PART TWO: Feeling “Too Much” in Your Visibility

Hi, my loves. This is PART TWO in a two-part series about visibility in your business. Often we either feel like we're not enough or we are too much, and last week's episode focused on when you're feeling not enough. This week is going to be for those of you that feel like you have too much to say or too many ideas.

That's definitely been me before, asking myself, "I have so many content ideas! Which ones do I start with?!" Make sure you listen to last week's episode first, no matter which mindset you struggle with because I really think you'll benefit from both episodes.

Let's dive in!

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Being afraid of starting where you're at

  • Doing less and making your plans smaller

  • How to create a SIMPLE content plan the works for you, not the other way around

  • Knowing what ideas to execute and what ideas to let go

  • Trusting that you will always get new ideas


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript.**

    Speaker 1 (00:00):

    Hi, my labs. This is a part two in a two part series of, in your visibility and honestly, in your business in general, right? Often we either feel like we are not enough or we are too much. So last week's episode focused on when you're feeling not enough and your content when you're not feeling qualified when you don't know what to say. Right. But this week's episode is going to be for those of you that have too much to say too many ideas. Right. That's definitely been me before. I've been like, I have so many content ideas. Like which one do I pick to start with? Right. So make sure you listen to last week's episode first, no matter which thing you struggle with, I really think you'll benefit from both episodes, but this is especially for the woman that is feeling overwhelmed all over overloaded.

    Speaker 1 (00:48):

    Honestly, probably just, not just with visibility, but with business in general. And what do I want, what do I wanna first encourage you to do is put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and just remind yourself that like, everything is happening at the perfect time. And you're here even listing this podcast episode on purpose. This was not an accident. I really believe in divine timing. And I believe that you're here in this pep talk between you and me. It's just you and me, sister, right? I am here to give you a pep talk in the next few minutes. I'm gonna try to keep this one short, but you are here for a reason. And to remind yourself that even though you're feeling overwhelmed, even if it feels like the world or your business or your life or your family, a swirling around you, you always have the power to take a breath to stop.

    Speaker 1 (01:39):

    And to say, I matter, I deserve a minute. It's safe for me to take the time that I need to ground myself and then return to the chaos and then return to the overwhelm. My to-do list will wait. I remember someone told me in corporate, Anna, you're gonna die with emails in your inbox. And I was like, oh, I will. Right? <laugh>. And so often we're making the metric be that we finish everything. And the truth is that our work will never be done, right? Our goals will always be in process, right? As soon as we finish one goal, there's another goal. And so the only one that's gonna take you off the treadmill off the hamster wheel is you. And this is the moment right now that you choose to do that. Can you choose that? And that will probably look like once this podcast episode is over taking some time to ground yourself. Maybe it's five minutes of laying on the carpet. I'm a big fan of laying on the floor to ground myself, staring at the ceiling, fan, playing some calming music and taking some deep breaths. Maybe it's calling a friend and letting him or her know like, Hey, I'm really not doing well and I need to vent. Right. But you are in charge of grounding yourself, creating calm in your inner world so that you can approach the outside world with groundedness and strength. So often so much of what

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    Overwhelms us is actually not our stuff. Right. And so just returning to you and taking care of yourself right. And approaching the world from that space. Okay. That was a little bit of a tangent, but I felt like it was needed to say, okay. So when you feel like you are too much, your ideas are too much, right? I really think that so much of this is having a fear. That's blocking us from just starting where we're at. Sometimes we feel like we need more, right? We need, um, we have all these ideas and yet we need more ideas. We need more research. We need more planning. We need more learning. No, you don't, you don't need to learn anything else. What you need to do is take the content ideas you have and just pick one, right? You guys know invisible impact. I have a whole content workbook with 50 plus content ideas.

    Speaker 2 (03:52):

    But what I always tell my clients that already have content ideas is don't you dare peel open that workbook, right? If you already have plenty ideas, take action with the ideas you have, there is time and place for strategy, and then there's time and place for action. And really believing that it's safe to take action. Even if you are nervous about it, right? There's only so much we can do on the back end of our business planning. Right? So often what I suggest here is to do less, make it smaller, make it simpler, slow down. You're not gonna miss out. There's enough time. There's no perfect answer. Let me say this again. Do less, make it smaller, make it simpler. Slow down to speed up. You won't miss out. There's enough time. There's no perfect answer. Pick one, get visible. It's safe to do it that way.

    Speaker 2 (04:53):

    Okay. On a more strategic level. I do think it can be helpful. I'm a big fan of planning your content six weeks at a time. So what this basically means is you just need six ideas to execute on over the next six weeks. You guys know if you've done visible impact. I'm a big fan of having one main piece of content every week. Maybe for you. That's your podcast, maybe for you. That's your email, maybe for you. It's like a, a value heavy social post you do every Monday morning, right? Maybe it's a Facebook live. You do every single Wednesday, right. But you really only need six ideas to carry you through six weeks of content. Sounds wild, but it's absolutely true. <laugh> so your job is to just pick six things, six ideas, right. And to write it down and to stick with that.

    Speaker 2 (05:46):

    Right. And to know that after that you'll have more time and space for more ideas, right? I'm a big fan of like in business in general. I think the first phase of our business really is about new ideas and innovating, creating new freebies and new programs. But if, as an intermediate to advance entrepreneur, you don't have the discipline to put a line in the sand and know that it's time to start repeating things. It's time to start slowing down. You're gonna burn yourself out right. As an entrepreneur. And when I say entrepreneur or not just business owner, I really believe you're listening to this podcast. Not just because you have a business, but because you have an entrepreneurial mindset, what does that mean? It might mean that over the course of your life, you might have multiple businesses, right? It might mean for me, I hope that I always keep heart centered entrepreneur.

    Speaker 2 (06:39):

    I love this business so much. Right. But for me I have multiple income streams. Right. So I think it's remembering as an entrepreneur. Yes. We need to get have ideas, right. And some of you need to give yourself permission to have white space so that you can have ideas so that you can have vision, right. Take yourself to a coffee shop. But also the other important part is knowing what ideas to execute on and what ideas not to execute on. Right? This means that for content ideas, but also business ideas in general, we have a parking lot and we have a discipline of letting some things go, right. I am writing a book right now. And so it's so important as you're writing a book, not only to put things into your book, but what to know to leave out, same thing as you create a course, right.

    Speaker 2 (07:29):

    I just redid visible impact, updated it a few months ago. And a lot of what I did is really look at, okay, Anna, what in this course can actually be removed so that people can get even more results from it. So it's even more streamlined. Right? I think as an entrepreneur, again, it's less about often always creating more ideas, but how do we refine what we have, right. That freebie that you have already, are you promoting it? Are you talking about it? Right. The content ideas that you have, are you putting them out there or are they just sitting on your Google drive? Right. And again, giving yourself permission that not every idea that you have has to turn into a social post, not every idea you have for a freebie has to turn into a freebie. Right? And I think it's like this discipline and this practice, especially I'm an E N F P Ngram seven.

    Speaker 2 (08:22):

    So I have ideas all the time. I lo I have all the ideas. Right. But I think a big part of it is knowing which ideas to put on pause, which ideas to let go so that the other things in our business can thrive so that we can give it time and energy and attention. Right. Same thing with you guys know, I teach about goals, really focusing on one or two main goals at a time. Right? So I hope that gives you permission that you're not the only one that struggles with like, dang it. I really wanna talk about 900 things, but today I'm gonna talk about one <laugh> today. I'm gonna talk about one and I'm gonna trust that when I'm picking from the 900, right. Ideally we're picking the ideas that most align with our paid offers, right? We're getting visible around our niche.

    Speaker 2 (09:12):

    We're getting visible around our message around what we're selling, but at the end of the day, can you trust that there's no wrong thing. So much of me narrowing down at the start of my business, I was afraid of like picking the wrong thing and wasting time. Right? There's no wrong thing. Right. Except for, to get paralyzed and pick nothing. Okay. I hope that this puck was useful for you. And I hope that you gave yourself permission to simplify, to pick, to leave some things behind, to trust that you won't miss out, right. To trust that, um, you will always have a fresh flow of new ideas and new resource. Like that's just who you are. Right. And I think like coming back to, I wanna close with the analogy that I started with on the last podcast episode of when you walk into the room, right.

    Speaker 2 (10:00):

    If you're feeling like too much or not enough, right. This episode is really talking to the woman that feels like I'm too much. Right. I have too many ideas. I'm too loud. I'm too opinionated. I'm too bold. I'm too tall. I'm too funny. Like, can you trust that your audience is gonna love you just the way you are. If you talk too fast, if you put out a lot of social media content in one week, right? If you, yes, to being able to like, you know, control ourselves and discipline ourselves. But at the end of the day, can you also trust that maybe that's the way your audience likes you. Maybe they like that. You talk fast. Maybe they like that. You're bold. Maybe they love that you're opinionated. Maybe they love that you're loud. And if you were told as a child or in your life that you need to tone it down, that you need to quiet down.

    Speaker 2 (10:50):

    Right. I think especially as women, we need to own that. Like it's okay that you're loud and you're proud and you're wild. And you, um, like to stand out or whatever it is, right? It's your business. You are here for a reason. And just trusting that your audience loves that part of you and your job is not to like tone yourself down. I think about this as I've been on dating adventures lately, right? At the end of the day, our job is to not like pretzel ourself into someone that we're not. So that we're palatable for our audience. Right? Our job is to be as authentic as we are as possible in our content. So that when someone hires us in a paid capacity, they're not shocked or surprise, but they're getting exactly who they expected, right. It is of use and of integrity to be who you are right in your visibility.

    Speaker 2 (11:41):

    That way they get a clear picture. And if they don't wanna follow you, that's okay. Right. You aren't for everyone. Right. But what we don't wanna do is be someone else who we're not right. Wanna be who we are. And can you trust that who you are in your craziness, in your loudness, whatever it is is exactly the reason we think. Like, I want you to say out loud, the things about you that maybe you're ashamed of or embarrassed about, right. That you think is gonna keep people from working with you. But what if those very things are actually would attract people to you that make them want to work with you? They wanna work with that real you. Okay. I hope that this was useful sending you the biggest hug. And if you want more support, practically mindset wise, strategy wise occur about getting visible in your business. Six weeks at a time, I would love to invite you to join visible impact. I think we just have a little bit of time left on the promo code summer. If you wanna save a hundred dollars on the self-study program and it is going to wholeheartedly support you as you create content plans for social media and get visible in a really sustainable way, but a really magnetic and attractive way so that your visibility actually turns into paying clients. Okay. My loves have a beautiful rest of your day.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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PART ONE: Feeling “Not Enough” in Your Visibility