Live Coaching: Visibility for the New Entrepreneur


Episode Summary:

Hi, friends. I have a great treat in store for you today especially if you are a new entrepreneur in the online space. I feel like as the online space grows, there's not as many spaces that are safe for new entrepreneurs that need high touch, in depth feedback, so I want to be that safe space for you if you have not left yet, left your corporate job, if you're still building your business, if you're not yet making consistent $3K months, would love to be a safe space for you. Today's episode is a replay of a free mini session I did with someone from the Heart Center Entrepreneur community and she is someone that needed help in that new phase of owning a business, especially around overcoming some of her deep seated visibility blocks. So if you are stuck, you're not visible online, you're not really monetizing, tune in for this. It might blow your mind and I hope you can just pretend you're getting coached by me and getting that pep talk.

Topics Discussed:

  • The power of writing down your visibility blocks and sitting with them in order to overcome them 

  • Using a forgiveness letter to move on from past hurts and protect yourself in the future 

  • Training your own voice to become the loudest and setting healthy boundaries 

  • Reminding yourself that it’s safe to get visible exactly as you are and you’re doing this work for you

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp: (00:00)

    Hi, friends. I have a great treat for you in store, especially if you are a new entrepreneur in the online space. I feel like they're, I feel like as the online space grows, there's not as many spaces that are safe for new entrepreneurs that need in high touch, in depth feedback. And I wanna be that safe space for you if you have not left yet, left your corporate job. If you're still building your business, if you're not yet making consistent three K months, um, I would love to be a safe space for you. Please let me know how I can serve you better when it comes to my free content in the podcast. You guys know I have a program getting coach that helps you build your coaching practice from scratch. Um, and today's episode is a session, a free mini sessions I did with someone from the Heart Center Entrepreneur podcast community, um, a 20 minute session.

    Anna Rapp: (00:47)

    And it's, she's, um, someone that needed help in that phase. And so if you are stuck, you're not visible online, you're not really monetizing, tune in for this. It might blow your mind and I hope you can just pretend you're getting coached by me and getting that pep talk. Um, I also wanna say, if you wanna apply for a free mini session with me, um, I'll put a link in the show notes a few times a month. I do a free minis session for audience podcast listeners and would love to serve you and support you that way. Um, and I just wanna remind you that I also have a DIY mini course called Visible Impact. Um, in this session I coach, um, this client around visibility and getting visible online. And you might be blown away with how simple it was and how quickly in 20 minutes we really like snapped into some quick strategy, um, in my online mini course is the same way.

    Anna Rapp: (01:40)

    It's super affordable and it really walks you through being invisible, aligned to being completely, consistently visible in a really non overwhelming way and changes your relationship with social media marketing. Um, I cannot recommend this program highly enough. Um, and so feel free to let me know if you have any questions about it. Um, but I hope that that resource plus this episode will be the breath of fresh air. You need to clear any visibility blocks. In most of the session, we dived into a little bit of visibility strategy at the end, but most of the session was clearing visibility blocks, which is so useful. Whatever phase of business you're in, really asking yourself the question, what's most holding me back at being seen, getting visible, playing it bigger, growing my audience, expanding what's holding me back, getting clear on that. It's such a big deal. I call these visibility blocks. Um, and so as I'm coaching this client around her visibility blocks, I hope you take out a pen and a paper, and I hope you write down whatever fears, concerns, hesitations are keeping you from playing it small, because I want you to grow your business bigger than ever. And how you do that, especially if you wanna grow in scale with courses or group programs or masterminds like I have, right? I always say you

    Anna Rapp: (02:58)

    Don't, don't need an audience to validate your worth, right? Who you are right now with like two followers is the same, an integrity, amazing, badass human being. You're gonna be with 2 million followers, but you do need an audience in order to have a multi six-figure business, right? You don't need an audience to be a worthy human, but you need an audience if you're gonna make massive money online, like that's just the truth of it. You need an email list. You need a social media following if you're going to be having a successful, profitable online business, right? So if we can look at that objectively, right? Like, okay, I'm not a bad human for not having a following, but I do need to do it so that I can make more money. Um, what's holding me back from doing it? Is it a fear that, you know, I won't have as much time to be with my kids that'll be on social media all the time, that people will be mean to me when I post online.

    Anna Rapp: (03:47)

    I don't have anything unique to say, right? I've heard the gamut, . But giving yourself permission to write down those visibility blocks and then like I coach this client through clearing them, releasing them one at a time so that it's easy for you to get visible and make an impact and grow your beautiful business. Um, and it a hundred percent is spot for me. Like, I love the fact that I, now, I batch most of my content and I really feel like I'm not online all that much. And when I am online, I'm watching pacha, the dance videos , right? And so I just wanna say if social media feels complicated or overwhelming, like you're not alone. Push through. Listen to this coaching session. Um, and I hope that it's so useful for you.

    Leslie Benton (00:00):

    Of course,

    Anna Rapp (00:02):

    Sometimes people don't read it and I'm like, <laugh>. But I'm here for the next 20 minutes. I'm all yours. Whatever you need. So tell me what's most on your heart and mind, what you need the most support around?

    Leslie Benton (00:13):

    I, you know, ah, I don't really truly know cuz I'm so at the beginning of this, but I wasn't gonna pass up an opportunity to connect with you. So

    Anna Rapp (00:24):

    Yeah. I'm here for all the newness. Like, I, I love it. So tell me where you're at.

    Leslie Benton (00:30):

    I think, well where I'm at is I am literally just stepping into my own and creating this online world and business and programs and readings and all these fabulous things. Just started learning a little bit of the tech, which is very exciting. And I just, I guess I feel like in the past anything I've put out there has fallen flat. So I don't quite know how to engage people or make it sound like interesting. And what, you know, I do energy work, so it's like a hit or miss with people. They either get it or they don't. And I do a lot of like intuitive, some my readings tend to turn into intuitive coaching just because that seems to what comes up for people. Oh my goodness. Will you excuse me. Whenever I come up and do this, my dog barks if she can't be with me and I up here,

    Anna Rapp (01:25):

    I love it. She's like, mama, you cannot ignore me.

    Leslie Benton (01:29):

    She was eating so I thought I had a chance. <Laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (01:33):

    She can join us. I don't mind. Like kids, dogs, like, they always join sessions. Like that's just a part of our life, right? Oh, Luca, the cuteness, what's her name?

    Leslie Benton (01:44):

    Her name's Mullan, like the Disney princess.

    Anna Rapp (01:48):

    <Laugh>. Mullan. Oh, Mylan. Oh

    Leslie Benton (01:51):

    Hi Muon. She's a

    Anna Rapp (01:53):

    Are you gonna coach with us today?

    Leslie Benton (01:55):

    <Laugh>, if I do this in my kitchen where it's more comfortable and I have a table she's like, oh, you're here to feed me. You're here to give me treats, you're here to let me out. But if I do it up in my room, she just lies down and goes to sleep. <Laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (02:06):

    I love it. Okay. So I'm so glad we're meeting cuz I love working with newbies. Like, I love like where you're at, like it's totally okay. Right. first thing that comes up for me is how are you feeling about visibility, about having your face on social media, giving value, that sort of thing?

    Leslie Benton (02:26):

    I, you know, I just don't feel confident and that's the problem.

    Anna Rapp (02:30):

    Yes. What feel like the biggest visibility blocks or like the biggest, whether they're practical or mindset, like what are the biggest things holding you back from showing up online?

    Leslie Benton (02:43):

    I guess be not, not looking like I don't know what I'm doing because there's always someone that knows more or likes to shoot you down or, you know, for whatever reasons they issues they have, they wanna make it so you don't succeed. And you know, I am just in this place where I'm evolving from being rocked too much by that, but I'm afraid that it'll really set me back.

    Anna Rapp (03:08):

    Yeah. So yes. Okay. So good. Is that okay if we just do, if if we focus here?

    Leslie Benton (03:12):


    Anna Rapp (03:13):

    I think this is gonna be golden. Okay. What are some, let's, let's first like brain dump all your visibility blocks and then we can like pick the biggest one to kind of go deeper on. Okay. So there's a people already out there that know more than me sharing. Someone might shoot me down. Like, what are the other blocks?

    Leslie Benton (03:32):

    Well, and I know this is so superficial, but you know, it's been quite a few years. I quit smoking and went through menopause and I just feel fat and dumpy and <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (03:43):

    Yes. Just

    Leslie Benton (03:44):

    Don't feel like, just don't feel like it.

    Anna Rapp (03:47):

    Yes. Okay. So good. What else?

    Leslie Benton (03:52):

    Let's see. I mean I think those are definitely the main ones. Plus I come from a place of like, it's okay to not be perfect and it's okay to, to stumble or be like, ha but yet I'm afraid that so many people have that perfection expectation that I'm just not gonna, I'm gonna then start to feel like I feel unprofessional.

    Anna Rapp (04:14):

    Yes. Others expectations of professionalism. Yes. Okay. What else? I know you've got a few more, like let's take peek out that we can,

    Leslie Benton (04:23):

    I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking I look, I have a mountain out my window, so forgive me when I'm not staring at you. When I'm thinking

    Anna Rapp (04:29):

    I look out the window,

    Leslie Benton (04:30):

    I like it. I mean it's not very pretty cuz the leaves have all fallen, but I don't know. You can, let me see, see, I dunno if can see it's, you know,

    Anna Rapp (04:39):

    Leslie, that is stunning. That is stunning. It's,

    Leslie Benton (04:42):

    You should have seen it when the fall, it was the most beautiful, colorful, spectacular.

    Anna Rapp (04:46):

    Well, and that's good for visibility, right? I think sometimes it's good to show our face online, but I think our audience also just wants to see behind the scenes of our life, right? Yeah. So it might be you just taking like a little video clip of the mountains, right? Yeah. Right.

    Leslie Benton (04:59):


    Anna Rapp (05:01):

    Okay. Any other visibility blocks

    Leslie Benton (05:10):

    At the mo? I feel like at the moment tho those are all like the top runners. Nothing else is coming to mind. I mean, there's the visual, there's and also just, and this I, and I know better, but people who have been there, done that, there's so many people that do what I do and help develop intuition and pick a card and, and it's just, I feel run of the mill with the content I'm comfortable putting

    Anna Rapp (05:36):

    Out. Yes. Okay. Run of the mill. That's a good phrase. With the content. Okay. And then any other bl here's like one more prompt to see if any other blocks come up. Okay. So if I told you, okay, I want you to take out your phone. I want you to record a one minute video with like a tip and then I want you to post it online. What obje what would you tell me? Like, oh, I can't do that because why?

    Leslie Benton (06:04):

    I just would think I would freeze. I don't even know I would be able to tell you <laugh> anything. I would just be like <laugh>, I'd be like a deer headlights.

    Anna Rapp (06:15):

    I'm not gonna make you do it. But if I, that just helps bring like, what are any other hesitations? You know?

    Leslie Benton (06:23):

    I thi I really fe I mean, I'm sure there must be other things, but those are the main, I think I've hit all the main ones that I feel like I can't seem to

    Anna Rapp (06:33):


    Leslie Benton (06:34):

    Talk myself out of.

    Anna Rapp (06:35):

    These are juicy. Like, and I feel like you have a good intuition because this is very like, it's actually impressive that you Oh, well thank you. You're very self-aware. You know, like you knew these, so I would, so get outta pen and write these down. I'm

    Leslie Benton (06:47):

    Ready. I

    Anna Rapp (06:48):

    Have and some of these just by writing them, they might release, you know what I mean? Like, that might be all the work that needs to be done. But a few of these, one of them we can talk through today. Others you might wanna journal through. Right? Okay. Or come up with a plan for. Okay, so I have number one. Maybe this is a combo people know, other people know more than me, right? Does that feel like the same one as like the content that I write is run of the mill? Or does that feel different?

    Leslie Benton (07:17):

    I feel like it's connected to it,

    Anna Rapp (07:20):

    But different. Okay. So let's put that at the run of the mill is number two. Then people know more than me. Number two, what I write is run of the mill. Who's gonna watch it, right? Number three, people might shoot me down. Is that the same one as other people's expectations of professionalism or is that different?

    Leslie Benton (07:39):

    No, that would be, that would be, I I would put

    Anna Rapp (07:42):

    That into the same category. Okay. So number three is shoot people shooting me down slash other people's expectations. And number four is how I f my appearance, how I feel about my appearance. Because at the end of the day it sounds so wild, but like actually getting visible is pretty easy, right? We record a video, we post, it takes about like two minutes, but it's all this mindset mm-hmm. <Affirmative> that holds us back. So it makes so much sense that we're gonna spend our time here because once we fry all the mindset fish

    Leslie Benton (08:17):


    Anna Rapp (08:18):

    The visibility is the easy part, right? Yes.

    Leslie Benton (08:20):


    Anna Rapp (08:22):

    Okay, so of those four, which do you mostly wanna focus on today? My love.

    Leslie Benton (08:31):

    I think you know, I'm reading it now and I'm feeling like maybe one in three might be kind of, other people know more and shoot me down other people's expectations. Ooh.

    Anna Rapp (08:45):


    Leslie Benton (08:45):

    Feel like they, they connect a little bit.

    Anna Rapp (08:47):

    Okay, so tell me, tell me, list them out to me again. Like the three now that instead there's four, there's three. Tell me the three.

    Leslie Benton (08:54):

    Well other people's may know more and shoot me down and their expectations of the subject. Yep. Well see. Oh boy, right there. Yeah, that would just summarize the whole thing. Run of the mill content and then appearance.

    Anna Rapp (09:07):

    Oh, so and ugh, I am so proud of you. I mean, I know like, I'm so proud of you for knowing and like this is half the battle, you know what I mean? Is like Yes. What's holding me back? Okay, so of those three, which do you want me to kind of process with you? And then you can do the other two on your own.

    Leslie Benton (09:24):

    Okay, thank you. I think other people's opinion, you know, shoot me down other people's expectations. Other people might know more because I think that is gonna be, you know, I could rip the bandaid off appearance and content. It's, that's going to feel like the ongoing thing where I need to not ongoing, I'm not saying that out to the world, but that that's gonna be a little, a little, little few, a few hurdles as opposed to just ripping the bandaid off.

    Anna Rapp (09:48):

    Yes, I agree. And when you were even saying it, like that one felt the heaviest to me. Yeah. Like it felt like you almost approached it a few different angles, but it was like coming back to that core thing. Do you feel like this is, like you've had an experience before where someone has done this? Or is this more like hypothe hypothetical? Sure.

    Leslie Benton (10:05):

    I think both.

    Anna Rapp (10:07):


    Leslie Benton (10:07):

    I think subconsciously I've blocked out a few occasions where maybe I thought I knew something and someone really not in a, not in, in a non-kin way cuz you know, we all make mistakes, but in a non-kin way to the, the malicious cut down, not the, I'm just chitchatting with You didn't

    Anna Rapp (10:27):

    Realize like people have maliciously cut you down.

    Leslie Benton (10:29):

    I, well I mean maybe that's how it feels. Maybe it was their version of tough love,

    Anna Rapp (10:38):

    I mean, but still no, but it, I mean <laugh> like, were were they unkind to you?

    Leslie Benton (10:44):


    Anna Rapp (10:45):

    So I think it's OK to own that. Right? It's okay to say like, Hey, what they did was unkind and not cool. Have you, what are your thoughts on doing like a forgiveness letter or some like forgiveness work around it?

    Leslie Benton (10:56):

    Yeah, no, definitely. That would be a beautiful, a beautiful thing.

    Anna Rapp (11:01):

    Do you feel like your mind tells you like, oh, it's not that big of a deal. Like why am I over that? Or like, what's your self-talk there?

    Leslie Benton (11:08):

    Mys it's funny because my self-talk is I was a little more in victim mode at that time and I'm not really fully in that state now, so it's something I'm leaving behind, but I haven't truly let go of yet.

    Anna Rapp (11:25):


    Leslie Benton (11:26):

    So it's not like, you know, it's, it's a, it's a, it's, it's not heavy. I don't feel like it's an albatross, but it's definitely, you know, once bitten, twice shy kind of feeling like, ooh, what if that happens again? You know? Yes.

    Anna Rapp (11:40):

    Not fun. Right. Do you feel like this is multiple people or it's mostly like one person that was unkind to you?

    Leslie Benton (11:48):

    I mean really only one time stands out and then I just learned how to tap dance around that person so it didn't happen again.

    Anna Rapp (11:58):

    Is this person still in your life or no?

    Leslie Benton (12:00):

    You know they probably don't even remember this part of our relationship. Yeah. They are kind of still in my life. Occasionally we touch on a little bit of work together. Yeah. And I've learned to, they I've shifted. So they've

    Anna Rapp (12:16):

    Shifted. Yeah.

    Leslie Benton (12:18):

    So it's not in, I wouldn't, I don't see 'em doing that now. Yes, yes. But yet it was a lesson in me to remember

    Anna Rapp (12:26):

    <Laugh>. Yes. <laugh>. So I love the idea of you taking time to write a letter and not sending it to them, but just giving yourself permission to say whatever you want to say. Like you're not gonna send it to anyone, right? Yeah. And so really be as like, honest, mean like,

    Leslie Benton (12:47):


    Anna Rapp (12:48):

    Swear like whatever you need to say to be able to have that voice of like, that really hurt me and that was really not cool, you know?

    Leslie Benton (12:57):

    Yeah, yeah. Agreed.

    Anna Rapp (13:00):

    I like that. What would you like to do after your, would you like to read it out aloud to a friend so you can be seen around it? Do you want to burn it? What would I

    Leslie Benton (13:08):

    Was gonna say I feel like burning it and bearing the ashes. <Laugh>

    Anna Rapp (13:12):

    Love a good burn session.

    Leslie Benton (13:14):

    Don't you though? I mean, come on. I live in the country. It's all about fire pits. <Laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (13:19):

    Yes. And then like what comes up for me too is like after you release that pass, like how do we approach this in the future? Like, do you wanna write a letter to like your future self that like how do we protect you internally? How do we give you some in, or maybe even a visual, like how do we internally protect you for the future as you're getting visible? Maybe people are gonna be weird, right?

    Leslie Benton (13:46):

    Hi, you can have whatever you want, baby. Go ahead. Love you. Bye.

    Anna Rapp (13:50):

    What a cute outfit too.

    Leslie Benton (13:52):

    Thanks. She's a cutie. She just turned 13. Wow. I know.

    Anna Rapp (13:58):

    Good job mama. Okay.

    Leslie Benton (14:00):

    So yes, I,

    Anna Rapp (14:02):

    What do we wanna do for the future?

    Leslie Benton (14:03):

    Future? What do we have? It's funny cause I almost feel like releasing it and then just filling that void with positive self-talk and it's almost like then becomes a shield where it doesn't matter.

    Anna Rapp (14:18):

    Okay. I love it. Okay. What's some, okay, close your eyes. What's some of the positive self-talk that you wanna speak over yourself so that like you, I love what you said, like even if other people speak up, it doesn't matter because your voice is the loudest, right? Yeah.

    Leslie Benton (14:34):

    Let's see, what, what is something po what's some, what can I fill it with? Hmm. I guess that's still the work in progress here. <Laugh> you know, like it, it's okay to be me. I'm me and you're you. So it doesn't matter. We're different.

    Anna Rapp (14:55):

    I love that it's okay to be me. Right? I love that too. Like I'm gonna stand out and be visible and it's okay if you have opinions or thoughts about it. Obviously if they're rude you can put up a boundary, but in general we can't control people and No, it's okay if as long as people aren't being mean, people can have their opinions. That's nice. Like it's safe for people to have their own views but you are not creating content for them. Right?

    Leslie Benton (15:21):

    Yeah. Yeah. That's the truth. This part I have to remember, you know, my sole client, soulmate client is really the people that that matter and if it doesn't connect with someone, their words, if they're not kind, don't matter.

    Anna Rapp (15:37):

    And I actually think it's kinda useful because we only want someone paying us and becoming a paying client if they're aligned with us. And so if they find out in the free content that they're not aligned, like great. Like that's a great place for us to like go other ways, right? Yes.

    Leslie Benton (15:54):

    I had one on subscribe and I was like, woo. Cause I was just happy like go be free, go find your people. Yes.

    Anna Rapp (16:01):

    Be free. Right? <Laugh>. Okay. What are some other, I love the idea of what are some other visibility affirmations we can have in general? Maybe not even related to this fear, but just in general so that that's louder than the other noise.

    Leslie Benton (16:16):

    Let's see. I mean really at the end of the day I'm creating it for me and just sharing with others that may connect with it.

    Anna Rapp (16:29):

    I write that down, I share and give visible for me. I share and get visible for me and it echoes to my soulmate clients or something like that. Right. I love that one. I also love just simple ones. Like it's safe to be visible. It's safe to be, yeah. You know, like you said, it's okay to be me. Like it's safe to get visible exactly as I am.

    Leslie Benton (16:58):

    Yes. Yes. I'll have to really sit down and think of some more non-com complex things that would make me feel safe, I think.

    Anna Rapp (17:11):

    Yes, yes. Other ones I love are just like, it's safe for me to take up. It's safe for me to use my voice. Let's see what other, it's safe for me to release other people's expectations. Right? Oh,

    Leslie Benton (17:27):

    That's a good one.

    Anna Rapp (17:30):

    Like my work matters. My voice is important. My content doesn't have to be unique for it to make an impact. Yes.

    Leslie Benton (17:41):

    You know, I, it's so funny because whenever I watch some kind of mindset or learning video, it always becomes circles back around to the next person I talk to. I just happened to watch a grant, what's his name? Grant Coones video this morning and he was like, don't be creative. It's okay to just be because here I'm giving you my stuff, use my stuff. We don't, it doesn't matter. Be simple so you don't have to be flashing.

    Anna Rapp (18:13):

    It sounds like the universe is just like giving this message all over. Totally.

    Leslie Benton (18:17):

    Right? Totally. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (18:18):

    Okay. As we wrap up, you know, I have to ask you. Yes. When are you gonna record your next, you don't have to post it on social media. Okay. But when are you gonna record your next one minute video with some sort of nugget and then send it to me?

    Leslie Benton (18:33):

    Tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. I have a couple of meetings in the morning, but then after that I'm free until three 30.

    Anna Rapp (18:41):

    Should take her. Okay. What do you want it to be on? Like what do you want the one minute? Is it like a tip or a story or like what feels like it could be,

    Leslie Benton (18:50):

    Let's see, I'm torn between tips about energy or tips about like motivation, like self motivate, like self-worth kind of thing. Can we do one of these? That's a big thing that's coming up in my work.

    Anna Rapp (19:07):

    You wanna do one on energy, one a motivation and they can be anywhere from 30 seconds to one minute. Okay. Just one little tip. Well, I feel like the online space, like people are so overwhelmed right now that I think like just one tip, one breathing exercise just Oh my gosh.

    Leslie Benton (19:23):

    One totally what I was just as you spoke, I was like, oh, I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give the tip on how to def overwhelm and how to take a a, a breath when you're overwhelmed.

    Anna Rapp (19:34):

    I love it. Okay, so you're gonna record two short little videos, send 'em to me, I'm gonna celebrate the hell out of you. And then I would record two more <laugh> and then I would just, I would start posting them online. But I think it's kind of fun to give like a little batch that way when you're having like a down day, you still have that content you compose, right?

    Leslie Benton (19:56):


    Anna Rapp (19:58):

    Okay. That

    Leslie Benton (19:58):

    Is my ultimate goal is to get to a point where I have like a toolbox and you know, I could get a few, could could work on other things throughout the day and just dole those out as need be to still remain visible. That's the goal.

    Anna Rapp (20:10):

    I think another good, I mean, yes, I agree with you. Another great affirmation for you is just like, I have the best, like I was just thinking about this as you were talking. Like you have such good energy, like, and I think you underestimate that. So maybe it's even just affirming, like, I have great energy and I like to get not just my teaching, but when I post a one minute video online, I just wanna give out 20 seconds of my energy. I wanna give that gift to the world. Right? Like, and just affirming, like that's enough. Like the world just needs a little bit of my energy. Right?

    Leslie Benton (20:42):

    I like it. See, and it's funny because part of me knows I have good energy and then part of me feels like all the past just internet. So like I'm working release, release, release

    Anna Rapp (20:53):

    <Laugh>. Yes. And you know, I have this affirmation where like, I can make money even on a bad day. I'm not saying you have to be perfect or you can't have a bad day, right? Yes, yes. But it's like overall the big picture of your energy is beautiful. Of course we're imperfect humans and vessels. Right. But I I'm excited to see, just selfishly, I'm excited to see more of your energy online.

    Leslie Benton (21:15):

    Well, thank you. I'm excited too. This is very I, it's funny because when you don't interact, sometimes things disappear on Facebook and you, your beautiful face and smile popped in my head about a month ago or whenever I started getting into group and I was like, I have to go to Anna's group. And I've just been immersing myself in it ever since because I'm like, that's where I need to be so good. Because I feel that way about your energy and it's just, I love it. Infectious. You could tell me about anything and I'll just be like, yeah, I feel great.

    Anna Rapp (21:47):

    I l your people will feel the same way. Okay. Tell me what your biggest takeaways are from session today. Like what's standing out to you? My love,

    Leslie Benton (21:55):

    The biggest session is that, you know, it's funny, I see Dorothy clicking her red slippers, like you had the power the whole time. Like it's just sometimes dusting it off and finding, finding it within yourself.

    Anna Rapp (22:10):


    Leslie Benton (22:11):

    Sometimes you need to dusting just to remember how fabulous you are. I love <laugh> <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (22:17):

    Just dust off those slippers. Maybe you can get yourself some gold

    Leslie Benton (22:20):

    Slippers. I think I might have to <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (22:22):

    Ah, okay. I hope you have a lovely Monday.

    Leslie Benton (22:25):

    You too. I hope you're well. Okay. And yes, have a lovely Monday and I will email you tomorrow,

    Anna Rapp (22:29):

    G I can't wait to see the video. I'm gonna be watching for it.

    Leslie Benton (22:32):

    I'm excited.

    Anna Rapp (22:34):

    Okay. Bye

    Leslie Benton (22:34):

    Love. Thank you. Be well. Bye.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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