Money Mindset for Coaches

TRUTH 1: Coaching is Your BUSINESS - it's how you funnel money into your life to create stability and abundance for your family and the things you care about.

TRUTH 2: Coaching is a Powerful Healing Art - it's what you were born to do, it's your purpose, it's your calling and it's how you truly change lives.

Today I share with you how you can embrace BOTH to call in more aligned, heart-centered money into your life.

If you want more support around both becoming a more PROFITABLE coach and a more POWERFUL coach in your clients lives I'd love to invite you to my new program Get & Coach Your First Client! It’s 12-weeks with the marketing and skills training to grow your coaching practice!

Comment your favorite takeaways below then be sure to join us over in the Heart Centered Community on Facebook!

One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. You can find more free resources from me via my podcast (The Heart Centered Entrepreneur), our Facebook community, or the free resources section on my site. If you want to explore deeper, paid support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


Cashflow as a Coach: Balancing Marketing with Client Care


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