How Get & Coach Took Carla from Zero to a Fully Booked Practice

Carla’s Story

I’ve always been entrepreneurial- in fact I own three businesses. 

2 years ago I was finishing up home educating my older daughter as she was headed to college- and I knew I was entering a new phase of life without little ones at home that I'd had for so long.

I started thinking about what I want my life's work in the second half of my life to be- What are my talents? What are my skills? What are my gifts? What do I care about? I started Weight Release recently to work on my passion of helping other women overcome one of the biggest challenges I faced in my life personally with weight in my life and found a huge amount of success. I really wanted to turn around and help other women too. 

Overcoming Visibility Blocks

Since I was new to coaching women around their weight- I struggled so much with imposter syndrome and thinking people weren’t going to believe me since I didn’t have enough client testimonials yet or people through my program. 

That was one of my favorite parts of Get & Coach - that we actually got clients so early on and that direct experience really helped break through my confidence. 

I also came in feeling like my social media content had to be perfect. I'm a perfectionist, I have very high standards. I like everything to be top notch. Visibility sometimes I feel very all or nothing- which is something that I help my clients with in weight loss as well. So one thing that I've appreciated from Anna’s coaching, she taught me to know what was important to focus on and what I could let go- that was so freeing. 

I feel like a lot of the inner work I’ve done over the past decade actually helped me fill my coaching practice too. My work helped me be less concerned about what others thought- and build my inner-confidence, release past stories by rewiring my brain so that I could see the good in me. 

Time to Launch

One of the things I loved most about Get & Coach is how you taught us to do an organized launch. After creating the plan from  your template, all I had to do was show up each day for 10 minutes to do my launch tasks and it felt like it flowed so freely. During the launch I got to be fully present and it was so much fun seeing how big of a response I got! I couldn’t believe it when so many people started filling out the application to work with me – and thankfully I was able to fully book in the process. 

It was the first time in two years I had an actual plan going into a launch and it made such a difference because I felt so peaceful because I knew exactly what I was doing every single day and the content was already written.

And planning wasn’t hard either- it took between one and two to walk through Anna’s process of writing the content and getting the launch plan done, I loved that launch template. It was thrilling, like thrilling to see so many applications come in- some people I was already connected with and I lot of brand new people I’d never met before- they were just finding me from all over. It was so encouraging to be reminded that there is a need for and to really feel deep down in my heart that my work is important.

Adapting to Growth

A major challenge for me during Get & Coach was all the momentum I got! 

Before get and coach I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do one-on-one coaching since I have such a busy schedule- I really didn't have a ton of mental energy and space

But I love how you gave us permission to connect with the applicants on calls on our schedule, and it was neat to see how the people that needed me most got that connection. 

I ended up loving getting on these calls - and couldn’t believe how much these women really trusted me and opened up. Instead of just connecting on social media, it was a completely different world connected to those real humans who were ready for my service. 

I've learned so much throughout Get & Coach and I think for anybody out there who is thinking about it, I am still astounded at how beautifully the program took me from zero to a fully booked coaching practice with all the tools I needed. 

My first clients are about to finish up with me now here a few months later and it’s been so rewarding to see their progress. I love how confident I feel when it comes to not just filling the spaces but supporting my clients. 

Getting Fully Booked

Going into the program I was very concerned about my time and my energy and how many clients I could take on- so it felt like a relief in itself when Anna helped me to get clear on my fully booked number- six clients and it felt even better to fill them all!  

Working with Anna

Working with Anna was such an easy choice – I love how she helps women with clear marketing strategy in business but I also loved being coached by her on my mindset in the coaching calls- and seeing how she coached others was such an amazing experience too. 

Even though I’m focusing on refining my 1-1 revenue stream right now, I know a re-launching my group program is in my near future so I loved learning new group skills and techniques I didn't have before from watching Anna.

Knowing if Get & Coach is Right for You

I loved how organized the program was. It was this incremental process already set up and all I had to do was focus on the simple task each week- and it got me fully booked! Each week was so simple, non-overwhelming and it wasn't too difficult and it wasn't too time consuming, but like you had it set up so beautifully where like you just do this little bit this week and then you do the little bit the next week, and then you do the little bit the next week and it built into this massive, beautiful, complete, coaching program by the end!  

The pace of the program was so do-able even with a busy schedule- we had our coaching call for an hour a week and then the actual work would maybe take me maybe two hours a week- and all of it was momentum building action that truly made a difference in my business. I loved being in Get & Coach.

I have bought some programs that I like, they were just a waste of money because I spent money on them thinking, oh, this is going to fix my problem. But it felt like a lot of busy work with no time to actually get visible or it was just info overload.  Get & Coach was manageable, momentum filled and got me the exact results I was hoping- to fully book my business. It was an amazing experience.

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Discussed in this episode:

  • Carla’s history as an entrepreneur and transitioning into weight loss support and coaching 

  • Common visibility blocks that online entrepreneurs face and how Get & Coach helped Carla to overcome them 

  • Results that Carla helped her weight loss clients achieve (even beyond the scale)

  • Adapting to your new business after becoming fully booked for the first time and knowing your fully booked number

  • How Carla created a completed launch plan in 2 hours and had the most stress-free (and successful) launch to date

  • Carla’s biggest takeaways from Get & Coach and how to know if the program is right for you


PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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