How Get & Coach Increased Jessie’s Confidence as a Coach

Jessie’s Origin Story

I help women create effective meal plans so they can create sustainable weight loss. Personally, meal planning for me has been a game changer the last couple years, since I was a college athlete. That's when I decided I wanted to make this a business out of helping women create health change through nutrition and meal planning. Since then, it has really just taken off. There's such a need for meal planning, but also to create in such a sustainable way and not another quick fix or a fad diet. 

Why Jessie Enrolled in Get & Coach

I’d been following Anna online for a few years and I really fell in love with the way Anna spoke about making money online and felt like we really connected. 

I had a client here and there but I was needing way more momentum in my coaching practice, I was needing more guidance. I'm an enneagram nine and wing one. So I'm a super big dreamer. I have a lot of dreams, but I need a step by step process to guide me. 

Growing up as an athlete, I was used to having a coach, someone to really guide me along things. And so I knew I just needed that. Reading about this program I was like 1. I love how Anna shows up as a coach, 2. I loved the structure of the program from live calls to a way to have my work personally reviewed 3. I love that this program wouldn’t just help me get clients but help me improve the coaching skills I use with my clients- I wanted some more tools in my toolbox.

I really think this program was divine timing, I was planning to relaunch my business in the Spring and that’s just when this round was starting. Honestly it just made sense and it just opened up a full new motivation I’ve never had before in my business. At that moment of decision I was ready to go all in on fully booking my business. 


The first thing that we did was revamp my signature program. I knew I needed to adjust the program itself so I felt confident I could deliver it well- even on top of my busy day job. Having someone to talk through it was a huge relief. I absolutely love the price, structure and format of my offer now- which makes it so much easier to sell and talk about with confidence- and ironically it actually created more capacity for me because I kept the parts that were important to getting my clients results but dropped the pieces that were an overdelivery. 

Getting Visible

I had my offer but I hadn't promoted or launched it in a while. It ended up being so fun- in fact it was one of the best things I’ve done in my business– there was fresh energy again. It brought me and my audience so much excitement as I found a new level of confidence.  

Having Anna there as my coach through this program brought so much ease to the launch and it felt really authentic to myself too. It was the most seamless launch I've ever done because of all the swipe files, templates and support.

Connecting with Dream Clients

When it came to getting on the phone with my pre-clients, I was so confident in my program that I was really excited to share it with them. It didn't seem overwhelming either. 

I love that Anna gave us permission to shift our call times to when we actually wanted to take calls- all of the structure Anna gave us was so helpful and took away all the overwhelm. It made it do-able even while having my day job and busy personal life. 

I had 20 women apply for my coaching program- and the clients that came through this process truly were dream clients. I had such a great time coaching them for the last three months, they just had amazing stories, amazing breakthroughs. Seeing them progress so fast gave me so much extra confidence in my program and the results can get women in their health. 

It made it so much easier to raise my prices- because the evidence of the value of the program was right there. 

I still have leads and momentum coming from that launch months ago so it’s so nice to still be enjoying the momentum of my visibility- and just feels good to have women interested in what I have to offer. 

In total, I’ve signed six clients since completing Get & Coach. 

Client Results

I am biased, but I have the best clients in the world, and I love working with the clients I have now that I got as a result of completing the course Get & Coach Your First Client. A lot of women are super busy and they don't really know the basics of nutrition because there's so much out there in their culture telling them what they should and shouldn’t eat. So really helping them keep it simple while healing their unhealthy relationship with food. Food is not the enemy and there's no good vs bad food, there's just some that may not be beneficial towards your goals.

There's so many rules out there in our culture when it comes to nutrition, but I want women to feel free! I want to teach women how to fuel their body and have the freedom to eat the things that they love and feel and look how they want to in their body too. 

I have a client who was telling me that she's having family dinners now more with her family and sitting down at the table and just eating and having conversations with her kids and she's enjoying it, while also getting some great results in terms of weight loss, but that also spurred and sparked her to pursue other passions that she's kind of put on the table that she just didn't feel confident pursuing. Now, she's going to try to start a business with her sister and, and it was just so beautiful to see so much more than weight loss. 

Becoming a Better Coach

As a coach myself, I use a lot of the strategies that I learned in the program from the “Coaching Skills Workbook” and also just seeing things I saw Anna model. Naturally I'm a good listener, but I always felt a little inadequate in terms of coaching.  I don't have any certificates or really things like that, and so going over the coaching strategies Anna presented in the program calmed my nerves and made me feel qualified and competent.

A few of the strategies, like the “writing a letter” exercise are ones I really started integrating with my clients in real time and I love that this program didn’t just give me the confidence to get clients but also gave me the confidence to know I can show up for them and get them great results. 

Coaching Best Practices 

On the technical side, I never thought about having a contract before or any of the templates Anna gave us – like if a client misses a session, or what questions to ask them before a session. There were so many different things that I didn't even think about that now make my onboarding and offboarding process smoother and professional for my clients. So that really actually helped. Now I have a folder in my Google doc so it’s so easy to start with a new client. 

This structure of how I work with my clients releases a lot of pressure which opens up more capacity for me as I work with clients. Iit also makes me feel more confident because I have everything in place to give my clients a smooth experience even though I’m busy in life. 

Make Your Business a Priority

Even if your life is busy- you have time for your business, you just have to make it a priority. 

I've been learning how to time block and I remember Anna encouraging us at the beginning of the course to block off time so that’s what I did- I just took an hour on Sundays and got the work done. It was also nice knowing that when I did this on time that I was going to get my work reviewed. 

It was a commitment but honestly not that bad because I really wanted to make this work and I was excited and I really wanted to help my clients and see my business finally get momentum. 

A Community of Coaches

I loved the group calls. I'm all about group and community and learning from other women. It's just great having other women who are going through it with Anna as well, knowing that you're not alone knowing that you're growing a business along these other busy women working towards their dream. 

We all run our businesses really differently and uniquely and, and so hearing other ways that women run their business, do coaching and them sharing their story and being able to share mine- I just loved it. 

I loved having other people cheering me on and encouraging me and knowing that they're there for me and I wasn’t alone in my business- because it can be lonely doing entrepreneurship. It was great to have those same women journeying with you the whole time. 

Moving Forward 

Before Get & Coach, I was having trouble taking ownership of my business. Now, I have a solid one-on-one program, confidence from my clients getting amazing results and all the business and coaching tools I need to keep growing my business. I'm proud of myself for deciding to invest in the program- doing the work and feeling fully in ownership of my business and all the success I know lies ahead for me!

Discussed in this episode:

  • Jessie’s experience as a college athlete and how that informed how she feels about food, nutrition, and meal prepping

  • The importance of asking for help when you’re unsure of your own next steps, but also knowing a certification is not needed

  • Taking ownership of your business and mapping out what is that you really need and want from your business

  • Using the Get & Coach method to not only find dream clients, but create a pool of potential clients ready to work with you 

  • Why structure, workflows, and other business tools can be the key to creating more space for you as a CEO

  • How to timeblock and make your business a priority 


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PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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