Unlocking Authenticity Content Online

It's time to settle in your chair, pull out your queen crown, and learn how to be more of a beautiful, radiant, brilliant, client magnet today. Are you ready? I'm so excited for this episode. I have so many stories to share with you. I’ve found that in the online space, visibility and marketing are becoming more and more focused on authenticity. I know this can bring up a lot of fears for some people because authenticity ultimately means being vulnerable, right? So let’s talk about how to overcome some of those common fears so that you can stop playing small and become consistently visible. 

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Why authenticity content will help you be more magnetic and radiant 

  • How knowing your value will lead to greater confidence and visibility 

  • Overcoming some of the most common fears that keep us from being visible 

  • The reminder that you have to stop playing small to make this all worth it


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript.**

    Anna Rapp (00:01):

    It's time to settle in your chair, pull out your queen crown and learn how to be more of a beautiful radiant, brilliant BA client magnet today. Are you ready? I'm so excited for this episode. I have so many stories to share with you. But really I've just been inspired to, I feel like in the online space where visibility and marketing is headed at the end of the day is needing more and more authenticity in your content. You guys know, I teach four types of visibility, engaging content, right? Which is like, get to know you connect with your actual humans. Maybe that's like a Facebook group. Get to know you question. Maybe that's an Instagram real, right? And then we have authority and authenticity content right in the middle, right? Authenticity being the stories auth oh, sorry. Authenticity being the stories, authority being the teaching.

    Anna Rapp (00:52):

    And then we have sales content, which is like, Hey, I got this amazing thing. Come by it like yesterday, it's gonna change your life. So four types of content, but the type I really wanna dive into today and help UNAP and unlock for you is the authenticity content. Because I feel like it's worth the online spaces heading and it's your biggest untapped potential. And so let's set the, that intention right now that by the I'm gonna take care of you, my love. So you sit back, you do your dishes, whatever you're doing, you enjoy yourself. But I trust that the end of these 30 minutes, there's gonna be something inside you that shifts to become a little bit more radiant and attractive in your client online that pulls clients in because you know, I'm a big fan of like sales outreach and being forward and being direct and Deming people and sending emails and like being direct in our selling and pursuing people and inviting people.

    Anna Rapp (01:41):

    But the other half of that is that magnetic, radiant lighthouse energy, right? That is so important, no matter what social media platform you're on. So that's what I want to dive in today and help you really lean into is that authenticity part. And if you're like me, the authority, the teaching is so much easier and more comfortable than that authenticity part, right. I'm always asking myself like, okay, Anna, what's a story this week that you can tell. So if that's you, I want you to really tap into that. It's time to allow yourself to be more magnetic online. I have a self study course visible impact that dives more into this. If you're interested up with the link in the show notes, but it's on sale right now for a hundred bucks off for this summer. But it's a beautiful six week cell study course that will walk you through what it's like to get ally visible in your business six week at a time, right?

    Anna Rapp (02:30):

    Clearing your visibility blocks, making a six week content plan. And really is unlike anything I've seen in the online space when it comes to teaching social media marketing in a way that lasts for my clients that have, I've walked over a hundred women through this program. And the cool thing about it is I feel like once you start that system and that rhythm of getting visible six weeks at a time, you forever do it. You forever are recording your content in advance and all that stuff, right? So a hundred percent invite you to that

    Anna Rapp (02:58):

    Program. But today we're going to talk about authenticity and attraction. And also I have a story for you, a dating story about what might be holding you back from really unleashing yourself and letting that attraction in that pure, beautiful heart of your shine online. Okay. It's fear. And we're gonna talk about what to do about it. But first I wanna talk to you about like getting into this energy. Right? I feel like, so for me, I let, let me tell you a story and I also wanna tell you the lesson around it. So let me tell you the story first. So I'm currently online dating <laugh> and one fun thing I've been doing. That's I try to, a lot of times, like when something is hard, I try to add like a light and playful energy to it. Right. For example, when online dating can be potentially heavy and hard and overwhelming, right.

    Anna Rapp (03:49):

    And so I try to do whatever I can to like, keep it light in my head, because if it's light and fun, I'll do it more. Right. Just like cleaning my house. When I play music, I'm gonna clean my house so much harder cause I'm having fun. Right. So one of the things I've done in the season of online dating to make it more fun for myself is putting on my profile that I speak some Spanish, I've been continuing to learn Spanish. And so I've been having a lot of great Spanish conversations online with these men, cuz I'm like worst case scenario. If the, if the chemistry doesn't work out, at least I'm working on my Spanish skills. Right. <laugh> and so it's been like a really fun way for me to enjoy it. But also what I didn't know that it would do, which has been so fun is it's been forcing me to really let go of my ego to really check my ego at the door.

    Anna Rapp (04:32):

    Right. Which by the way, if you want more behind the scenes dating stuff, I did two pockets episodes, six months ago that talked about the parallels between online dating and business that are just some of my highest rated episodes. So go listen to those that that's curious. Lots of good, funny stories there. But what I love so much about it, I realize it really put me into this like when I speak Spanish right. Which by the way Ablo but I'm still learning it. Right. And so I make a lot of mistakes when I speak Spanish, I look kind of stupid. I look kind of silly, right. But I think there's something about our willingness to not be perfect. That is so fricking magnetic. Right? Because it shows confidence when we're unconfident. When we have imposter syndrome online, we want our Instagram feed to look perfect.

    Anna Rapp (05:21):

    Right. The woman that knows her value that knows that she's good at what she does. She doesn't care. She has a typo every once in a while. She doesn't care if her text, you know, on the real lines up at the wrong beat. Right. When we are confident, we don't give an F. Right. And so, and this doesn't mean we shouldn't do things well, right. This is just the other part you guys know, I believe in like having a plan and doing things well, but like I think the other part of that is being willing to re remember that your skill, like let's say you're a health coach, right? Your ability to, to coach people and to help them lose weight or to help them get, you know, more energy, right. To help them get stronger, has nothing to do with your ability to make Instagram reals.

    Anna Rapp (06:04):

    Right. So let's say you're doing a real and like, you look stupid, like, no, one's gonna be like, oh, I don't trust her to health coach me. Right. But yet we feel like we have to be good at everything and it's just not true. And so I think when we take the pressure off of that, right. I even teach online marketing and I'm not perfect in mind. Right. And so I think when we realize like, oh, they're not looking for me to be perfect at online marketing and visibility in reals, they just wanna see me and connect with me. And I think when we're confident and we like laugh at ourselves and allow ourselves to make mistakes, it's really useful. And so what I want you to remind yourself is like, I don't have to be a pro my Instagram feed does not have to be perfect.

    Anna Rapp (06:39):

    Right. Because that's not how people are gonna gauge me ultimately. Right. I also think that sort of like lightness and the energy and that confidence is just so useful. Right. And so I want, what I want you to remind yourself and ask yourself is like, do I have that willingness? Like, do I have a, on the way to my mission of making an F ton of money online, right. And impacting thousands, millions of women, am I allowed to look a little silly in the process? Am I allowed to, am I willing to sacrifice myself and how I look in my appearance? And I hope the answer is yes. I hope the answer is yes. Because there's so much out there that's important. Right. okay. Let's see. What else did I wanna say on this? I also wanna say this is like, kind of like related, but separate is like, I think a lot of times when we see authenticity online, we think two things.

    Anna Rapp (07:28):

    Number one I think we can do authenticity content. That's tied to our business. So let's do the health coach example again, right. Authenticity or behind the scenes. Content might mean you show, you're making your smoothie in the morning. Right. Sometimes it can be related to our business and our niche. And that's great. Right. You can ask yourself, but, but it doesn't always have to be right. You can think about what's happening right now in your life and just tell the story to connect. Or you can tell the story and pull it back to what they're relating. Just like I did in this episode. Right. I talked about dating, but I pulled it back to visibility. Right. And so really ask yourself, how can I prompt myself and put a memo on my phone, like a notes app so that I can start recording stories and telling my audience stories and connecting it, like really at the end of the day, authenticity content, it just means telling your audience more stories.

    Anna Rapp (08:19):

    Right. So asking yourself, like, what are stories, what are nuggets, but also remembering that you can honor your boundaries and you can honor your version of that. Right? maybe you don't wanna show your kids' faces. Maybe you don't wanna show your house, right? Like you don't have to, but you can still tell story. You can still be relatable. You can still be you in a way that honors you. One way I like to talk about this is really asking yourself, if you were to throw a party, what type of party would you throw? And can you bring that same energy to your online visibility? Maybe you're a type of girl. Maybe you're introverted, maybe for you. A party is just having one friend over and watching Netflix and having like a little cute short recruitery board in wine. Right. That's still a beautiful, authentic energy, right?

    Anna Rapp (09:05):

    Maybe you're the girl that like throws the big barbecue has a ton of friends over invite the neighbors. Right. Really asking yourself, like, what type of party do I like to throw? What type of connection do I like to have with people? And how do I bring a little bit of that energy online? I even like to say, like, what sort of like, get to know you questions, do you like to ask people? Right. Okay. I have another story for you. And this is like a little bit more like serious, but I think a lot of times people pull back from being fully magnetic online is cuz they're afraid of their greatness. They're afraid of that deep. They know at the end of the day, my love, if you really let yourself go and be fully magnetic online in a way that's for you, you, I think in some ways we are afraid of that greatness, right?

    Anna Rapp (09:51):

    Because maybe there was a time before where you attracted something that you didn't like, right. Like you might be thinking like, what if I'm super visible? And then I get comments from weird people or what if people start hopping on sales calls, but I don't wanna work with them. And I think what's beautiful about all of this. I'm gonna tell you about like kind of a bad dating experience I have and how it made me feel more Bulletproof. Right. Okay. Let me tell the story and then I'll bring it back to visibility. So two weeks ago I had a dating situation where I met up with this guy and he like kept trying, he kept kissing me three different times and I didn't like it. I didn't want it, but it actually took me like three times to find the words I finally said, what did I say?

    Anna Rapp (10:31):

    I said, I don't, I don't want this. I'm gonna go. And then I left. And fortunately he respected it and was very gracious afterwards. But like I, for a little wa for a few minutes there, I was so put off by this that I ended. Fortunately I didn't date a, you know, I didn't date a ton of my adolescence. And in the last year, all of the men that I've dated have been so respectful. And like, I didn't even quite know how to handle that bad situation. Right. And I'm like this like independent BA woman. Right. But the cool thing about that situation is I think it actually made me more confident in my dating because now I've been rehearsing in my head, what to do, I have the sentence pulled out. Like I know exactly what to say. And I feel even more Bulletproof.

    Anna Rapp (11:14):

    And I know like what I would do differently next time. You know what I mean? And so like in some ways I think when we have bad experiences online, as we you know, reveal ourself to more people, it makes us more Bulletproof. Because when, like, for example, like maybe you're scared of like someone leaving a nasty comment on your content. Right. I used to be scared of that too, until it happened. And then I just deleted and blocked it. And I was like, oh, actually that's not a big deal. And I wasn't afraid of it anymore. It was actually worse before that happened than when it happened. Cause a lot of times when the bad thing happens, you build that self-trust and resiliency and know that you can move on from it let's say, you know, for me, like I've been on multiple sales calls with people before where they haven't been a fit and I've had to tell them on the phone, you know, I don't think we're a fit to work together.

    Anna Rapp (12:00):

    Here's a coach that you would love. But a lot of people that haven't had that are like, oh shoot, like what would I say? What would I do? I would feel bad. Say no, what if I'm? And so what happens is the people play it small and kind of hide to avoid getting weird comments, to avoid having a bad sales conversation, instead of reminding yourself of the resilient person you are and knowing that you could handle that, should that happen. Right. So useful and giving yourself permission to debrief. So like after I had that weird dating situation call my best friend debriefed did some journaling, like really, I think I'm so practiced at working through hard. Right? Weird that happens that it like really doesn't stop me now. Right. And I give myself permission to process that, but maybe there's been something that's been weird that has happened in your online business that you feel kind of stuck on and maybe something happened and you're avoiding getting more visible cause you don't want it to happen again.

    Anna Rapp (12:57):

    Right. Give yourself permission to process and dive into that. Even if it happened four years ago, right. Maybe something bad happened with a business partner or who knows, if you have a bad experience, permission to process that maybe it was a weird experience with a coach or a friend or like that type of stuff is so important to debrief and process so that you can turn it into a resilient self trusting moment instead of the opposite, which is a moment that erodes our self-trust and puts us into hiding. Right. Okay. So all that to say a lot of times, I think we're, we're playing it small because we're nervous about on the way, like on the way let's say you have I don't know. Let's say you have like 10 clients right now and you wanna get to a business model where you're having a hundred clients a year, right.

    Anna Rapp (13:41):

    On the way to growth, you are gonna have some weird experiences. Is it worth it a hundred percent? Because here's what I know from being in corporate and lots of different, like every industry, every job is gonna have upsides and downsides. Right. But the goal is that we're picking a job that has the most upsides and the least downsides. And my opinion, a hundred percent is that having an online business, especially as a woman, especially as a mama is like the dream. Like honestly I pinch myself almost every day and I'm like, I cannot believe that I'm making this much money with these dream clients doing this thing. It's a hundred percent worth it. Right. But it's almost only worth it. If you really let yourself go, if you let your authenticity con authenticity shine, here's why, because you make way more money. Right. So what makes it worth it?

    Anna Rapp (14:24):

    Otherwise it doesn't really make it worth it if you're not making enough, you know what I mean? And I think at the end of the day, what I love about letting myself go with authenticity content, number one, it attracts dream clients to you. Right? And so it makes the weird interactions along the way to finding those dream clients a hundred percent worth it, same thing with dating, right? Ideally I'm gonna find this partner, right. That's gonna make all the like little weird quirky situations along the way. Great. And I think because I see all the amazing women that I've attracted with my magnetic visibility, it makes the weird situations worth it. Right? All of the money, all of the flexibility, like yes, weird things happen, but it's like 2% instead of looking at the 98% and really seeing what's possible for you when it comes to like making six figures online or more than that, right.

    Anna Rapp (15:10):

    When it comes to working with clients that you love and that love to work with you when it comes to having freedom and flexibility, when it comes to impacting thousands of people or more with your message, right. It's remembering the prize, like stop focusing on the discomfort and instead focus on the prize. Right. And that prize, I feel like really only happens when you stop playing it small. When you let go of control, when you let yourself be seen, you know, when you put yourself out there, vulnerably with that energy, it's super fricking vulnerable. I get it. Right. But at the end of the day, it's worth it. It's almost like for me in dating, you have to like be vulnerable and like put yourself out there and be like, I like you. Do you like me? Same thing online. That's what I'm doing with my online business is I'm putting myself, my heart out there and my visibility.

    Anna Rapp (15:54):

    And I'm saying, Hey, I like you guys. Those of you who are listening to my podcast, I love you. I vibe with you if you would like to work with me. Awesome. If not, that's totally cool. But I would love to work with you right. Being willing to have that D that rejection. Okay. Ooh, doggy. Oh, doggy. So what I'm saying is, if for a second you knew that if you really let yourself be magnetic in your visibility, all those beautiful things would happen. Having a multi-six figure business, having flexibility, having the dream clients, would you be more willing to put yourself out there and go through weird? I think you would. Right. And actually when it happens, it's actually not that weird. And it's not that bad. Right? And I think we treat ourself like these like little fragile. No, you're not fragile.

    Anna Rapp (16:36):

    You're resilient. You are sensitive. You're intuitive, but you're not fragile. You're not fragile. You are strong. Think of all that. You've come through. Think about all that you've endured and accomplished. You can handle it. Like it's really not that big of a deal, right? It's time for you to unlock that radiance online. My love, it really is. And that starts really practically with starting to allow yourself to to be seen, right. To tell stories, to be that magnet right in visible impact. My little cell study course, one of the resources, all the resources, all the templates is a content prompt workbook. And what I want you to do is go right to the authenticity page with content prompts. And I want you to start filling in some of those blanks. You don't have to tell those stories, but just fill in the blanks to kind of see what stories that unlocks for you. And I dare you to ask yourself in my content this week, how can I let more authenticity shine? Do I wanna tell a story? Do I wanna show something behind the scenes, in my life or business? How can I show a little bit more of my heart? Right? How do I let go? How do I trust? How do I allow myself to be more of a client magnet? I cannot wait to hear what comes up for you. Feel free to let me know. I have like kind of a journaling prompt for you.

    Anna Rapp (17:49):

    What are you most nervous about when it comes to showing more authentically online in your, you guys know in visible impact? I teach doing one platform at a time, right? So whether you're trying to show it more authentically on Instagram or to your email list or whatever it is, what's one thing you're most nervous about what that fear. And then what are you most excited about? What's the biggest potential that you are most excited about? And again, for me, the biggest upsides is number one. I think it attracts the right clients, dream clients. The other thing is, I feel like it makes it easier for the long run to be consistent in your visibility, cuz you're enjoying it, right? Doesn't mean you have to share like every personal nugget. There's tons of stuff I don't share online. Right. A lot of times I'll like wait to share stuff online.

    Anna Rapp (18:33):

    But for me, for the long run, I, I truly think the reason I've been able to be so consistently visible for six plus years in my business is because I like it. And I think when you're letting your heart shine, you enjoy it more. So you're, it's, you're kinda like I talked about with that, you know, speaking Spanish online with my dates. Right. It, it allows it to be fun for you. It allows you to be to hold things more lightly. Okay. Hope this was U useful for you. And email me back with the answer to those two questions. What are you most excited about? What are you most nervous about when it comes to unlocking more authenticity and your online visibility? I'll wanna hear it? Okay. Have a great day in my loves.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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