How Dallas Fully Booked Her Group Program with the Get & Coach Method

Where She Started

I’ve just always loved books – I’ve written nine books so far and published six. I realized along the way that I didn’t just want to be in front of the keyboard, I wanted to help others too, so after grad school I found my dream career helping women let their voice be heard through book writing. 

When I found Anna, I was working with clients 1-1 and even did a small group but with all the demands of life – caring for my toddler, buying our first home, dealing with quarantine life – I found it hard to figure out the next steps to grow and scale my business and income without letting it impact my value to be home with my daughter. 

Deciding to Commit

Before I signed up with Anna, I used all her free resources and listened to all her podcast episodes and they were so good but I felt stuck and at a crossroads not getting the momentum I wanted. 

I knew I was destined for more, to reach more people and I decided to invest in Anna’s program and just put a line in the sand and really own that this dream mattered to me and I was worth the monetary investment I was making. It was worth it to me to take the risk just to see what happened, to see what I was capable of. I needed to take this brave step and feel the uncertainty that came with it. 

The Goal

Anna helped me create a six-month group program and I was excited but nervous. I’d never done a group program like this before – but I also felt like I was ready for it. I had fears pop up like… can I coach a group of women? What if only one person signs up? Can I deliver on what I’m promising? 

But this number came into my mind and I decided “I’m going to get 12 women.”

I’m so thankful to have Anna’s support because you know how it goes – the doubt creeps in and there’s no way I would have promoted it for two weeks straight if it wasn’t for that accountability and support. 

Sweet Success 

Sure enough, the morning my program started the final two ladies joined and I hit 12 and my first $32K launch! 

I remember messaging Anna because it seemed surreal to see that thing I’d been affirming that whole time become my reality! I would have been thrilled even with 10! 

I remember Anna wrote back “of course you did!” and I loved that.

It felt so amazing. It was one of those things where like I'd always believed that I could, but I sort of didn't fully believe until it happened and it became my reality. 

It reminded me of getting my first book published where I'd always dreamed and thought it could happen, but then it actually happened. And I was like, “Oh my God.” I didn't realize until it happened, like just all these doubts that I had been carrying. 

I felt so proud of myself for going all in and really committing. 

Working with Dream Clients 

Now that I’m wrapping up with the six months with my first group I can’t tell you what a delight it’s been to work with and coach them. It gives me goosebumps. I feel so proud of them and honored to watch them live their dream! I can truly say the clients I’ve called in are dream clients – they feel like friends! 

I feel like I’ve become a better coach too and I’m so thankful for Anna’s support with my actual coaching skills. First, just by being coached by Anna and watching how she modeled it – the more I feel confident in my skills as a coach it becomes easier to sign clients too. I really feel like I started leaning into my natural skill of listening more and asking better questions but in a way that fits with my personality and gift. 

Thoughts on Committing and Investing

I’m so glad I invested in coaching for my business because it really blew up last year! The great launch for the program, I signed new 1-1 clients at my highest price yet, and on top of that had four book manuscripts of my own that I'd written that were just like on my computer that I hadn't been able to sell. I ended up selling all four of them last year, in large part because of where my mindset was at! 

I see this for my clients too. They say “I’ll be ready when…” but the truth is I’m so glad I didn’t wait until my business was perfect to prove that I was worth the investment. You deserve that support now and nothing compares to the results you get diving in and committing to a program you feel aligned with.

Committing is scary because then you know you have to do the work, but also you know you have the support to make it happen and actually make your dream a priority. I did get such a huge return on my investment and it was my biggest income year in business yet! 

If you’re thinking of working with Anna, I would say to just DO IT. She has changed my life and business so much. Thinking of where I was a year ago, it’s beyond my wildest dreams. I get that it's’ scary to take the first step and it’s okay to be nervous about something you care about – but do it, it will be worth it!

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Discussed in this episode:

  • How Dallas used the Get and Coach Method to fill her Thriving Author’s Academy (04:00)

  • Overcoming the fears and doubts of launching your first group program (06:00)

  • Committing to taking brave action and shift from freebie hunting (11:00)

  • Shifting your mindset around investing in your business and improving your relationship with money (14:00)

  • The biggest things that Dallas learned from consistently sharing her offer during her launch process (20:30)

  • What it felt like for Dallas to have successful launch for her first group program (24:45) 

  • Dallas’ biggest piece of advice for women who are launching their program for the first time (30:30)

  • Why Dallas thinks you should write a book as a female entrepreneur (36:25)


PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


How Meredith Created a Fully-Booked Mentorship Using the Get and Coach Method


Q&A: How Do I Fully Book My Coaching Practice?