My *Actual* Overnight Success Story


Episode Summary:

Happy new year, friends! As we head into January, I wanted to share this replay of a live training I did in the Heart Centered Entrepreneur Facebook community just before the holidays. In it, I talk about my “overnight success story". I had someone recently say to me, “Well Anna, you are an overnight success,” and it's just so interesting because while I was in a way because it took me about 90 days to fully book my one-on-one practice and create a waitlist, and yes, it was quick but I want to give some disclaimers around it and I want to share some context because I think we see things online and we make a lot of assumptions. I hope this is useful for you, especially if you've been in business for a while and have not created the success you'd like or you feel like your success is not happening fast enough for you.

Topics Discussed:

  • How to move forward from micro-failures in your business and trusting where you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey 

  • Making the data in your business less personal so that your worth is connected to more than your business success 

  • The common things that Anna has found in her clients who have 6 and 7-figure businesses 

  • Finding the things that you need to focus on now to PR in your business and move onto the next goal that will help build your business 

  • The importance of celebrating your wins, especially as ambitious, heart-centered women

Episode Resources:

  • Speaker 1 (00:09):

    Hi sweet friends <laugh>, happy Friday. So excited to pop in and wish you these last final days of 2023. I just popped in my group coaching programs 15 days left, like, what do you wanna accomplish? Like what feels like something small or doable? My favorite thing to do at the end of the year is to like start new habits, whether it's going for a walk or drinking more water, right? Or like how can you start those gentle habits? Now maybe there's a project you wanna knock out, but I'd love to hear what you wanna finish before the new year Wraps up two super exciting announcements. I had these ideas back for you a little while ago, but finally they're seeing the light of day. And the first one is I made a brand new private podcast for you that is finally launching and I'm so excited about it.

    Speaker 1 (00:57):

    It is eight little mini episodes that you can listen to from the comfort of your phone. And I just hope, I just feel like it can be so hard to consume an online course sometimes, but the nice thing about a private podcast is you can just listen to it from audio, from your car, from wherever. So I hope that that nurtures your soul, especially if you are a messy middle business owner. Meaning you're already making two to 12 k, but working on scaling past that to creating and taking home six figures in your life and business. So I will pop the link for that. If you wanna listen to the private podcast, it's absolutely free. Also, another free thing I'm doing is I'm doing something I've never done, which is giving away a free space to my mastermind to private support with me. I just felt like this would be such a fun way to celebrate my million dollar year.

    Speaker 1 (01:44):

    I just felt like almost like whenever I feel the pings of like, wow, like why me God, like why do I get to be the one that's experiencing this happiness to success? Like I try to turn that into like giving back instead of guilt, right? You guys know my story as I came from a very challenging relationship and I still have a lot of survivor guilt around like, wow, I got out and I'm so happy and think about all the women that are in relationships or situations that are less than ideal. And I just have a lot of like empathy, compassion, and so <laugh> I just try to give back, you know? Anyway, I'll pop the link for that if you're interested in flying for that space, super excited about that. If you've already registered for the next round, you are automatically eligible for the giveaway for that and just so excited. If you are watching the replay, do hashtag replay and say, Hey, to me today I want to talk to you about quote my overnight success story. I had someone recently, you know, basically say like, well Anna, you are an overnight success. And it's just so interesting because while I was in a way, right, it really took me about 90 days to fully book my one-on-one practice. And

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    Not only did I fully book it, but I fully booked it for when I would return for maternity leave, right? So I kind of like double booked myself and built a wait list of paying people, right? And yes, it was quick but <laugh>, I wanna give some disclaimers around it and I just wanna share some context because I think we see things online and we make a lot of assumptions and I hope this is useful for you, especially if you've been in business for a while and have not created the success you'd like or you feel like your success is not happening fast enough for you. Or you feel like you've been trying to get fully booked for a long time and haven't gotten there. Or maybe you're fully booked with one-on-one, but are having trouble fully booking your scaled, leveraged offers like group programs or masterminds.

    Speaker 2 (03:42):

    And hopefully this is just a really permission giving session for you so that you don't feel like something's wrong with you. If I see one thing shut down, more women in business more than anything else, it is this thing that like I'm doing something wrong. There must be something wrong with me. And especially making quote micro failures in your business mean like you're doing something wrong. What do I mean by a micro failure? It might be as simple as you put an Instagram reel out there and no one sees it or comments on it, right? It might be you, you know, try to launch an offer and no one buys it right away. It might be that you go on a discovery call and someone says no to you, right? Like as entrepreneurs, I feel like as you grow, the more you grow the the more you need to be okay with people rejecting you <laugh>.

    Speaker 2 (04:28):

    And the more you need to be okay with failure and things not working and things not sticking. And I think when we have this inner sense of security and inner confidence that our work is good and that we are needed and that our work is valuable, whether we do done for you work like website design or we do other types of work like coaching, when you have that inner confidence, it's easy to take less personal and then you can take it as data, right? Okay, no one commented on that reel. How can I make it better? Maybe I need to improve the hook. Maybe I need to to have a more trending audio, right? Do you see how that becomes so much simpler than like, oh my God, no one commented on my reel, something's wrong with me. I knew it was meant like I knew this wasn't meant to be right?

    Speaker 2 (05:10):

    This is the sign whatever. Instead of like, okay, that launch didn't work. How do I fix my message? How do I change things up and launch again, right? So different, I told you guys one of the biggest beliefs I had at the start of my business that really served we was my success is inevitable. I'm gonna figure it out, right? Anyway, okay, back to the overnight success story. So I think when we see people that have quick success, and I see this from my clients a lot of times that have like a quantum leap or a boom moment or a boom year or they like really have like a 30 K launch suddenly or they're making having a six figure year, right? I find that they did a lot of work before that, that boom moment, right? This isn't a surprise. Like so for me, even though in 90 days I was able to fully book my one-on-one practice twice, you know, before that I was doing therapy and before that I was doing, you know, about 3000 hours of one-on-one work with people.

    Speaker 2 (06:09):

    So while coaching is different, right? I already ripped off a lot of the bandaid of getting really comfortable and confident working with people in a one-on-one container. And so you can see how that translated to that versus someone that's maybe starting out that has never really worked with people. One-On-One, and I find that for a lot of my clients that get quick success, right? They've had practice or training in a different career or a different skillset or maybe they were doing a lot of mindset work in a different thing or they overcame something really in their life that really conditioned them for that. And so I just wanna say like before we wish for someone's other someone else's hand of playing cards, like let's just, for me, what I've always done is really looked at the, the hand that I've been dealt, right? And this is like controversial 'cause some people say like, well how much you know is our life?

    Speaker 2 (06:59):

    Like, are we just like, ugh, we're dealt this deck of cards in life and how much are we this authority that has control over it? And I think it's like kind of a combination of it, right? But I think about me for example, I'm a single mama, right? Like there's a lot of things in my life that I wish were different, but also those things in my life have made me the way I am, right? And those things in my life have brought me to where I need to be. And so I try to really like as much as I can put on my blinders and just really ask myself like how do I pr, how do I pr and do better than I did last month, right? And the goal really is how do I make more money next month and how do I become even happier next month and or work even less hours next month if that's the goal, right?

    Speaker 2 (07:38):

    And I think like that's how we quantum leap is just by focusing on our path there. And then also not just pring in personal record, right? In my outward results, but also pring in how I'm showing up for myself, right? So if I am working on selling out my program, how am I doing and getting really consistent and blocking off time on my calendar to actually sell and get visible, right? For me, for example, last week I had to hire a new nanny, a new babysitter on Wednesday and Friday nights I have a babysitter, a nanny so that I can go to dance class and go out with my friends and stuff like that. And I took a lot of really targeted action, right? I went on and I FaceTime interviewed eight women, and then of those eight people I FaceTime interviewed, I had three come to my house in person and I paid the money to be at my house while I was here too. And then of those three, I had a second one come again for a second night, right? I was taking a lot of action around that thing I needed, which was a team member right? For my home. So I think again, it's really looking at like, how can we make sure that that thing that we want, whatever is

    Speaker 3 (08:55):

    Our, in our control and that action, are we taking that consistently? That's what we need to work on improving, right? And it is different for everyone. Again, for a lot of my clients it is blocking off time on their calendar to get more visible and to sell. But for a lot of my clients that are past six figures, it really is doing other thing, other CEO things like blocking off time to create program curriculum, blocking off time to do hiring and finding team members to scale their business with, right? And so I think really looking at like, how do I get more consistent on the things that I can actually do to move the needle forward in my business around this? And then I will say, I've shared with you guys this before, but like even as my success was quick in the moment, it felt slow.

    Speaker 3 (09:35):

    And I think I told you I didn't have a six figure year my first year it was almost, but not quite. I cried, I cried over my $97,000 a year, which is so crazy because my first goal was to make 70 k. We do this to ourselves all the time, right? Where like we just have these arbitrary goals and we like make ourselves wrong and we always tell ourselves we're not going fast enough. And I think as ambitious women, this will always be the problem. That is why I am so fierce with my clients about really encouraging them to celebrate their wins, right? And to really see like, what's going well? What did I do good this year? What did I accomplish? How can I be proud of myself? We're ambitious women. That is always the edge because we will always feel like we are not enough, right?

    Speaker 3 (10:20):

    We will always feel like there is something more that we need to do or be. Hi, sweet Marina. Marina says there's no such thing for an overnight success for it to be real and sustainable. It's so true, right? Every overnight success that I have seen or been or been a part of it, there's always stuff in the background going on. And so I think like if this has been a year for you where it has been a lot in the background, you have been like, for a lot of my clients I see like things that include like background tasks are like a lot of like healing work within, maybe it's like paying off debts, right? Maybe it is you know, doing a lot of like creating new programs even if you haven't gotten a lot of people enrolled in them yet, cre the program, right?

    Speaker 3 (11:06):

    Giving yourself credit for that. Like I give my clients even more credit for that than like the shiny results, right? Because it's really the stuff that makes a big difference. And so really giving yourself credit for what is it, the stuff that you're doing that's gonna prepare you for the quantum leap that's gonna prepare you for the overnight success. And can you be so proud of that and really sink into that? I hope you are and I hope that you can give yourself that credit. Okay, hope this was useful for you. I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway if you wanna share with me and just hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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