Two B’s to Make More Time


Episode Summary:

Today I want to talk to you about how to know when the time is right to go all in on something and how to create more time and energy when you feel like you're so short on capacity. This conversation is for the woman who is starting your business from scratch right now, or like a lot of my clients, are in a place where they have established businesses, but they're craving capacity to grow and scale their business. There comes a certain point in your business where you become fully booked but you want to keep making more money, but also don’t have more capacity – you want to double your income but don’t want to double your hours. If you’re shaking your head yes, then this conversation is for you.

Discussed in this episode:

  • How to know if it is the right time for you to dive into your new business or next big step in life.

  • Knowing when to say no and when to say yes and how to not get stuck in black and white thinking 

  • What it looks like be bold with the universe/God and know your personal edge

  • Respecting your business hours and boundaries yourself as much as you expect others to 

Episode Resources:

  • ** This is a raw, unedited transcript.

    Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Today. I wanna talk to you about how to know when the time is right to go all in on something and how to create more time and energy. When you feel like you're so short on capacity, this conversation is inspired. Or I guess for the woman that if you are starting your business from scratch right now, or a lot of my clients are in a place where they have established businesses, but they're craving capacity to grow and scale their business. Right. And there comes a certain point in your business where you become fully booked and you're like, great. I wanna keep making more money, but also I don't have any more capacity. Right. I'm feeling Strat for time as it is. I don't, I wanna double my income. I don't wanna double my hours. How do I make this work, right. That season of your life or business, where you are working on building your team, working on firming up your boundary, stuff like that.

    Anna Rapp (00:53):

    And so this conversation is for you. If you're like, oh, I really wanna do this thing, but I don't know if it's the right quote time and a filtering question that I use around this that might be really helpful for you. But first, before we dive in, let's just do a check in how are you doing today? My love, if no, one's asked you in a genuine way genuine way recently, how are you doing? I just wanna ask you, how are you doing really? How are you doing really? Ah, maybe even like, say it out loud. I know this is just a podcast, but let's like chat, let's have a conversation. I really wanna know how you're doing. And just saying a prayer and sending you so much love for whatever you are facing or holding today. Just a quick, funny story too, is I just actually recorded this whole podcast episode.

    Anna Rapp (01:43):

    And then I realized 30 minutes later that my mic was not working correctly. <Laugh> I was like, dang it. But I have this belief that like you know, it's like that whole rejection is redirection thing. Like I'm like, okay, that was the dress rehearsal. It wasn't meant to be this next time I'm recording. It is meant to be. And while it's frustrating to lose a piece of content or maybe even lose a client, or maybe even recently you lost a friendship. I just want to remind you that when we lose something, there's something even better. On the other side, sometimes a door has to shut in order for the next thing to open, especially in this conversation about capacity, right? Your time is your most valuable resource. I was just having a talk with a client about this too, right? Your time is even more valuable than money because it really is limited.

    Anna Rapp (02:33):

    It is limited in capacity. And so I'm just trusting that if there is something in this season of your life or business that you've had to let go and release, even if you didn't wanna let go of it or release it, I am just saying a prayer that whatever is on the other side is even bigger and better and braver for you. Okay. The reason I wanted to have this conversation too, is because I am in the middle of trying to buy a house. Yay. So you guys know my story. I actually was able to build up 200 can savings. So now I'm in the position to buy a house for me and my babies here in San Diego. So if you think of me, please send me a prayer. That the right house would come up on the market for us.

    Anna Rapp (03:13):

    I'm really excited, but also a little bit nervous <laugh> and I was just thinking about how, like, it doesn't, even though I'm ready, it doesn't feel like the right time and I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm gonna buy a house, even though I feel a little bit nervous. And I feel like, ah, is it the right time? Is it too soon? Am I prepared? Because I know this feeling and I had this same feeling at the start of my coaching business when I was like, I really love my day job. I think that I'll like having a business better, but I'm really not sure. It felt like a risk to make that decision. And I remember Googling at the time, how do I know when something like is in my fear speaking or is my intuition speaking right in the middle of a big decision?

    Anna Rapp (03:53):

    Of course we're gonna be nervous. Of course we're gonna be scared. Right. But is it just fear that we need to like say bye-bye fear or is it our intuition speaking up that we need to heed? Right. Sometimes it is important to like pause something, right. Maybe you're having a baby and you wanna like pause your business for a little while. It's okay to, to pause things. But the number one question I have for you, if you are in a season where you're not sure if it's the time to X, Y, Z launch a book, launch a new program, start your business, hire a team member. My question for you is a few things, but number one is that thing that you're hoping to do in alignment with your bigger life or vision. For example, for me in the house, I know that I wanna buy a house.

    Anna Rapp (04:41):

    Like I know that's a done deal. So then the question is just, the timing is now the right time. And I think that can help too. When it's time to put something off in your business, maybe you're like really excited about something, but you're like, I know I'm going to do it, but is now that time that serves me, especially as we grow and scale our businesses, a lot of times we'll have business ideas, but it's so important that we're doing business ideas at a pace that serves us. And that aligns with our current offers. Right? If I had a dollar for every business idea I had, I would be like a bajillionaire right. <Laugh> but so often business is saying no to ideas. If we are in the middle of launching another offer business is saying no to a potential client, if they're not a fit for us. Right. And so I am for saying no, but I think in general, what we often struggle with is saying yes, and realizing that even if the time doesn't feel perfect, it's okay for us to dive in at the start of my business. I definitely didn't feel like it was the right time to start my coaching business, but I kind of realized there would never be a perfect time. There would never be a perfect time. And I think I also realized, I think we get stuck in black and white thinking either. I'm

    Speaker 2 (05:57):

    Never gonna do this ever, or I have to do it right now in the super intense way. Instead of what I gave myself, a lot of permission to is how much capacity do I actually have time for with this project? And can I trust that I can get the results I want with that amount of time? Okay. What do I mean by this? Right. I felt like for me at the time, you know, six, I think it was six clients. Right. I was like, I really wanna sign six clients. I was working my therapy day job. Right. And so I really told God, okay, I'm willing to get into the office early. I'm willing to work 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM before I start my therapy day job for three days a week or whatever. So what is that like nine hours? I was essentially putting 10 hours into my coaching business and I was like, okay, God, I'm gonna put 10 hours into my coaching business.

    Speaker 2 (06:39):

    What I would like is six clients make your magic happen, right? Because I think we can spend so much of our time in comparisonitis looking at other people, the resources and capacity that other people have and something that I actually feel like I've done well over the past seven years, that's really served me is not compared my journey to other peoples. It would be so easy. Honestly, in the last seven years, I've been through a lot of dishes, a lot of bad personal experiences, unfortunately. But I think the reason I've been able to show up make more money every year in my business, in the long, in the big picture. Right. And I've been able to serve my clients well, really show up for them really whole capacity, really be happy in my business. Really not burn out for seven years is because of this.

    Speaker 2 (07:25):

    Right. Because I really have been able to know my capacity, not apologize for it, and really believe that I can get the results that I want in it. Right. Otherwise, what we do is we say, you know, I know I only have 10 hours of capacity, but I'm gonna force myself to work 20 anyway, and then I'm gonna be bitter and resentful, or I'm not gonna show up at all. Cuz I've only got five hours. And you know, I want X, Y, Z, and I'm not gonna be able to do that in that amount of time. Instead of being a, I think we need to be a little bit more bold with the universe. For me, it was being pretty bold with God and being like, you know what, God, you know me, you know my circumstances, I've got 10 hours a week. I wanna start making for me.

    Speaker 2 (08:08):

    My first business school was I wanted to make $75,000 a year with my coaching business. I was like, you know, God, you've made me as a mama. I love being a mama. That's my first priority. So you gotta figure out the details. I'm gonna show up. I'm gonna do the work. I'm gonna show up for my 10 hours a week and you take care of the rest. And I feel like I've done really good at having that attitude. <Laugh> and I think some of you, you know, I always tell my clients like this is your edge, right? For you. My love listening to this podcast, my guess is your edge is to be a little more demanding, right? Like, yes, I know you wanna show up and make a difference and you care about your clients, blah, blah, blah. But it's okay to ask yourself what's in it for you.

    Speaker 2 (08:48):

    Right. And so I really encourage you. I think so often we use the excuse of like now is not the, the time I'm too busy, blah, blah, blah. Are you really, or do you not have these two BS that I'm gonna tell you about that will magically give you more capacity in your life in business? Okay. Are you ready for the two BS? My love. Do you have your pin out? Do you have your pin out? <Laugh> number one, B is boundaries. Number two is beliefs. This will instantly create more capacity in your life, whether you're at the start of your business or whether you are far into your business, full with clients and wanting to grow and not sure how, right. These two things are, what are going to give you more time and energy so that you can do the thing that's on your heart right now.

    Speaker 2 (09:33):

    So you don't have to wait for it, right? You don't have to wait to launch your coaching business because guess what things are always gonna be life happens. Right? And I think when we live in the future, instead of the present, we start really getting cut up, right. Instead of just giving yourself permission to, you know, live for today instead of like, you know, in six months I'll have more energy or time. Probably not. Right. If the desire is on your heart, if God has planted a desire on your heart, a passion on your heart, can you trust that to move forward? In a way that's aligned for you. And I'm the reason I'm having this conversation is I honestly never would've started my coaching business. If I would've waited for the right time. In fact, it was probably the worst time in my life.

    Speaker 2 (10:21):

    I was pregnant. I was working a very demanding day job. I had a toddler at home. I had a very strained relationship. Things were not clean or pretty, but I'm really glad that I did it anyway. And so I just wanna say that to you. If you're thinking about taking the leap, obviously I did it in a calculated way. I hired a coach. I started building up savings. Like, you know, I did that, but honestly, a lot of it was on faith. A lot of it was on a guess, a lot of it was on risk and I am not a risk taker, but I'm proud of myself for taking that risk. And I think that's what helps me feel good in this risk of buying a house too, is it's you build that track record of self-trust with yourself of, you know, when something feels scary and uncomfortable, but it's aligned.

    Speaker 2 (11:05):

    And some of you listening right now have something on your heart that is scary, a F, but that you know, is aligned. And I just feel like this word is for you that it's time to go do it. It's time to start taking action. This doesn't mean hustling. It doesn't mean burning yourself out. It just means taking focus, targeted action and how you can create more time for that is to number one, have boundaries, just like I talked about really asking yourself how much time do I actually have right now for this. Right. For me, another boundary was like, how many clients do I actually wanna take on right now? The number was six. Right? And we do this thing where we're like, oh, but you know, I only have room for three clients. So, you know, it's not really worth it. Or like, oh, I feel bad.

    Speaker 2 (11:47):

    I wish I had room for 10 clients instead of just owning what's your capacity. Right. So I just want you to say right now out loud, as you're listening to this podcast, how many hours do you have to work in your business right now? Or how many clients do you have or like what's the capacity piece, right. Do you know that? And that's the boundary you're saying I'm not willing to take on more than that. I'm not willing to work more than that. Right? I'm not willing to charge less than that. We think of boundaries as things we put up for other people. But I think boundaries with ourselves are so much more important. Right. And I think too, like when I told myself, Hey, I really only have nine hours to work that really kicked my booty into gear for what I was doing within those hours.

    Speaker 2 (12:29):

    If I would've worked, you know, what, 20 hours when I didn't have it, I would've burned myself out instead of really knowing, okay, I've got these this time and this energy. So how can I work really intentionally in those hours to make this happen? Right. So really working your boundaries and this might mean boundaries with other people too, that don't really get your business. It might mean saying like, oh shoot, I can't hang out tonight. I'm gonna be working. Right. And being okay with that, you know, so often we expect other people to respect our business more than we are respecting our own business. Are you respecting your business? Are you respecting your boundaries and are you expecting other people to follow suit, right? Or are you needing other people to confirm your business, confirm you the validity? You know, I even talk to my clients that have, you know, six figure, multi six figure businesses and still struggle with this, right.

    Speaker 2 (13:20):

    Like, oh, but my business is the flexible one. So I should be able to take time off. Sure. Take time off of your business if you want to. But don't feel like you have to bend over backwards just because you can. Right. Are you respecting your business? Are you respecting your business hours? You know, when you say you're working, are you working? Even if it's 10 hours a week, are you putting your booty in the chair and are you getting to work right? Or maybe even for a season, you wanna get outta the house and go to a coffee shop. Right. And taking those that work time seriously and having boundaries, both ways, having boundaries so that when you're working, you're working hard. And then when you're not working, you're unplugging, <laugh>, it's just as important. I would even love you to ask yourself, like, which do you need more focus on treating your work hours with more respect or unplugging from your work?

    Speaker 2 (14:10):

    And when you're not working, allowing yourself to delete Gmail off your phone and Instagram off your phone, like, can you free yourself on the weekend? Can you give yourself that unplugged time, knowing that that's gonna make your work time, that much better. Right. Having boundaries really freeze it up in the area. Okay. The other part is the belief, the belief, right? Can you fully believe that if you show up with what you have, the universe is gonna show up for you and meet you halfway. This was a huge thing. When I was going through my divorce, when I was going through a ton of personal SHS is really having this belief that I'm gonna show up. I'm gonna do my best. I'm I'm gonna do my best. I'm not gonna burn out. I'm not gonna hustle, but I'm gonna do my best. And God is gonna do the rest.

    Speaker 2 (14:54):

    I'm gonna post on social media. I'm gonna surrender to him who sees the post <laugh>. I'm gonna hop on the sales call and sell my little heart out. I'm gonna trust that the right people are gonna buy and that the right people aren't right. I'm gonna show up and I'm gonna launch this program, but I'm gonna deliver this program with all my heart. Whether four people sign up or 40 people sign up, right. There is something powerful about showing up and then that surrendering energy. So my question for you there is, do you need more of you showing up and doing the work or are you doing the work plenty? And do you need to have that faith and that belief, right? That belief, my belief is if I show up and do the work to the best of my capacity, God is gonna carry the rest.

    Speaker 2 (15:35):

    Right? The universe is gonna meet me halfway. And so really believing that is a huge time saver because then you are not hustling in your work time, right? You're really able to say, Hey, I'm gonna show up with the hours and the capacity I have, and I'm gonna get the results that I need in one. Okay. I hope this was useful for you and sending you the biggest hug. I'm seeing a theme for a lot of my clients right now that there's just a lot going on personally behind the scenes for a lot of people. So I just wanna say, I see you. I hear you. I know that there's a lot going on, but I also know that you can do this. I know you can get to the next level. And also I want to invite you. If you feel like this is useful, if you feel like you want my support and this sort of energy behind the scenes, in your business, helping you grow and scale and make more money with heart in an aligned way, I would love to invite you to apply for the sell with heart mastermind, my private mentorship program, that is just the heartbeat of my life and business.

    Speaker 2 (16:38):

    You guys know I am online dating right now and I just sort told someone the other day, like I love what I do so much and I hope I get to do it till I'm 80. I just, I, I love it. I, I love these sell with heart ladies. And so if you're interested enrollment's not quite open yet, but I will pop the application link. You filling out an application as your next step. And that'll help me know if you're a fit for the program. And would love to see your name on the list. If you are looking for a girl gang that has your back, if you were looking for a mentor that will help you grow your business to your first six figures to your multiple six figures with heart, with heart, and with intention about half of the mastermind, ladies are coaches or consultants as some kind and the other half are done for you providers of some kind. So it's an amazing diverse group. And I just cannot say enough good things about that six month incubator and mastermind and mentorship. So message me with any questions and as always, thank you so much for tuning in.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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