Client Tracking Made Easy


Episode Summary:

I'm so excited to chat with you today about a highly underutilized tool that I've created for you –  the Client Connection Tracker, it's a $10 tool that I’ve used myself and created just for you and it's going to blow your mind. Honestly, I feel like when it comes to sales and finding and signing clients, I know there's a lot outside of our control, so much so I think we forget to focus on what we CAN control when it comes to making more sales and more money and signing more clients in our business. This is something I work with my clients on when they're just starting out to sign their first clients, but it’s also the same concepts I  walk my multi six figure earning clients through. So I am excited to talk with you about this because I know it’s going to be so valuable for you no matter where you’re at.

Topics Discussed:

  • The 3 concepts that I walk my multiple 6 figure clients through to get more dream fit clients 

  • Appreciating the lurkers in your audience and understanding buying cues 

  • The first thing to focus on when it comes to growing your visibility

  • Why Anna believes that sales is self care and you should be selling all of the time 

  • The importance of knowing your sales and mindset blocks so you can clear them

  • How Anna books out her practice by selling 1 hour a week and how you can too 

  • Becoming attached to signing to clients rather than who that client is and trusting you’re supported

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:50):

    Hello my friends. I'm so excited to chat with you today about a highly underutilized tool that I've created for you. If you don't know, I have a tool called the Client Connection Tracker. It's $10 and it's gonna blow your mind. <Laugh>, honestly, I feel like when it comes to sales and finding and signing clients, like I know there's a lot outside of our control, right? Like which clients say yes when if they pay in Fuller, if they select a payment plan, you know, one of our sales posts on social media are gonna like blow up and go viral, which are gonna be not seen at all by the algorithm. Isn't that the worst when you like write the perfect post and no one sees it, right? There's so much without our outside of our control that I think we forget to focus on what we can control when it comes to making more sales and more money and signing more clients in our business.

    Anna Rapp (01:38):

    And this is something I work with my clients on when they're just starting out to sign their first clients. But also that same, I have three concepts I wanna share with you today. These are the same three concepts that I walk my multi six figure earning clients through. And so I, I am excited to talk with you about this and how I think it's where like, you know, like I know I should be selling in my business to make more money, but it's like what should I be doing and what should that look like and how do I keep track of all of these connections, right? I used to feel really bad when it came to like writing down like, ooh, follow up with this. You guys know I am a huge fan of like not calling potential clients leads and calling them pre-client just because prospects feel so coldhearted.

    Anna Rapp (02:22):

    I don't know, it just never aligned with me, right? But then I really think about all the people I'm connecting with with online as someone that's a potential client. You know, I did a podcast episode very early on called Love the Lurkers and if you feel like, oh, I have an audience of people that don't buy, they're just lurkers. Like go listen to that podcast episode. But basically my belief is that everyone in your audience, what if you believed that they're all just waiting to work with you, they all were gonna work with you. Maybe some will be ready to buy right away. Maybe some will take a little bit, right? But it's okay to honor different people's buying cues and buying styles. And what we can do within

    Anna Rapp (02:58):

    Our control is this $10 spreadsheet that I've made for you, it has three tabs. And today I mostly wanna talk about the first tab and it's pre-client connections. Pre-Client connections. The second tab is current client connections. Cause I think it's super important to connect with and serve obviously our current clients and I'll talk more in detail about that later. And then also the other one is past clients really keeping track of past clients, alumni, clients, all of that. But today I really wanna double out down on potential client connections and the importance of that and how to do it and kind of like three different kind of topics as I was brainstorming around this, like what I wanted to share with you. A theme I've been seeing come up for a lot of my clients is, right, they're like, oh, I'm not making as much money as I want to.

    Anna Rapp (03:48):

    I'm not making as many sales, I'm not signing as many clients. But I, when I ask them about the time they spend in their business selling, the answer is, oh, I'm not really doing that right now because I'm busy with my current clients or I'm busy with backend projects. And I get that when you have an established business, it can be so easy to busy yourself with good things, right? Answering your clients, cleaning your email inbox, working on systems, right? Same thing at the start of your business. It can be easy to focus on learning new things, right? But it's so important that we're taking time to make time for sales actions. I did a podcast a few weeks ago called the Sales Buffet. If you wanna deeper dive into like what these actions actually should be. But what I first wanna say is, before you obsess over what actions should I be taking to make more sales in my business, the first question you should be asking yourself is this, am I actually creating, am I actually sitting my booty down in the chair and creating that 30 minute block to make the magic happen?

    Anna Rapp (04:51):

    Right? Same thing if you're like starting to try to be healthier, take care of your body, maybe lose some weight, right? Creating a container for exercise before you obsess over the perfect weightlifting strategy, the perfect Pilate studio, right? Are you moving your body three times a week for 30 minutes, right? Are you creating that container? Same thing when I coach my clients are on visibility, right? Before you worry about what's the perfect social media platform, what's the perfect content plan? What's the perfect scheduling tool? Stop worrying about that and start worrying about that. Am I just showing up and creating the container, right? Am I literally putting on my tennis shoes and walking around my outside my house for 30 minutes, right? So I always encourage my clients, let's create the habit first and then from there we can tweak the strategy habit first, strategy second, habit first, strategy second, what's something in your life or business that you feel like you've been wanting but you've been obsessing over the strategy and you have not been even thinking about the container.

    Anna Rapp (05:59):

    You have not even been thinking about. The action, just taking the action. The reason I think this is so important is we end up, if we do it opposite, we end up creating this complex strategy that may not even be the thing, right? We end up, let's say let's take the exercise strategy. Maybe you're like, I'm really gonna get into running it. I'm gonna buy my running shoes and I'm gonna join some rock jogging groups, right? And then you end up running and you're like, I don't even like running. Right? Then you wasted a lot of time and money instead of just putting yourself out there and trying it first, right? So I really want you to think about with selling the question would be, what's the time of the week that is actually best for me to sell in my business every week?

    Anna Rapp (06:39):

    And if you don't think you need to be selling in your business every week, let me tell you, sales is self-care, right? Even above, you guys know, I believe that serving your current clients is marketing is important work, right? But at the end of the day, you need to be selling and being visible and putting yourself out there in front of new humans, <laugh> all of the time in your business all of the time. And I think when people hear this, they get overwhelmed. They're like, I don't have time for that. I'm too busy. I don't know what I would do anyway. So I'm gonna do zero selling, right? I'm not telling you to do seven hours of selling in your business a week. I'm telling you to do one hour of selling in your business every week. And here's the crazy thing, here's the wild thing.

    Anna Rapp (07:20):

    When you actually do one hour of selling in your business a week, it's actually not gonna feel like a lot and you're actually gonna think about selling less. It's like when we avoid something <laugh>, that's what it consumes us when we just do it, it's actually not that big of a deal, right? It's why this next round in Sell with Heart, the mastermind I run, I'm doing a new bonus and for my women in the mastermind that sell for one hours a week, I'm giving them four one-on-one sessions with me valued over $2,000 <laugh> because I know literally for my clients that actually make the time to sell for one hour a week, one hour, right? You can decide is that 10 minutes a day is that Fridays at 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM right? They really see the biggest difference in their sales and cash flow. So what I want you to do is ask yourself even before you obsess over like what would I do or what would I say or what would I feel icky?

    Anna Rapp (08:14):

    Like can you just put a time on the calendar? Can you put a time on the calendar? Is it Monday? Is it 8:00 AM right? I really recommend if you can do it earlier in the day, the better. Ideally you're doing your mindset work and then you're doing your little sales action and you're putting your time first. You're putting you first, you're putting that care first, right? Putting you in your business first, so important, right? And then from there, doing the strategy, okay, that's step two. So let's say for a minute you're like, I actually think most of you listening to this probably are not doing that. So pause this podcast, go, go put it on your Google calendar, right? And you don't have to call it a sales block, you can call it a connection block. Whatever you wanna do, right? But then from there, that's where it's important that once you start doing that consistently, you are then getting clearer with a coach on what actions should I actually be taking during that hour, right?

    Anna Rapp (09:08):

    That's why the sales buffet episode would be really useful for you. But just a cliff notes of it. During that time you can ask yourself, do I wanna write a sales email to my list? Do I wanna show up on Instagram stories and talk about my paid program? Do I wanna connect with people in the dms and send some voice notes? Do I wanna send an email to a past client inviting them to work with me again? Right? The options are limitless and I think honestly they're much less important than the fact that you're actually sitting down and doing it. Cuz most of my clients who are existing business owners are fairly intuitive and fairly smart. Good marketers, good at visibility, good at selling. Like is that true? Like are you telling yourself the story? I'm not good at sales, I'm not good at visibility, I'm not.

    Anna Rapp (09:51):

    Or like, are you good at it? You're just not making time for it and maybe you have some mindset blocks around it. Yeah, probably that one, right? And that's why it's super useful to meet with a coach and talk through some of the fears that you might have, some of the mindset blocks that you might have around selling, right? In fact, if you're listening to this, like I want you to email them to me like what are the sales blocks that are top of mind for you right now? Is it that I'm nervous to sign clients and then I'm gonna go on a maternity leave? So what if I, you know, am unable to serve them? Or what if it's that I put myself out there and then people think that I'm spammy or I'm bugging people, right? What if it is it that I you know, I don't really like my business right now, so what if I sign clients that I don't wanna serve, I don't whatever it is, right?

    Anna Rapp (10:37):

    Give yourself permission to clear any sales blocks. But here's the other piece. Any mindset blocks because you know, you know my love, if you actually showed up and sold for one hour a week in your business, you would make a ton of money to be honest, right? And so we have, we wanna make money, but we also don't, we also have a little bit of resistance. We also have a little bit of fear. We also have some blocks around making money, right? And so really getting clear on like what am I most excited about when it comes to making more cash? But also what am I nervous about? I know for me a lot of my money blocks were like, would I be a good mama, right? Would I like, would my business be busier and would I be able to show up for my kids, right?

    Anna Rapp (11:19):

    Would I be able to manage and handle the money? What about taxes, right? Really getting clear on some of those. I know it feels unrelated, but the more clear and clean you can make your energy around money in sales, the easier it's gonna be to do. Because actually doing it isn't that hard. Same thing of visibility. Actually recording a 32nd video on your phone and then putting it as an Instagram reel is not that hard. It's all the mindset around it is what I'm saying valuable. Are people gonna judge me? You know, all of like, what I don't don't like how my hair looks like all that. It's that stuff that makes it hard and heavy, right? And sending you the biggest hug and saying you're not alone in that. So clear those money mindset blocks. Clear those sales blocks cuz that's gonna help you make it easier to show up for your block.

    Anna Rapp (12:08):

    Okay? So your job is to get clear on what is that block every week, what's the container? Is it Monday? Is it two, is it Friday? Is it eight? I don't care when it is, but you need to create that time. And then from there you can refine the strategy in it, right? That's one where we talked about the sales buffet. I also wanna talk about this last lens that I've been talking to several of my clients about in that why I think a lot of my clients have resistance to connecting with potential clients. And this is because it's a different type of energy than serving your current clients. Let me talk to you about this. Okay? So for my clients that are existing business owners, I like, I think about for me, what do I most love to do in my business? To be honest, I love coaching.

    Anna Rapp (12:50):

    I could like be on coaching calls with my clients all day long. I love what I do, right? Same thing if you're a designer, if you're a designer you probably love to design and could design all day long. Here's a caveat. If you don't love what you do, if you're a coach and you are not loving being on coaching calls with your clients, if you're a designer and you're not loving designing, you need to talk with me or you're coach a ssap p because it's probably time to change your business model to be honest. It's gonna make selling so much harder if you don't love what you do <laugh> because you're gonna sabotage it. Why would you, you know, sell people into coaching with you if you don't actually like coaching right now? Why would you sell people into design if you're not liking design? This is a big part of what I do with a lot of my mid-level clients is really making sure they like what they do because it's really easy to blow up your business in a good way with money and clients when you like it, right? <Laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (13:42):

    If you don't like it, you're gonna sabotage every time. And this sounds silly, but this is a huge, a huge deal, right? And so it's making sure that you like what you do because like for me, for example, I love coaching, I love being on my mastermind calls. I love like today for example, I had a one-on-one client. I have a group coaching call for the group program I run and then I have a mastermind call right after this. And I could not be happier being with women, hearing their challenges, holding space, seeing their courage is like, I feel, I feel spoiled to death. Honestly. I feel like I live such a happy life and a big part of that is because I love my business and my clients so much, so much, so much. And if you can't say that about your business, maybe you need to make some shifts, right?

    Anna Rapp (14:30):

    Not that you love your business every single waking moment of the day, but that's super important, okay? I say that to say the energy that I do when I show up with my current clients, is it almost a different energy and persona than when I show up with people that have not yet paid me money? What do I mean by this, right? What I show up on a Facebook Live when I'm recording a podcast, when I am sending a DM to someone that's been thinking about working with me when I hop on a discovery call, right? I enjoy it and I have found joy in that, but I don't like it as much as my current client work. And I think the reason I needed to say that out loud is I don't think people are saying that in the online space. So I think they're making themselves wrong for not really being obsessed with selling, obsessed with visibility, right?

    Anna Rapp (15:14):

    I have found a way to really like selling and to really enjoy it, but I still like my other work better. And you know what? That's a good thing, right? And so what I wanna say is like, it's okay if selling isn't your favorite thing and you're doing it because it allows you to do what you wanna do, right? Selling is the tool, right? Selling. Let me see if I can find a translation to this with motherhood and parenting. There is a lot of things in motherhood and parenting I don't like, but what I do like is what it allows me to do with my kids, right? I don't love you know, in itself like going to, you know, my kids' school plays, but what I do love is that it makes them feel supported, it makes them feel seen and that we get to bond over it, right?

    Anna Rapp (15:58):

    And so really seeing some things, you don't have to love everything in your life or business. Some things are a tool or a resource, right? Sales is a tool visibility. You don't have to like, but some of my clients are like, I hate social media, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But is it, is it a tool to amplify your voice and to sell out your business and make an f ton of money online? It is, right? And so not feeling like everything has to feel perfect and glowy, flowy, right? It's okay for it to be a tool, to be a skill to get to the meat of what you want, right? What's the meat of what you want? Money and clients and impact, right? Sales is one of those tools, right? Anyway, so what I, my point being you are gonna have a different energy with your clients than your potential clients potentially.

    Anna Rapp (16:42):

    And it's okay in not making that wrong. But here's the thing. Often we get in a comfort zone, <laugh>, this happens in mid-level messy middle entrepreneurship sometimes, right? We get in this comfort zone where we we're really brave at the start of our business, but then we're really like kind of get comfortable like serving our clients, working on the backend working like life and business kind of gets really sweet, right? And so it's like, why would I push myself outside of my comfort zone again, right? But I think it's realizing like you'll like it. It's just maybe you've been out of the practice of it for a little while if you haven't been directly selling to your audience. But how I think about it as a different energy is like I see it as like it's in the same energy as when you meet new people, right?

    Anna Rapp (17:26):

    Like I have some great girlfriends and honestly when you have girlfriends that you love, that you've been friends with for a while, you're like, why do I need new friends? Right? <laugh>. But I think every once in a while, and maybe you're in the season where you're like, oh, I kind of do need to meet new people, but like I'm a little bit scared to meet new friends. Or maybe it's a new team member or maybe it's a new nanny, right? It can be intimidating to start a new process again. Like maybe you're like, I, I need, you know, say out loud what's the new human that you need in your life? Is it a new partner, a new boyfriend, right? Is it a new team member? Is it a new friend, a girlfriend? Is it a new client, right? When it comes to exposing ourself to new humans, right?

    Anna Rapp (18:06):

    It takes courage, it takes a different energy and it's okay. Sometimes we have to gear ourself up for it. And that's why I really encourage you to put your sales actions early in the morning after you do your mindset work, right? Because it's super important that we come at it from a clean energy and unattached energy, a hopeful energy. It's gonna take more inertia, it's gonna take more mindset work and it's okay. There's nothing wrong with that, right? There's nothing wrong for like, think about it as, let's say you, you need a new virtual assistant in your business, right? Maybe you've had a VA before but maybe they're leaving you or something for whatever reason or they're not a fit, right? It's gonna take some time and inertia to post online that you need a new VA to you know, sort through the applications and schedule interviews to actually show up for the interviews, right?

    Anna Rapp (18:52):

    To actually pick like, I get that it's a process but here's the thing, at the end of the day, is it worth it? A hundred percent, right? A hundred percent. And I think it's that initial momentum, it's that initial inertia. It takes initial work, it takes initial work to build relationships with new potential clients. It takes work to build relationships with someone that's gonna be a nanny to your kids, right? But we lose sight of the end goal. Like what's the fricking end goal? The end goal is that you're gonna be making six figures in your business in a super aligned way. Is it worth it for a little bit of discomfort? Yes it is, right? And so really gearing yourself up, and again, I think it's like so much in our head because my clients that are making a ton of money online and that are consistently selling you guys, I think we have in our heads that they're selling for like 40 hours a week.

    Anna Rapp (19:38):

    They're selling for like one to two hours a week. You guys in my business I sell in between 30 minutes and two hours a week depending on if I'm like an open card of a launch. It's not that much you guys. We spend two hours scrolling on Instagram, you know what I mean? Like I think we either it's like feas or famine or we like do this thing where we're like, oh, I haven't been selling, I need to go hard. And then we sell for three hours and then we burn out and don't sell for a month. You know what I mean? Consistency my love. So we're talking about consistency <laugh>. So what I want you to think through is this is just and this is how I conceptualize it when I do my little sales hours. I think about it as, and maybe this sounds cheesy to you, but it helps me.

    Anna Rapp (20:19):

    So maybe it's gonna help someone out there, I really believe is like this is my time to shine my light with new humans on the internet. Okay? So for me, I really kind of, this might sound weird, but I kind of have stranger danger. Like I kind of have trust issues. Like I kind of hold all my cards close to my chest, right? And so it takes a lot of inertia for me to put myself out there with new people, which might sound crazy because I'm so visible online, right? But I just wanna say that so you don't make yourself wrong if you're more of an introvert or you do do are a little more skeptical or a little bit more of a private person. I consider myself to be a fairly private person. You know, I mean I've come a long ways, but like giving yourself permission for me that hour when I do my selling or connecting with new people, I really ask myself and I really say a prayer and I really say like, God, as I'm connecting with new humans online, new people that I've never met before, will you help make their life a little bit better because of our interaction, right?

    Anna Rapp (21:12):

    Maybe sometimes they'll buy from me, maybe sometimes they'll hop on a sales call, maybe sometimes they'll tell their sister about me or something. But you know, at the end of the day I really trust that like as I show up and get visible and build relationship, the right people are gonna find me and the right people are gonna work for me. That's work with me. That's what's happened a hundred percent to my day in this business. Six years in, seven years in, right? So what I can do is just show up and I hope that even if this person never buys from me, let's say I offer someone my freebie or I offer someone a sales call, right? Even if they never buy from me, I hope their life is shifted and changed by the light within me. And it sounds cheesy, but I think like at I'm like best case scenario, I'll sign a 10 K client.

    Anna Rapp (21:52):

    Worst case scenario, their life will be a little bit better. Like what's the wrong in that? I think like where people get messed up in their head is they'll be like, what if I show up and do all these sales actions and then I don't get a return for it? In my mind I'm like there is no way that I'm not showing up online for an hour showing up and selling and I'm not getting return for it, right? I just have that confidence to know when I show up and sell, I always get a return always, always when I show up and connect and build relationship with new humans, how am I not gonna get a return? Either they're gonna buy from me now they're gonna buy from me later, they're gonna tell someone else about me. Like all I know is that when I show up and connect and build relationship, it always comes back to me.

    Anna Rapp (22:28):

    It always comes back to me. And I want you to believe that and I need you to believe that because that's where the momentum comes and that's where the detachment comes. Like do you see how detached I am? And that's why my stuff converts like crazy because I'm not like connecting with someone on dms and like, you better buy from me right now or else I'm screwed and you're screwed. I'm like, I'm gonna connect with you right now. I hope you work with me. But if you don't, I truly, truly wish you the best and I'm sending you so much love for your journey. I'm not being cheesy or fake af when I say that. I really mean that, right? Because I know that I'm divinely supported. I know, I know money and clients are flowing my way all the time. And when you have that grounded energy and when you're attached to signing clients but not who the client is, right?

    Anna Rapp (23:12):

    I know that my mastermind that you know is gonna fill with clients, I don't know who it is or which client. My job is just to invite people like crazy and then trust that the right people are gonna join, right? That is the energy I need you to hop on board with. And so what I want you to affirm out loud right now is I trust that clients are on the way to me. I trust that I am selling out, booked out with the wait list that clients and money and cash and is flowing my way, it's flowing my way, but I need to show up and do the selling. But I can be detached in that process. I can trust, I can let go, right? I can just show up when I sell and give light plant seeds, be helpful, be loving, send out energy.

    Anna Rapp (23:53):

    I am telling you in this current, I mean always, but I think in the world we're in an interesting time. And so the world needs more love and connection and light and if you have an excuse to make someone's day better to ask how they're doing to care, people always say like, oh, should I sell or should I whatever or should I, am I caring about them? What if you did both? Like I don't think it's be I all the time will write a sales email that's like directly selling something, but in the process someone will email me back and be like, oh my gosh, this email changed my life. Thank you for the story that you told in there, right? I've had people all the time hop on sales calls with me, not end up buying from me immediately, but get a life-changing result in the process, right?

    Anna Rapp (24:34):

    And so I think it's remembering that sales is service, sales is service. It's not am I selling or am I serving, I can sell and serve, right? It's this black and white thinking that corporate has put us through that is just does not serve us. Same thing with like working with friends. Like people ask like you know, I think, you know, I'm a big fan of like having boundaries in our coaching but I have definitely hired my friends to do services for me and I have definitely had friends hire me to do coaching, right? And so just remembering like it's way more black and white than we give ourself credit for. Okay? So bringing it back to the sales part, it's safe to serve and sell. It's safe to serve and sell. Sales is service. Service is sales. You can show up, you can give your light, you can build relationship, you can connect, you can be kind and encouraging and positive online every week for an hour doing sales actions and your business and life will forever change.

    Anna Rapp (25:24):

    And maybe you've done this before but you've been outta that. Get back into the habit, get back into the habit and get accountability. I think for me there's no way I would do this consistently if I didn't have a coach, to be honest. People say like how do you stay motivated? You don't without a coach. Like I'm just gonna be honest with you and I would love to be that coach for you if you're looking for support around being consistent on sales and money making activity. Because it's the number one thing you should be prioritizing prioritizing in your business. But you don't have to do it alone. You don't have to uncover those sales in those money mindset blocks alone, right? Okay, so back to the client tracker. So client tracker has three tabs. First tab is potential clients and what I want you to be doing is writing on that tab people that you are connecting with that you don't wanna forget, that you wanna follow up with.

    Anna Rapp (26:10):

    I used to feel so cold-hearted when it came down to like writing potential clients pre-client down on a piece of paper. And then I realized like, oh my gosh, I do this for my friends too, right? If it's my friend's birthday coming up, I literally put reminders in my calendar two weeks before to send them a birthday card and then I put a reminder on the day of text them happy birthday, right? Cause I think those women were expected to like keep everything in our head and be perfect and flawless but make it look effortless. Oh my god, that stuff bugs me. You know what I mean? Like and same thing like if I know one of my friends is gonna have a surgery or an operation, I'll put it in my calendar, remember to send them food or whatever. Same thing with potential clients. It's okay for you to write down, oh Nancy had a discovery call with me on Thursday, next Thursday I need to remember to follow up with her and ask if she wants to work with me, right? There's nothing weird or creepy about not having to store everything in our head as women. And I'm gonna get on this for a minute. So here we go. I think the amount of emotional labor and mental load that we're expected to carry as women is insane and or wild. And I think the reason that it is is patriarchy. <Laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (27:16):

    So start using the client tracker to like screw the patriarchy, right? No, but what I'm saying is like it's safe for us to, men have no problem writing down potential clients on a piece of paper. Women we feel like it's heartless, I'm telling you it's not. It's okay for you to write down mental note to self. Don't forget to follow up with Nancy on Thursday, right? Follow up cuz you guys know it takes an average of five to seven times for clients to convert. And so it's okay, how are you supposed to track all of that in your head? You're not. You're supposed to put it on the client tracker. It's 10 bucks. Grab my client tracker, what are you doing? Get it yesterday. And people are like, oh Anna. But the system is too simple. Yeah, but the simple systems work, right? Okay, that's all I would love to hear.

    Anna Rapp (27:58):

    What came up for you around this? Are you doing a consistent sales hour? Are you, if you're not, email me and tell me when you're gonna start doing your consistent sales hour. Number two, if you are already doing consistent sales hour but you're not seeing results from it, then tweak your strategy, then change. Like what are you actually doing, right? Can we tweak and refine that with the data, right? I also want you to think about the lens, the lens of how you look at that connection hour. And I want you to deepen it. I want you to deepen it. I want you to make it a little bit spiritual. I want you to think through how can you use the hour for good because then it starts to be purposeful and then you start to enjoy it, right? Even though I still do enjoy connecting with my current clients better.

    Anna Rapp (28:40):

    Honestly now my selling time is a close second, it's a close second <laugh>. Cause I've seen so much good come from it. I've seen so much light and shifts, it takes a little more inertia for me. But I've seen so much good come out of it that I enjoy it now and that's where I want you to get to eventually, even if it takes a little bit of time. Okay, my loves. I'll put the link to the client checker and just as always, thank you for tuning in. I know there's so many places you could get info online, but know that I do not take it for granted that you're here connecting with me. And I really feel like it's divine. I feel like nothing, you know, is a mistake or accident and I feel like we are connected here for a reason. Whether, you know, you become a paying client of mine, a coaching client of mine, and I get to support and assist you through deeper life changing transformation or whether we just stay friends on the internet. Just know that I do not take a single minute for granted. And just really, really thankful for you.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


Getting Comfy with Undone Things in Biz (to get the results you want!) 


Live Coaching: Visibility for the New Entrepreneur