Healthy Numbing (And How It Helped Me Scale My Business)



The #1 reason I think “Self-Care” doesn’t stick is because we don’t make it exciting, intense or stimulating enough!

When I finally got in a habit of doing a LOT of what I call effective *healthy numbing* in my life.

THAT’S when the time IN my business got so much more efficient.

I truly believe it helped me to go from a 50K business to a multiple six figure business.

Working MORE doesn’t always work.

But this is HARD when we haven’t met our goals yet and we WANT to see more RESULTS!

I find that when I have my clients limit the time they spend in their biz they are MORE productive.

I did have a season where I didn’t have ENOUGH work hours-- and hiring a nanny for 10 hours a week was a game changer. If you have kids under 3 just disregard this whole message- I really didn’t have the MARGIN for much healthy numbing out until my kids were beyond the toddler years.

But in general we usually sabotage by OVERWORKING more than underworking.

Your need LIMITS to get more done in less time (i.e. I’m going to do this task in just 1 hour)

Boundaries = Freedom

Boundaries = Creative thinking.

Your brain WANTS to work hard and then it needs a break.

It’s still working when you’re not working just more in the background.

Make time to get into your BODY.

Make time to healthily numb out.

Even if you don’t have kids you STILL deserve time off.


> Intense Workouts

> Driving in the car with music and the windows down

> Being present while I meal prep

> Going on nighttime walks with my kids

> Being on a dinner date with my girlfriends

> Driving through the car wash

For me, I have to DO something active to distract me.

It’s like when we say “I won’t scroll on social” I’ll go to bed instead- but you don’t WANT to go to bed!

How do we make that alternative even better? (i.e. I won’t scroll on social, I’ll call my best friend instead)

I think we can ACTUALLY numb out too when we work if we have an aligned business model too! (i.e. I LOVE LOVE getting lost and being present on a coaching call)- but sometimes this takes a WHILE to fully book your biz with what you love. But it’s worth asking yourself, WHEN I am fully booked is most of my biz going to be filled with that flow state?

I have invested massively to be able to HAVE that time space and accountability for healthy numbing (i.e. gym childcare, a team, a coach, nanny)

What can you INVEST your time or money in to make healthy numbing easier for you?

Did you make your Healthy Numbing Out list yet? CREATE IT AND SHARE IT -- can’t wait to read it!

One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. You can find more free resources from me via my podcast (The Heart Centered Entrepreneur), our Facebook community, or the free resources section on my site. If you want to explore deeper, paid support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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