Needing Money

Hi, my heart centered friends! Today's topic is one that I've wanted to rant about for a few weeks. It's something that's come up several times when talking with several clients and community members and when I notice a theme like that, I know it's something I need to talk about.

"I need money." Do you feel bad about saying that phrase? I've talked with three women in the last few weeks who have started a coaching session saying, "I don't need money." Literally.

But by the end of the session being coached by me ended up saying, "OMG, Anna. I really DO need money."

You, my love, DO need money. For investing, paying off debt, signing your kid up for dance lessons, traveling, saving for retirement. You have money needs AND wants and it doesn't make you weird or bad for saying that.

This is a little bit of a tough love conversation, but I know it will be so helpful for you.

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Why having needs doesn't make you a needy person

  • An exercise with the things you need and want money for

  • Asking the question, what would you do with more money?

  • The importance of self-trust in your journey to making more money

  • Being content and grateful while ALSO wanting more


  • **This is a raw, unedited transcript**

    Speaker 1 (00:07):

    Hi. Hi, my heart centered friends. I'm so excited to chat with you today about a topic that I've been wanting to rant a bit <laugh> about for a few weeks. So I've had the same conversation with several, um, clients, several community members. And so like when I notice a theme like that, like I know I just need to bring it to you. So welcome today. Two of, um, this life series I'm doing to encourage you to, um, grab the invite master class is basically, um, all of my thought leadership on sales and sales conversations and how to convert them more beautifully, how to show up to them more confidently, how to address objections. And so you can grab it right now for 20 bucks off, um, with the code invite 20, I'll drop the link below, but make sure that you grab that this week.

    Speaker 1 (00:55):

    Um, and my hope is that these live trainings supplement that. And today's definitely will because we're talking about money. And I find so often we are hesitant to sell because we know that if we rocked sales, right, we know if we really showed up for that at the next level, it would mean manifesting and bringing more money into our life. And part of us like is excited for that and wants that. Right. But part of us also is unsure of what that would look and feel like to have more money in our life. And so today's, if it's okay with you, I wanna talk about this money belief, um, and I hope it's useful for you. Okay.

    Speaker 1 (01:35):

    Woo. Excuse me. White sweat. My chapstick, please say hating me. By the way. If you're joining me live re watching the replay, please do hashtag replay. I love to say Hey to you. Um, today I just wanna start off by reading kind of like a love letter, a post that I wrote for you. And it really is inspired from a conversation like conversations that I've had with several different clients. Um, and I hope that it's useful for you. Oops. Hold on me. Uh, okay, good. It's recording. Dear heart centered entrepreneur. I need money. Do you feel bad saying that phrase? Try saying it out loud right now I need money. I've talked to three women in the last few weeks who have started off our session saying I don't need money. Like literally saying that phrase to me, but by the end of our session, after my coaching ended up saying, oh my gosh, Anna, I really do need money. I do need money. You, my love heart centered entrepreneur, you do need money, right? Like paying off debt, investing in a coach, paying for your kids' dance lessons, traveling, saving for retirement, buying a purse. You want buying a car, donating to a cause buying a home like you really need money, right? You have

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    Money needs, money wants, and it doesn't make you weird or bad for saying that or wanting that or owning that. So my hope is today, as you are listening to, this is kind of like a tough love conversation, right? I give my, my clients so much positive feedback and encouragement and support, but sometimes I need to show up and challenge you, right? Sometimes I need to challenge a belief that you have. And so can you trust me as you listen to this training that this is the tough love that you need to expand to the next level, right? So again, I really want you to practice literally saying this out loud, right? Say this out loud right now. <laugh> I need money. Right? And having needs doesn't make you a needy person, right? Having needs doesn't mean having your own needs doesn't mean you can't also care for the needs of the people around you that you love, like your family or your clients.

    Speaker 2 (03:55):

    Right? That's the first one I want you to say out loud. The second one I want you to say out loud is not just I need money, but I want money. Right? I desire abundant money. Right? Maybe you've adopted the belief and you've finally gotten behind like, oh no, I actually do need money. I actually do want money. There's nothing wrong with me for owning that. Right. The next level is I deserve abundant income in my business. Right. I deserve abundant income in my business. If you're a client of mine, you may have gotten a postcard in the mail at some point that says that affirmation, because I really believe that beyond your need for money, it's also safe for you to move beyond the bare minimum, move beyond survival mode, move beyond tolerating. Right. And really asking yourself, what do I require as an energetic minimum for the life that I want to live.

    Speaker 2 (04:45):

    Right. Do you believe that you can have it right? Do you believe that you deserve that? Do you believe that you're worthy of that level? One is believing that you're a worthy woman, whether or not you hit the money goals. Right? You've heard me talk about that before. Like the point of hitting goals isn't to always hit them, right? It's to really stretch ourselves, right? It's to say, if you have a goal of 10 people for your group program, you're gonna show up a certain way. If you have a goal of a hundred people, you're gonna show up with bigger braver energy, right? So it's believing you're worthy, whether you hit your money goals or not. But the bigger level, two of this is believing you're worthy to receive loads of money. Even if you're not feeling worthy in the moment. Even if you're having moments of self-doub, even if you're having moments of insecurity or questioning your ability to show up and be the coach that you want to be, be the business owner, you want to be you're worthy of abundant income anyway.

    Speaker 2 (05:38):

    Right. It's safe to desire, abundant income. So my encouragement to you really is to write the desires on your heart, write your needs for money and own it. <laugh>. So write what you need money for write what you want money for. Yes. Actually on a list. So I want you to grab a piece of paper, right? Or pull up a Google doc. If you're like me, I love writing on a Google doc. And I want you to write all the things in your life. You need money for all the things you in your life you want money for, and then put like a, a money number next to it, right? Like I need money to pay my rent. Right. I need money to put my kids in summer camp. Like whatever it is, right. I need money to go on vacation. Right. I'm taking my kids on vacation this week and that's because I really decided I need money for this.

    Speaker 2 (06:28):

    Right. Um, and give yourself permission. Right? So step one is to really give yourself permission to write all that down. And again, like soak into this belief that it's safe for me to need money. It's safe for me to need a lot of money, you know, for the things that I need, but also for the things that I want, like being generous, like giving back. Right. Um, and then the next step after that is to really give yourself permission to sell because sales is the portal for money, right? Sales is how we get money, right. In fighting people into our paid programs and containers is how we manifest that money. Right. And really is that self care for your business? Another layer of this too, is trusting yourself that you can handle that money, right? Trusting yourself that not only do you want the money, not only do you need the money, but you can handle the money.

    Speaker 2 (07:21):

    So say that one out loud right now, too. Right? I can handle the money. Yes. In this next level of money, right. Maybe more than I've ever had in my life or business, it might feel new. It might feel uncomfy. I might be nervous about what that wealthier version of you looks like. Will I be someone I like, will I be someone I trust? Will I still have friends for me? My biggest concern was like, will I still be a good mom? Right? Yes. It's gonna be uncomfy. Yes. You will need to do some mindset work. But you, my love are resilient. You are capable. I know that you can figure it out. Is it gonna be a challenge? Yeah. Is it gonna be a challenge you're gonna figure out. Yeah. Is it gonna be a challenge that's worth figuring out absolutely. Right. Because I really believe that as women, you deserve stability, you deserve money, you deserve abundance.

    Speaker 2 (08:07):

    Right. And if I know you and what research has shown us is that wealthy women give back wealthy women care. Well, wealthy women steward that money. Right. And just think, I always hear women say like, oh, but I like, you know, I wanna make sure that like, I'm caring for my clients and my family and blah, blah, blah. The biggest thing you can do is fill yourself, you know, like that whole cup, like you can't pour from an empty cup. You have to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you can help other people. Right. Part of me is like, no, screw that though. I'm putting oxygen mask on my kids. Right. Anyone else? But I think it's like, I believe in that analogy, right? And at the end of the day, like we have to take care of ourselves and that is fueling and flooding ourselves with money.

    Speaker 2 (08:51):

    I know for me, as I've gotten more stable in my business, as I brought in more money, I've been able to be more generous than ever, right. Sometimes granting a scholarship to a program of mine. If someone really needs it and can't afford it, right. Being able to take the money and like give it back to like people on the, on that I meet that need income. Right. Being able to, um, show up even more generously in my free content right now I have like so many channels of free content. But that really is because I first fueled and resourced myself with money. Right. And I think sometimes we think like the more money we have, the less generous, we'll be the more money we have, the less blah, blah, blah. But like, can you tell yourself the opposite? What if right. Tell me, I want you to think and let me know.

    Speaker 2 (09:37):

    I'd love to hear from you. Like, what's that thing that you feel like if you had more money, you would have less of maybe it's time, maybe it's generosity, right. Maybe it's less presence with your kids. Right. Can you wrap your mind around? What if as you became wealthier, you had more of that, right? What if you were more generous, right? What if you had more time? I know for me, as I've had more money, I definitely have had more time. Right. Because I've been able to like outsource the things that aren't, you know, meant for me to be doing. And so can you really wrap your mind around that? And like even say out loud to yourself, like I'm resilient, I'm badass and I can figure out how to cope with more money. Because I think that is a fear. Like I know that was a fear for me more so at the start of my business than like fear of failure was like fear of success.

    Speaker 2 (10:24):

    Like what if this works out? What if my business blows up? What if I have so many clients, I can't handle them. What if I have like so many money? I don't handle it well, right. Like, <laugh> like, that's like a good problem to have. Right. But it's just like, can you trust yourself? Can you trust yourself that as you grow, as you increase your capacity, as you have more clients, as you have more money, you are going to handle that. And so knowing that you don't have to pump the brakes and what I see so many women doing is pumping the brakes on their success. Right. Pumping the brakes on the inflow of clients. Right. Subconsciously right. But can you open the floodgate to income, to money, to clients in your business, knowing you can handle it, knowing you're gonna figure it out, knowing that you are resourced and supported and you can figure out every twist and turn along the way.

    Speaker 2 (11:08):

    Right. I really feel like this message is for you guys today. And that is you are deserving of. And I feel like for many of you listening, right? Like it's coming, it's kind of coming like whether you're ready or not. And so what the question for you is are you gonna sabotage it or are you gonna like get out of your own way and accept it and receive it? Right. I do believe like we need to show up and we need to do the work and we need to hustle and we need to take action. I am actually a big believer in that, but I also think most of my clients don't need to hear that message. Right? They are showing up, they are doing the work. They are posting on social media. Right. The message that you need to hear. My love is that like, it's also safe for you to watch it unfold, to see it happen, to let go of control a little bit and let the abundance come in, let the clients come in.

    Speaker 2 (11:53):

    You're gonna figure it out as the little hiccups come in along the way. Right. Can you trust yourself? And I think like that self trust is everything, right? Because like even good changes change, right. Maybe you're like, I really, really wanna make 5k months. Right. It's beautiful. But also it's gonna feel different. It's gonna feel like change. And so can you allow yourself, can you trust yourself again? All of that. Like for me, like the more I've grown my business, the more I've had to really like, let go and surrender that control. Right. And so I think like, as we going back to this conversation around, like, I need money, I want money. I desire money. Right? Number one, it's like vulnerable to put your needs out there. Right. Cause like, as women, I think we're conditioned to think about the needs and desires of others.

    Speaker 2 (12:41):

    Right. And this is you owning like, no, I actually do have a need for money. I do have a desire for money. Right. I do have a cause I really care about, I really do wanna have a massive savings account. So I create stability for my kids. I do have these needs, what I see for my clients too, as they start to write, um, some of their needs and desires down, especially around money is then they just start to like, come, come, you know, like free flow. Right. And I think we go from like, no, I don't really need money. No, I'm fine. No, I'm happy. No I'm content. Oh, that's another big one too is like contentment. Right? I think you can be content and grateful and also want more. Right. I think we get trapped in this thing of like, if I want more money, what I'm saying is I'm not thankful for what I have.

    Speaker 2 (13:18):

    That's absolute. Right? You can be so thankful for what you have. You can be content, you can be present and you can also want more. Of course we can get into like the needy place where we're like, I need more. No, that's not what I'm saying, but can you be grounded? Can you have desires and needs and also be content also be grateful, right? That's the beauty and the magic, right? Not having that feeling of like, I'll be happy when X, Y, Z happens. No, no, no. I'm happy now I'm content. Now I am grateful. Now I am blessed. Now I feel abundant now. Right. And also I want more, right. Also I want more and there's nothing wrong with that. And me wanting more. Doesn't take away from anyone else, me wanting more doesn't change the core and the essence of who I am.

    Speaker 2 (14:01):

    Can you really own and believe that the essence of who you are right now, maybe this is a little disappointing. Are you ready for the bad news? <laugh> who I was when I was making, <laugh> a very small amount of money as a therapist. <laugh> is the same person who I am today. Like have I changed and grown over time? Yes. But really at my essence, I'm the same, right? No matter when you make five times the amount of money I'm making more than that, right. When I'm making, like, when you make six times, the amount of money would think about the amount of money that you're making right now, either in your day job or business, like mentally note it or say it out loud. Right? I want you to like six times that amount of money. Okay. You're not gonna be a different person.

    Speaker 2 (14:45):

    When you make that more amount of money, you're just gonna have more money and more resources. <laugh> we think that money is going to change us. Right? Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse we think like, Ooh, when I have more money, then I'll do this brave thing. Or when I have more money, then I'll be more gen. No, no, no, no, no. Which also is great because it really forces you to ask yourself, like, am I generous with the money I have right now? Am I bold with what I'm making right now? Right. Um, okay. Where was I going with that? So the good news and bad news is who you are when you make six times, the amount of money is gonna be essentially the same for me, that's a big relief because I really liked who I was as a therapist.

    Speaker 2 (15:23):

    Right. I really felt like I'm someone that I'm proud of. I really care about my friends. I care about my kids. I give back to my community. Right. I'm a really heart centered person. And guess what? As you make more money that doesn't change. It really doesn't change. Right. And so, you know, I even think about like some of my flaws, like I'm still a little bit messy. I'm still a little bit disorganized, right? I'm still a little bit like, of course, like we should always wanna change ourselves, but like who you are as like a wealthy woman, isn't gonna look or smell or, or think any different than who you, it just it's, you it's you, my love, you're probably gonna dress the same. Right. I still wear the same, like generic underwear, you know what I mean? Like, and you can change those things, but you don't have to is what I'm saying.

    Speaker 2 (16:03):

    And so I think just the assurance that like you trust yourself as you grow, as life gets better. Can you increase your, uh, capacity for happiness, right? For stability, um, in your life, in your business. Okay. I hope this was useful for you. I would love to hear what your biggest takeaway was. Feel free to email me or message me and let me know what stood out for you. But again, like I just wanna say to you, it's safe for you to need money. It's safe for you to want money. It's safe for you to have abundant income in your life, in your business, right? It's safe for you to create a list and for you to awaken, maybe some of those needs and desires for money, you didn't even know you have. Right. And why I think this is so useful is then once you have that acknowledgement of the need and the want for money, I find for my clients, it's a lot easier to make sales, right?

    Speaker 2 (16:56):

    Cuz you're like, oh no, I actually do need money. And these are the things. Why? So, because I need that money. Right? It's the money has a space when it comes into my bank account. Right? Of course I want to sell, you know, three clients at a thousand dollars each because I have a job for that money. I wanna give back with it. I wanna save it. I wanna pay the bills, whatever it is. Right. And so the reason there's that correlation between that money mindset piece and that sales is because the more you're in tune with your needs, the easier it's gonna be to create money, to meet those needs. Right. You're gonna be like, yeah, I do need that money. So I guess I better prioritize selling. Right. I guess I better not feel bad for someone paying in full because I actually need the money.

    Speaker 2 (17:35):

    Right. And in exchange, I'm gonna show up and serve and do really well for this client. I'm gonna show up for them. Right. And you guys know, I have so many podcast episodes about, you know, serving clients well and showing up for our clients. Well, and so that there's that, but the piece I really wanna talk to you about the today is also like, how are you showing up for yourself and your needs? And can you trust that you as a more resource business owner service provider coach, right? You, the more resourced you are, the better service provider you're gonna be. Right. It's just true. Like I think about it, like when I'm in a great mood as a mom, I'm a better mom, I'm more patient, I'm more creative with how I think about, you know, parenting challenges that I face. Right? The happier you, the more abundant you, that's gonna be a better braver, bold business owner and coach. So that was my pep for you. I hope that that was helpful. Um, and just as always so grateful for you and so glad that you chose to tune in today,

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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