New Approaches for Reducing Anxiety, Stress and Shifting Your Mindset


Episode Summary:

Today I want to talk about this idea of new standards for keeping it together and new approaches for reducing anxiety, stress, and shifting your mindset.

The tip I want to share is all around how to approach your challenge or your problem or your obstacle in your life or your business, but from a place of intuition because I find that when you do this, it creates way less stress. Often I think a lot of our stress or anxiety comes from thinking our problems are unavoidable, but I think if we can approach it innovatively or in different ways, in different seasons, that brings so much less overwhelm or stress in the big picture. So I hope this episode helps you!

Topics Discussed:

  • Learning to be okay with the fact that you may lose a couple people on the way to being your most authentic self 

  • How Anna motivates and pushes herself when she needs to step outside her comfort zone 

  • Being willing to try what you haven’t tried before to get closer to success

  • Understanding that different things work for the different seasons of your life

Episode Resources:

  • If you’re looking for support around shifting your visibility, check out my Scaling Bundle!

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Something that I told one of my clients recently that I thought this would be helpful for you is how often we need to change up our own approach when it comes to supporting ourselves on something we feel stuck in. My client, like many of my clients, as you grow, as you shift, as you shed new snake layers of skin, <laugh> often comes letting go. As you refine your message, you often have more unsubscribe as you let go of those unfollows, right? As you become more authentic and true to yourself and have better boundaries, you may lose a friend, right? And I think this isn't talked about enough, which is like, as we uplevel and grow, sometimes it means shedding of old things and old skin and I was giving her this cheeky reply of how to deal with unsubscribes. Number one, don't take it personal, right?

    Anna Rapp (00:57):

    But I was saying something I said to myself, the first year of my business when I was getting a lot of unsubscribes and I was shifting my niche, niche is in my head, I would say they'll be back, right? Yes, you can leave my Facebook group, you can unsubscribe for my email list, but just as confidence of the right people always come back around and just this freedom for people in your community to come to go to not make it personal, not make it mean anything. Maybe sure that they're just busy. Maybe they have too many emails on their inbox, right? And it's just really interesting because I don't always take this approach, but I would love to ask you, what's the challenge you're facing in your business right now? And instead of, and can you make it like a sassy approach, right? For example, like if you're having trouble getting visible or doing your reels, right?

    Anna Rapp (01:50):

    Yes. I think sometimes it's beautiful to like journal and do the mindset work or where am I feeling blocked or resistant? But maybe you wanna take a more playful, sassy approach and ask yourself, how can I make this more fun? How can I take myself less serious? Right? and maybe that's what you're needing is more lightness, more fun. There may be other times where you need more softness, more gentleness, more grace, more ease. There may be other times where you need to like be that tough fitness instructor and be like, I know you're not feeling like doing five more pushups, but you just need to do it. And I know you have it in in you. I do this for myself. Often you guys know I go dancing at night bachata and I like to try and clean my house before I leave.

    Anna Rapp (02:38):

    'Cause I know I feel really good in the morning. It feels really peaceful for my kids when our house is tidy. And a lot of times when I go out to dance, I don't always have very much energy, but once I'm out there and hearing the music, I feel beautiful and, and calm in my skin. But to do that, sometimes I have to motivate myself to clean the house. So like one of the tricks I use is five things. So like if the living room is really messy, I'll tell myself, just pick five things to pick up and then I'll name them out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then I'll do five more and then I'll do five more, right? Same thing with if I'm doing like a really hard workout, I'll tell myself like, one more pushup. Do two, one more pushup. Do two. Right? One more backend.

    Anna Rapp (03:23):

    I did it. Okay, I'm gonna do one more back. And so I just think it's like being like there's no one size fits all right? And again, like another example of this is for some of my clients, I make their goals smaller, right? If they come to me and they're like, I wanna make 30 K this month, but they've never made 20 k yet, we might decrease their goal to make their goal 20 k. And they might be like, but that's scary 'cause that's doable. 'cause I've done 15 so I know I could do 20, right? For others of my clients, I make their goal bigger because their small goal isn't motivating them, right? It doesn't sound exciting. So I just think it's like being willing to try what you haven't tried before. I want you to say out loud, what is the thing in your, let's do this two ways.

    Anna Rapp (04:08):

    Let's start with your business. What's the thing in your business you're feeling most stuck on? Is it getting visible? Is it signing clients? Is it finding a dream team member? What are you feeling most stuck around? What approach have you currently been trying? Has it been one of these personas I've been mentioning? Have you been trying to like motivate and push yourself five more or have you been trying to like give yourself grace and gentleness? And maybe you need to do the opposite. Maybe we need to try a different approach, something clever, something innovative. And I want you to close your eyes and ask yourself, how can I approach this completely differently? How can I take on a different persona in order to get a different perspective on this problem instead of just pushing it? How do I get curious and come up with a different approach?

    Anna Rapp (04:57):

    I think about this with my kids all the time, right? If I've been trying one thing with my kids and it's not working, I'll try a different approach, right? I'll try to be more playful, I'll try to be more strict. Like it really depends on a few things. My kids' personality, but also just the season they're in. And I think different things work for different times. Like I know for me, when I had two small babies at home, I really did a lot of just like motivating myself. I didn't have time to do a lot of mindset work, and so I just did a lot of action and doing the right thing, right? There have been other times in my life where I have allowed a lot more grace, a lot more spaciousness, a lot more like, it's okay, just take a nap. So I wanna hear from you. Feel free to reply to this episode. What persona do you need more of when it comes to facing your challenges, facing your problems? What is this season of your business calling you? What do you need to do? Who do you need to be to uplevel in this chapter? I would love to hear it. And this is what I do.

    Speaker 2 (05:57):

    <Laugh> to create more happiness and alignment and peace in my life is just allowing whatever I need at that time, at that moment, at that season, and trusting myself and listening to myself, and listening to my body, and knowing that.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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