Jordan’s Success with the Get and Coach Method

Where She Started

I’ve used the Get & Coach Method for signing clients twice in my business. The first was with a business I co-founded with a friend. We were running local business masterminds for female entrepreneurs very successfully and decided we wanted to teach others how we did it.  

It felt like a totally different offer than anything I’d created before and everything felt really new. Anna encouraged me to go for it! I was thinking about launching a course but Anna encouraged me to start immediately monetizing by coaching people individually - I didn’t even think that was an option. I’m so glad I went for it because we were able to sign paying clients so quickly and then eventually it did become a passive income course!   

Overcoming Fears

One of the fears I had when diving into one-on-one coaching was selling myself and my knowledge. Something like a course feels more tangible and that's how my brain works so I can more easily place value on it. A course has resources and documents and specific, tangible tools that can be used. Coaching felt more like selling me, which was terrifying and I had no idea how to do that!

Honestly, using the Get & Coach Method and getting paying clients immediately was the thing that helped me get over those fears. I had to do it that way because there's just no way to experience it until you've done it. Once I coached my first client, it felt like a no-brainer that people would value me and my expertise and what I had to teach.

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1-1 Coaching to Passive Income Course 

After coaching my first couple of clients I was unbelievably shocked. It honestly felt too good to be true and just so easy. I didn't feel like I had to “try” to do anything. There was no upfront work. I just got to show up and do my thing and it turns out I'm good at it. I didn't know that was possible!

The momentum from those first few paying clients kicked off so many things. And they were so happy with the coaching that when it wrapped up they wanted to hire us for more!  

We were also able to create a new and improved offer that everyone was like, “Oh yeah, that's perfect. That's exactly what we need.” And we were able to sign several paying clients to that offer and then just went from there. Eventually, we took those experiences and what we learned working with those clients and created a group program which then turned into a course! 

Going Solo  

When I decided to go out on my own and launch my next business (this time without a co-founder) I had a lot of doubt and questioning in my mind about what to offer. Fortunately, I knew I could use the Get & Coach Method again, but this time on my own! I signed paying clients with it again, and the woman I gave the free spot to also signed on as a paying client at the end - which was such a confidence boost. 

Gaining Clarity & Hitting that $50K Month 

Through all of this coaching and making money with 1-1 coaching clients I gained a ton of clarity. As I was coaching them, I realized that I actually wanted to be a done-for-you service provider. I could listen to their problems, but most of all I liked doing the work for them and directly solving their problems! There is no other way I would have figured that out except through diving in and working with paying coaching clients. That path led me to my current business and role which I feel fully aligned with (for the first time ever). 

I just celebrated my first $50K month but I sure did put in the work! Having a coach has been absolutely essential through this rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship. 

Discerning What You Want Your Business to Look Like

The advice I would give to someone who’s trying to figure out how to make money online is just to go all in - there’s no other way to get clarity than just to do it. Then as you work with paying clients, you’ll get that cashflow but also the clarity for what’s next! My first business led me to my second and third - and working with clients one-on-one is what helped shift that journey.

Looking back I realize I also have a strong intuition - tapping in and trusting where my heart is leading me even if I don’t know how it’s going to look in the end. Follow your intuition and just DO something - you have to take action! That's the only way to grow in your business, get clarity and clients, and find the success I have - you have to be willing to take the brave and vulnerable action.

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Discussed in this episode:

  • All of the business model’s Jordan tried before landing on her current one (1:30)

  • Some of the fears Jordan had around working with people 1:1 and coaching (3:00)

  • The momentum that the Get and Coach Method created for Jordan when launched her first coaching offer (6:00) 

  • The transition from owning a business in a partnership to having a solo business (8:00) 

  • How Jordan is celebrating her first $50k month and the alignment and clarity that she’s experiencing because of it (12:30)

  • The results that Jordan experienced using the Get and Coach Method for the second time she created a new offer (16:30) 

  • Jordan’s advice if you’re in the messy middle of business building your dreams (22:00)


PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


Turmoil Tolerance: Faster Breakthrough During Challenging Times


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