, sales, money, mindset, team building, but it's also organized in a way where you can do it at your own pace. So that over our six months together, you feel that spaciousness, right.

    Speaker 2 (13:20):

    You have the curriculum, but you feel the spaciousness. So you're not feeling behind. You can prioritize vacation time, family, time, all with that. Okay. That was my example. And so your job is to get clear on really articulating what's your method of solving that problem. And in your mind, you might be like, well, that's not very unique, right? Like, that's not like the way that you solve it. You might not feel like it's unique, but actually it is right. For example, the method I use to get women to making consistent money in their business is that other women might make that promise in a DIY course. Right. They might make that promise in just a one on one mentorship. Right. And so really getting clear on your method and it's more distinguished and unique than you think it is. Right. We tell ourselves a lie that like, oh, it's not unique.

    Speaker 2 (14:07):

    Right. Okay. Number three is core value alignment. And this does not have to be fancy, but I do think it's useful to get clear on like, what are, what are ways that you see the world that are really important. Uh, and I even encourage you to like, get visible on that with social on social media, right? Like, uh, I think I I've shared in one of my podcast episodes on my dating adventure part one, and part two that a big part of my journey in dating why I feel like that was so quote easy for me was because in my messaging I had already gotten used to being brave online was saying what I believe. Right. I got over the discomfort of owning that. Like I am a feminist, I believe in women's rights. Right? Like some of those things that were harder for me to say earlier now it's easy for me to say in my business.

    Speaker 2 (14:51):

    And therefore in my dating, it was easy to say that. Right. And, um, not attract dates and potential partners that really didn't believe in feminism or were triggered by that. Right. So at the end of the day, you get to share, decide how much you share and don't share of your heart online, but I would encourage you. I bet there's someone listening to this right now, maybe this message is for you. Is there a part of your life that you feel like you've had to hide online and would you consider sharing it? Um, and even if you lose followers in the process, can you attract that you would, um, uh, like, uh, can you trust that you would attract like 10 more in that pro I found for me, like, as I was sharing a little bit of my story of how I was, you know, in a very difficult marriage and now, unfortunately I had to get a divorce and my journey of single motherhood.

    Speaker 2 (15:35):

    Like I was a little bit nervous to share some of that. And obviously I didn't share it while I was still raw. Right. But as I've shared it, I was so nervous. Like, what will people think of me? Like, will I, will they discredit me? Right. But I found that it's had the opposite and it's really called in women, um, that are even more aligned with my values. Not that they have to be like single moms to like work with me. Right. But I think like they, like, they don't, they don't mind that. Right. And we don't need to have clients that have our exact core values, but we need to make sure there's not such a misalignment that they're not turned off by that. Right. Okay. Let me read my core values. They do not have to be as polished as mine. It took me a long time to create more core values, but maybe you just wanna start creating yours.

    Speaker 2 (16:17):

    They don't have to be perfectly or perfect or finished. Right. Oh, I was gonna say too, when you start to get visible with more of your story, more of your authenticity, more of your core values, it naturally will read out potential clients that aren't a fit and that's really fun. Right. Because then you just get to stand in your power and people get to opt out or unfollow. If, if they're not a fit for you. Right. Or if they are a fit for you, they're gonna be sharing your content with their friends. Right. Okay. So my core values are connection, honesty, diversity, excellence, and generosity. I'm gonna read these out to you. Okay. And you are welcome to borrow some. If they align with you, I put number one connection to show up and truly care for people when it matters most caring about clients and their wins is the heartbeat of true business success.

    Speaker 2 (17:04):

    Community is everything. And we rise together and you might feel like, well, duh, Anna, doesn't everyone believe that. No, really for a lot of businesses, you know, money is more important than clients and customer servicing care. Right? And for me, I really want to let clients know that that's a high value of mine, but I also wanna attract businesses that also value that, that care about making a ton of money, but also care about their clients and customers. Number two, honesty, I believe you should operate with integrity by bringing your fullest truest and most Alliance self to everything you do in business. By courageously speaking, the truth, three diversity, my clients and friends, same, same. <laugh> come from all over the world in all walks of life. I believe diversity and inclusion make my business and the world a better place. So again, I'm saying this for me, but I'm also saying I really like to work with clients that also have a belief that diversity is important and valuable and a priority.

    Speaker 2 (18:00):

    Number four excellence around here, we push aside perfection, embrace mass action, prioritize good enough work that gets even better over time and makes an impact and income along the way. Right. And so, again, I'm saying here, like if you're looking for a business coach, that's going to, um, like give you this perfectly PO, like, I'm just like, not that coach, right? Like I'm the coach that like, you know, I would say like, my level of servants is excellent, but I would say it's not perfect. I definitely make mistakes, but I always make it right with my clients. Right. Um, and I think too, like, I'm that coach, that's gonna encourage you to like put yourself out there before you feel perfectly ready. You know, like that messy action is what I find produces the most money in the short amount of time. And so just owning, like, that's what I stand for.

    Speaker 2 (18:45):

    Okay. Next generosity, heart centered entrepreneurs know that more money, success and time freedom. We have, the more generous we become. We know that we are worthy and deserving a massive abundance, which frees up us up to give more abundantly to. So I really in my business wanna attract the woman that is generous, but I also wanna attract the woman that wants to make money. Right. I really work best with women that have financial goals, right. That want to make money and impact with their business. Right. They wanna be generous with that money, but at the end of the day, right, they really do wanna make money in their business and they have that as a goal and a focus. Okay. So now it's your turn to write down your core values. What is important to you and your business? Can you get clear on that and can you own it obviously that will grow over time.

    Speaker 2 (19:34):

    Okay. Finally, I put like, as a bonus, getting clear on specific examples of clients that your product or service works best with, okay, I'm gonna give you mine. Right? These are exact businesses. I have seen thrive and sell with heart. They're all small service based businesses. I would say half of my clients are done for you. Businesses. Half of them are coaches. Here's the examples. Life coaches, businesses, business consultants. I had another S in there, health coaches and personal trainers, branding and website designers, podcasts, and social media managers, virtual assistant, and O BMS copywriters accountants. Right. Those are exact businesses that I have seen get massive momentum and traction and growth in my programs. And so I do think it's useful for our clients to hear that right, to get like, oh, that's me like that that's me. Right. I could, I could be benefited by that. So for whatever it is for you and your business, really getting clear on exactly the types of people or clients that you have helped. And that way they can see or not see them in themselves in your program. Right. Okay. I hope that this was useful for you. I know this one was a little more actionable, but I, what I want you to do is I want you to pretend like you paid

    Speaker 3 (20:47):

    1 97 for this audio training, because I really feel like this is kind of like a mini course. And what I find is that when people pay for things that get better results. Right. But what I want you to do is pretend that you paid $97 or 1 97. Maybe you got it on early bird for this little mini course. Right. I want you to take it seriously. I want you to finish it because if you do, you're gonna get massive results from it. Okay. I cannot wait to hear what comes up for you when you get clear on again, number one, the problem you solve. Number two, the method that you okay. Let me just read it. <laugh> it's right in front of me, your, your ideal client. Number one has the problem you solve. Number two is ready to invest in your method of solving it.

    Speaker 3 (21:26):

    Number three is core value, alignment, bonus points for getting clear and specific examples of clients that you have supported that you have worked with, right. That have had success in your programs, um, or in your business. Okay. My loves hope this was useful for you. If you want more support around this, know that I would love to work with you in my mentorship, sell with heart. As you've heard about it in this podcast, feel free to hop on a clarity call. If you that's like the best way. I feel like my clients, my audience is like so respectful. They're like hyper respectful. They're like, I don't wanna hop on a clarity call with you, unless I'm sure that I'm gonna do sell with heart this round. I'm like, mm, that kind of defeats the point of a sales call, right? It's safe for you to hop on a clarity call, even if you're not sure if sell with heart is a fit or not.

    Speaker 3 (22:10):

    There's no pressure to join. Right? Of course, like being a part of the program means that you and I would agree both together that it's a fit for you. But if you're even curious about what coaching support would look like, and you fit in some of the buckets that I talked about, I highly encourage you to get on a call. And then we can figure out if this round of enrollment fits best or the next round of enrollment, but I just would love to get to know you and your business and see if, um, it's a fit for what you need to grow. Um, spaces are filling because, um, luckily I have a lot of clients, um, return to this program for several rounds. So that's kind of fun, but would love to chat with you. If you're interested, feel free to, um, message me or click the link in the show notes for a clarity call and would love to connect with you. Okay. My loves have a beautiful rest of your Wednesday or whatever day it is. You're listening. <laugh>

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


Success in Surrender


Needing Money