Get Featured on Your First Podcast!

Hi, friends! I'm so excited to walk you through the simple five-step process for getting featured on podcasts. I really thinking pitching yourself to get on podcasts and be in front of other people's audiences is one of the most underutilized marketing tactics out there.

I think it's wonderful to START a podcast. I have over 100 episodes of The Heart Centered Entrepreneur! But that being said, I do think you get a lot of the same benefits of hosting a podcast when you're a guest on someone else's podcast.

One of the first times I was on someone else's podcast (who had a bigger audience than me so I was pretty nervous!) I ended up signing a high ticket client because she heard my episode.

If you want to learn how you can make this part of your visibility plan, keep listening!

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Why Anna thinks that being a podcast guest is one of the most underutilized marketing tactics

  • Internal and external visibility

  • Anna's five-step method to podcast pitching (that you can use ANYWHERE you're pitching yourself!)

  • How Anna finds podcasts to pitch to

  • How you can be a five-star podcast guest


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript.**

    Speaker 1 (00:00):

    Hi friends. I'm so excited to walk you through the simple five step process for getting featured on podcasts. I really think pitching yourself and getting featured on podcasts in front of other people's audiences of your dream. Clients is one of the most underutilized tactics out there. I get people asking me all the time, like about my podcast and starting it. And I think it's great to start a podcast. And I'm so thankful that now we have over a hundred episodes of the heart center entrepreneur podcast. And those of you have been with me from the beginning. Thank you so much. It's been such a joy and such a journey that being said, I do think you get a lot of the same benefits of hosting a podcast when you're on someone else's podcast. I remember the first time I was on someone's podcast, that was a little bit bigger and I was a little bit nervous.

    Speaker 1 (00:45):

    Um, but I showed up and I did it. And because of that, I actually ended up landing a high ticket client that she didn't even, um, at this point I didn't have a podcast. She didn't even check out my Facebook group or my Instagram, just from hearing me chat on the podcast for 30 minutes with which I was featured. She really resonated with me hopped in a sales call and bought right away, paid in full. Right. And I think the reason is because in audio we just get to know someone so intimately. And when you're featured on someone else's podcast, you're almost borrowing their trust and their rapport. The host is vouching for you, right? So I just think it's a powerful, um, powerful way to get visible outside of your current clients. You know, if you are invisible impact, I talk about two types of visibility, right?

    Speaker 1 (01:30):

    Internal visibility, which is the visibility that the content you create for your current clients, right? But external visibility is how do you get exposed to new people, new humans. And a lot of you guys are in a season where maybe you feel the tug on your heart, that it's time to stop playing it small. And you're, it's safe to get visible in front of new people and expose yourself to more potential clients. So if that's the case, I would encourage you to pitch a podcast this week. You don't have to pitch 900 podcasts, right? Just set an intention, whether you've never been featured on a podcast before and you're holding life, or maybe you have, but you just haven't pitched yourself recently. Can you set the intention that by the end of the week or in the next seven days, you'll pitch yourself to a podcast, will you set that intention?

    Speaker 1 (02:15):

    Okay, great. So I'm gonna walk you through the five steps, but if you want more support around this invisible impact myself study course, I actually have my exact pitch template. I actually have a pitch tracking spreadsheet so that when you like pitch multiple places, you can keep track of who you pitched and who you followed up with. And if you, um, like connected with them and actually listened to the episode before you pitched to them, right. All of that stuff. So check out visible impact. If you want more support on getting visible, it's basically you can do it in one afternoon or over six weeks is completely self-study. So you can do it on your own pace. Maybe you can pop in those earbuds while your babies are sleeping. Um, but it includes the six core steps, 15 bonus trainings. One of them is this specific podcast training.

    Speaker 1 (02:57):

    Um, and then also six weeks accountability emails from me so that you can stop hiding and really start getting visible consistently in your business in a way that magnetizes ideal clients. Okay. I'll drop the link to that. If you're listening to this live too, and you use the code summer, you actually save a hundred bucks on the program, which is amazing because it's already a super accessible price. I've walked over a hundred women through this formula and it just works okay to the podcast pitching. So I really also love this process because I'm gonna teach you to pitch yourself to a podcast. But I think this really goes for anywhere you pitch yourself to I've actually pitched myself and been featured on Yahoo, finance on the zoom blog, several different places that I've used a similar process to pitch to. And so start with a podcast, but know this applies right, as you think about media features and stuff like that.

    Speaker 1 (03:52):

    Okay. So step number one. Are you ready? <laugh> the first step is you're gonna pick your first podcast to pitch two. Now, the reason I think it's so important to just pick one podcast to pitch two, to start, instead of like picking 10 podcast to pitch two, you guys know in general, when it comes to like business strategy, when we get stuck and we haven't done something yet, or we're doing it for the first time, or we're nervous, I'm a big fan of making it smaller. And here's the cool thing. When you pitch yourself to one podcast, you're gonna do so much of what you need to, to pitch to multiple places, right? Cause when you pitch to one podcast, you're really refining you're pitch template, right? What it is that you're saying, um, and a lot of your process. And so pick one place that's step one and start small, right?

    Speaker 1 (04:37):

    Maybe a show that features guests with smaller audiences. Maybe it's a friend that you know who has a podcast. Right. And remember that it's okay if you hear no back, right, you are getting locked in on getting your first podcast feature, but you're not getting attached to which podcast it will be. And which one will be the lucky first one to feature you and say yes to you. Right? So pitch one, if they say no pitch another one, if they say no, pitch another, like you are gonna get featured. Right. Um, so that's step one is to pick the place. Step one B right, is to really, I love to pick three or four podcasts as a time to pitch two in general, right? Once you've already pitched one and you have your process down, I really suggest you put on a weekly rhythm. Either you or someone on your team is pitching you to three, four places every single week.

    Speaker 1 (05:30):

    Right. Um, and a fun way to search for places to get featured is I love typing people's names in the iTunes chat box that are similar to me. Um, maybe like similar to my level in business or similar to like what I do. And when you pop, when you search their name in Google or in the iTunes podcast app, you'll see all the podcasts they were featured on, which is really cool because then you get to see what podcasts actually feature guests, right? Some are just solo shows and you're able to see lots of different places. So think about someone that's similar to you in your industry and trace searching them. Okay. So that's thinking through who to pitch, right? Step two is building the relationship. This is so important before you pitch a show, right? We want in our pitches, the first part of the pitch is, um, building relationship and connecting, right?

    Speaker 1 (06:22):

    The person you're pitching is a human. So I really encourage you to follow them on social media. Leave a nice comment. Uh, maybe you voice memo them if you don't know them. Right. I think it makes so much sense to connect in a genuine way. People ask me all the time, like, do you have to listen to a podcast before you pitch to them? I think in general, it's good to do, but I don't think it's a must. I do think what is a must is before let's say you pitch several places and you don't get featured on some of them, but some of them do say yes to you. I think it's beautiful to make sure you listen to their show an episode or two before you go on live for context. Right. But if you have room and margin, I do think it can be useful to listen to an episode before you pitch them.

    Speaker 1 (07:03):

    Because then you have a lot of context around really genuinely saying, this is why I feel like I would be a good fit for your show or, Hey, I listened to this episode and I really enjoyed it. Um, just really connecting the other important reason why we build a relationship all the time is cuz remember at the end of the day, relationship is what makes sales and what grows and builds your business all day, every day. What do I mean by this? Right? As you're building this relationship with this person that you are potentially getting featured by, right? That's another connection in the online space, right? It can mean I've been featured on podcasts before. And by the end of the episode, they've been like, oh my gosh, I need to hire you. Right? It's not that I'm like going on their podcast to try to pitch them, to sell my stuff.

    Speaker 1 (07:46):

    But in the process, often you may get hired by the person you're interviewing by or vice versa. I've hired people that I've interviewed, you know, um, or you may be on the show, build a relationship and connect for 30 minutes and then they may refer or recommend you to one of their friends or colleagues or clients. Right. And so it's just remembering that anytime we build relationship, it never ever goes to waste. Okay. Step three is to make sure you have a solid pitch, right? So maybe the first time you sent out, um, a pitch, it was just kind of like in process. But I do think over time it can be really good to refine a core pitch. So the two most essential parts of your pitch are number one, that you're building relationship by opening up the email, by saying something about them, something you admire a nugget from a recent podcast, episode, something you saw on their Instagram, right.

    Speaker 1 (08:35):

    Connecting with them, connecting with them. Step two is sharing three to five specific things that you can discuss in an interview that will be relevant and give value to their audience. Right. So think about the content that you create for your audience that is most resonated. That's gotten the most comments or traction. Think about the topics that you most like to talk about. Right. And don't feel like you have to have this set in stone, pick three things, right. Try to vary them a little bit. I like to kind of have one, be more business related, have one, be a little bit more personal. Right. Um, and I also put in the template like, Hey, I'm flexible, but these are the types of things I can talk about. And I basically give them three really compelling titles. Um, that way they're, they can know if what I have to offer is a fit for their show.

    Speaker 1 (09:22):

    Right. Okay. Step four is following up as always in business. We don't wanna take it personally if we don't hear back, right. People with podcasts get lots of pitches. So I think it makes so much sense to make sure that you're following up after a week. And I just say something super casual, like, Hey, just wanna make sure this didn get lost in the Innerwebs right. Sometimes add like a little spider web emoji, just keep it light and just, it bump it to the top of their inbox. And I've definitely gotten landed podcast this way, where people just missed the email or forget about it. And I think too, we wanna show them that we're persistent. Right. We wanna show them that we're serious about this. Okay. Step five is being a five star podcast guest. What I mean by this is being prepared and present for the interview.

    Speaker 1 (10:07):

    Okay. I think one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself. Yes. Preparing like a few talking points, but more than anything, do what you need to, to be fully present in that moment for the interview. I know that you might be nervous for your first few, right? That's totally normal. But I think doing what you need to, right. Like making sure you're not going right from another client to the podcast interview, right. Giving yourself some buffer time drinking some water, opening the windows, saying a prayer, right. Whatever it is you need to do to, to shine. Cuz ultimately people are gonna hire you when they hear you on that podcast interview. Yes. Because of what you say yes, because of your story. Right. I think it can be helpful to like have some talking points, like, you know, some of your brand story, right?

    Speaker 1 (10:51):

    Some of what you teach, blah, blah, blah. But overall, they're gonna connect with you. They're gonna wanna hire you because of your energy because of who you are. Right. And that sounds so weird and crazy. But I think if you can get yourself into the highest five place possible, right. Knowing that you don't have to be perfect. You guys know, I have this belief that like, you know, with the right potential clients, we can't screw it up. Right. You guys know, I also believe that like we can sign clients even when we're in a bad mood or having a bad day. So what I'm not saying is that you have to be perfect. But what I am saying is do what you can within your power to show up as your best, most radiant self, right? This applies to like sales calls too. This applies to when you go on Instagram live. Right. But when you do that episode, remember the biggest, if you can give yourself just like what I say, like the biggest, if you can give your client potential clients in a sales call is listening and being fully present. Same thing in that podcast episode, are you setting yourself to being fully present, to just being authentic, to being you, to really affirming yourself before and trusting yourself on that? Right. Um, another

    Speaker 2 (11:55):

    Way to be a five star podcast episode is I always like to ask, how can I spread the word about your show? Right? Podcast hosts put a lot of

    Speaker 1 (12:03):

    Work and energy and intention and money into producing their show. And so one of the biggest things you can do as a podcast

    Speaker 2 (12:10):

    Guest is

    Speaker 1 (12:11):

    Be super intentional about sharing it with your audience, right? Sh when it goes, live, sharing it with your audience, the episode and helping generate buzz and excitement and tagging the

    Speaker 2 (12:22):


    Speaker 1 (12:22):

    Host right. Is gonna make them feel really good. And maybe even wanna invite you back again. I have definitely had people feature me on their podcast multiple times and I think it's just really fun. Okay. Bonus tip,

    Speaker 2 (12:32):

    This goes outside step five,

    Speaker 1 (12:34):

    But is making

    Speaker 2 (12:35):

    Sure before

    Speaker 1 (12:36):

    You hop on the podcast to know the free thing you're gonna be promoting at the end, often the host at the end will say,

    Speaker 2 (12:45):

    Hey, if people

    Speaker 1 (12:46):

    Are resonating with you, how can they learn more from you? Right.

    Speaker 2 (12:49):

    So be prepared and pick just

    Speaker 1 (12:51):

    One simple place that you can tell people to connect back

    Speaker 2 (12:55):

    To. Right?

    Speaker 1 (12:56):

    If I am on a podcast,

    Speaker 2 (12:57):

    I will refer

    Speaker 1 (12:58):

    People back to my podcast. Cuz often those are people

    Speaker 2 (13:00):

    That love audio, right? I'll say, Hey, if you,

    Speaker 1 (13:03):

    You know, want biz tips, if you want more bus advice, make sure you check out the heart center entrepreneur podcast.

    Speaker 2 (13:08):


    Speaker 1 (13:09):

    Um, but really getting clear on one clear place. Maybe it's your Instagram, right? Maybe it's your email address. Maybe you want them to email you, right? Maybe it's a freebie. You want them to download, but really getting clear on that one place

    Speaker 2 (13:22):

    So that if the host asks you

    Speaker 1 (13:23):

    At the end, you don't

    Speaker 2 (13:25):


    Speaker 1 (13:25):

    And you can even script that

    Speaker 2 (13:26):

    Part out for you.

    Speaker 1 (13:28):

    If you need help, you guys know I'm a big fan of working on not just selling our paid

    Speaker 2 (13:32):

    Stuff, but really

    Speaker 1 (13:34):

    Selling our free stuff and communicating the value

    Speaker 2 (13:38):

    Of our

    Speaker 1 (13:38):

    Free things. Right? Can you give your audience three

    Speaker 2 (13:41):

    Or your, the podcast

    Speaker 1 (13:42):

    Host audience three compelling reasons why they should download your

    Speaker 2 (13:46):

    Freebie? Yes, it's free. Right?

    Speaker 1 (13:48):

    But they're giving you their

    Speaker 2 (13:49):

    Email address.

    Speaker 1 (13:50):

    They're spending their time. Right. And so really making sure we're promoting and articulating the value in a super compelling way of why they need to go check out

    Speaker 2 (13:58):

    Our podcast,

    Speaker 1 (13:59):

    Why they need to download the freebie.

    Speaker 2 (14:00):

    Right? What

    Speaker 1 (14:01):

    Results are they gonna get from them?

    Speaker 2 (14:03):

    Okay. That was it.

    Speaker 1 (14:04):

    That was it. I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet

    Speaker 2 (14:06):


    Speaker 1 (14:07):

    I don't want you to be in learning mode anymore. I want you to be in action mode. I want you to be in action mode. So what I want you to do is I want you to

    Speaker 2 (14:14):

    Go pitch a podcast, go pitch a

    Speaker 1 (14:16):

    Podcast, my love. And if you do do me on Instagram and tell me so I can

    Speaker 2 (14:20):

    Celebrate with you, but you're ready.

    Speaker 1 (14:22):

    You don't need to know or do or be more or any different or accomplish more

    Speaker 2 (14:27):

    Before you're qualified to share your

    Speaker 1 (14:29):

    Story is enough. Your story is enough to inspire someone right now today. And can you really root into that

    Speaker 2 (14:35):


    Speaker 1 (14:35):

    You show up and pitch

    Speaker 2 (14:36):

    Yourself to a podcast,

    Speaker 1 (14:38):

    Ah, cannot wait to hear how it goes. And remember if you want more resources and support, if you want my exact podcast pitch template, if you want the checking spreadsheet, if you want

    Speaker 2 (14:47):

    Visible visibility resources, especially

    Speaker 1 (14:50):

    If it's your intention to grow your audience, grow your reach this summer, I would love to support you in, um, visible impact. And the cool thing is it's like on demand, right? So you can grab it and get immediate access to it. Um, I'll put the link in the show. No, it's what would love to invite you to that? Um, and just wishing you the most beautiful, beautiful day.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


Unlocking Authenticity Content Online


PART TWO: Feeling “Too Much” in Your Visibility