Coaching Affirmations for Long Term Success and Confidence


Hi friends. I am so excited to share with you some affirmations for coaches.

So if you are a coach of some type, maybe a health coach, relationship coach, financial coach, or maybe you're a different type of service provider – no matter your niche or industry, I believe these affirmations will help you where you’re at.

In Sell with Heart, I have about half and half – half clients that are coaches and half clients that are done for you service providers, either virtual assistants or website designers or accountants, and I love that. But in my course Get & Coach Your First Client, it is specifically for coaches or consultants because I don't just teach marketing on how to get clients, but I actually teach the backend of how to be a good coach and how to run a coaching practice. So there's training on, coaching tools, onboarding, coaching clients, what to say if your client isn't getting results, like it's very coach specific.

So, because of that, today I wanted to share some specific affirmations. If you are a coach or consultant who is maybe feeling a little stuck right now when it comes to growing, starting, or scaling your business, I have some affirmations that are for signing new clients and some that are on the other end of it about being a powerful coach.

I just want you to ask yourself that question right now – Which do I need to focus more on in my coaching consulting practice?

Do I need to focus on the marketing, the front end of my business, getting more clients?

Or do I need to have a season of looking at things like, how do I improve my coaching skills? 

How do I improve my programs for my clients that are coaches and consultants?

I think they rotate between the two, which is so beautiful – really working on the front end marketing, but then working on the back end. Like how do I make my programs better? How do I refine my offers, right? Which is why in Get & Coach, I include templates for how to onboard clients well, how to retain clients, like all of that juicy stuff because I just think we have to be doing both, and both are what's going to lead to long-term financial success in our business.

If you haven't already grabbed my freebie 12 Proven, Profitable Coaching Niches, make sure you check that out because that might inspire you if maybe you have a business and you're thinking about starting a coaching business to layer on as a new revenue stream.

But let's dive into the affirmations.

Let's start with getting clients:

✨ I am a client magnet.

✨ I am a fully booked coach.

✨ I have plenty of time in my day for my business, my family, my clients, and everything that matters to me.

✨ My success as a coach is inevitable.

✨ Everything is happening at the perfect time.

✨ It's safe to make abundant income as a coach.

Now, onto affirmations for being a powerful coach and really improving your coaching skills in order to deliver once people are paying you money.

✨ I am a powerful coach.

✨ I am a great listener.

✨ I was made for this.

✨ It's easy for me to be present in session.

✨ My clients get amazing results.

✨ I don't always get it right, but I always know how to make it right.

✨ The same grace I give to my clients, I lovingly extend to myself.

✨ I am an amazing coach now and I become a better coach with every session I lead.

Okay, I hope that these were helpful for you, and I hope that you let them sink in.

Remember, the purpose of affirmations is to call in what we know will soon be our reality and I'm just believing in my deepest part of my heart that that can be the reality for you. The more that you affirm it as your truth, the more likely you are to take action to make it happen.

If you want my support in getting all these things to reality, know that I would love to support you in strategy to make it happen. Feel free to join the Get & Coach waitlist, you will save $200 when the doors open. I would love, love to support you in there. If you are a heart-centered woman and you care about marketing with grace and integrity and wanna make full-time money on part-time hours, as a coach, know that I would love to support you in that. 

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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