Live Coaching: This client nails her niche in 20 minutes


Episode Summary:

Once you’ve found your niche, it can be difficult to choose and speak directly to an audience that is aligned with your business values and mission. Not only do you want to be speaking to the correct people, you want to ensure that your message is something that will stand out to them and show them that you can provide solutions for the problems they may be facing. On today’s live coaching episode of the podcast, I’m walking Clare Sutton, a new life coach, through the six steps of refining your core message. We’re focusing more on the audience portion, but you’ll hear about every component! Tune in and let me know which of the 6 steps you need to focus on in this season.

Topics Discussed:

  • Remembering that your coaching skills, asking questions, and ability to hold space can help your clients with almost anything

  • The six parts of a core message that will help you refine what you do and increase your visibility 

  • How to niche down on the audience that you want to speak to and that feels aligned 

  • Allowing yourself to do free work with a lot of boundaries while ensuring you’re getting something in return 

  • Overcoming the mindset block that you don’t have enough experience or expertise 

About Clare:

Clare Sutton is a Qualified Professional Coach, supporting women to live their most fulfilling lives, in whatever way that looks for them. With over a decade of experience supporting value-driven people to flourish in the third sector, she brings with her a wealth of people-centred expertise into her coaching practice. She believes every person has all the resources, wisdom and strengths they need to make the change they want, and she is here to help them find it. 

Connect with Clare:

  • Anna Rapp (00:01):

    Okay. There we go. <Laugh>. So these 20 minutes are all yours. Tell me what you most want support around.

    Clare Sutton (00:09):

    Great, thank you. Yeah, so I'm recent. I've recent, very recently started a coaching business. I'm feeling very excited about it. I just qualified, I got my certificate for my diploma last week, <laugh>, so it's all very fresh. And really I, I've been kind of struggling with honing down how to describe what I do in a way that isn't too generic so that it doesn't attract anyone <laugh>. But also not being too specific because I really enjoy working with a range of people on a range of subjects. So it's finding that balance. So even if I don't have a sentence by the end of the 20 minutes, it's finding a way, how can I get to that point? You know? <Laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (01:07):

    I Well, congratulations on your certificate. That's so exciting. How are you feeling about that?

    Clare Sutton (01:14):

    Yeah, really good. Really good. <Laugh>. Thank you.

    Anna Rapp (01:18):

    Did you do something to celebrate?

    Clare Sutton (01:22):

    Yeah, we went out with a nice mail, which is good. <Laugh>. Yeah. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (01:26):

    I love that. I can for sure help you with like the five core elements of a message and see how close we can get to a one-liner. Do you already have something like that though, or no?

    Clare Sutton (01:38):

    No, no, I don't. Yeah, because what, what I've got so far is just very like generic. It's something like I, I support people to create their most fulfilling lives in whatever way that looks for them. Which is nice, but I dunno how like effective that is for actually resonating with people who might need it. So yeah. <Laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (02:06):

    I love it. I love that you have that open heart to help in serve. I wonder too if, so I have like six little areas and I wonder if we can see how many we can get through and then number ones we don't get in session you can do otherwise, right? I do, I'm a big fan of like getting a clear marketing message, but then especially as you're starting your coaching business, not worrying about it too much because as you coach your first paying clients, that kind of informs it too. Like you're like, oh, I love helping that person. Or Oh my goodness, I did not like that topic. Right? So I'm a big fan of like giving yourself a timeline of like, okay, I'm gonna give myself one week, right? Anna and I are gonna create it and I'm gonna do a little more brainstorming, but then I'm gonna pick a message, I'm gonna stick to it for 90 days and then after those 90 days I'm gonna have more data so I can actually shift it in a way that works, right? Because what happened, at least what happened to me at the start of my business is I would shift my message so much. I just wasn't having the data to shift it on. Right. And so what do you think about, so it's Thursday, so by next Thursday, picking one message and having that be your marketing for 90 days.

    Clare Sutton (03:20):

    Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah. Yeah. <Laugh>, I'm very up for trying stuff out.

    Anna Rapp (03:24):

    I love it. Well, my coach told me that I was like 90 days. That's so long. Like, because I think for me, I'm so multi-passionate, but something that she said that really helped me too is like, Anna, this is just your marketing message. Like if we have a water bottle, we're just like marketing this thing. You know, you're not defining you right? Or you're not like you are limitless, right? But you're, this is just a little on-ramp to how people can start working with you. But once they're working with you, you can help them on whatever you wanna help them with, right? But this is just a way to like get people to the door in the first place by like having one clear problem we're addressing, right?

    Clare Sutton (04:03):

    Yeah. Yeah. That,

    Anna Rapp (04:04):

    What are your thoughts about that?

    Clare Sutton (04:07):

    That's, that's really good to think about it like that because I think I've been thinking about it like this has gotta define me and who I'm and what my work is in one sentence that's specific but not too, you know, which is just impossible. <Laugh>. And of course there's onboarding ramp is is nice. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (04:26):

    Yes. And of course there's like overlap with what we actually do behind the scenes and there's overlap with our personality. But for all of my clients, like I think about my clients that are parenting coaches, their niche is like, I'm gonna help you with their parenting, your parenting, right? And of course it helps to niche too because then you're able to like really study and become an expert in that thing. But my clients that are parenting coaches, they also help their clients with their marriage and with their life and with their workout, right? And then my clients that are health coaches, you know, they're also like, and for me, I'm a business coach, but you know, I'm helping my clients like that are struggling with infertility on the background, right? So remembering that your coaching skills and your ability to ask good questions and hold space can really help any, anyone with anything <laugh>, right? And we're gonna like help someone holistically, but it does is kind of useful to have a narrower onboarding ramp.

    Clare Sutton (05:23):

    Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That makes sense.

    Anna Rapp (05:27):

    Do you feel like you have your niches, like I have a freebie that's like 12 profitable coaching niches. Do you feel like of all the big coaching niches, like live coach, business coach, fertility coach, like do you feel like you've already picked your bucket there?

    Clare Sutton (05:41):

    Yeah, I feel like life coach is more where I'm at. Yeah. <laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (05:46):

    So you're already like halfway there, right?

    Clare Sutton (05:49):

    Yeah. Which is progress.

    Anna Rapp (05:50):

    Okay. So then you're identifying like, what part of life do I feel like talking about on social media and writing a book about, right? Like that sort of thing.

    Clare Sutton (06:01):

    Yeah. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (06:05):

    Okay. So the six parts of a core message, I'll email you this worksheet. Are your title, your target audience, the problem you help your clients overcome. I'll email this to you, don't worry. The desired results, and this basically just five parts, your magical approach, right? Or how you approach it in a different way of those five, like which would be the best to walk through in session that you feel like would be the most sticky for you?

    Clare Sutton (06:46):

    The thing, the thing is with the problem and the results, the, I think the results just 'cause there's such a broad range of problems and results. Yeah. I find that to like talk about without just making a list of a hundred things. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (07:08):

    Okay. Great. So let's focus on that. The problem number three, the result number four, and probably a little bit of number two, the target audience.

    Clare Sutton (07:16):


    Anna Rapp (07:17):

    And then you can do the other ones outside of session and could always like email it to me after. I wonder if we do talk about number two first, the target audience because that's going to determine their problem.

    Clare Sutton (07:31):


    Anna Rapp (07:31):

    Right? And then the solution is gonna be determined by the problem. So I, I don't wanna, I always wonder if we do two and three. 'cause If we had the target audience and we have the problem, you'll know the solution, right?

    Clare Sutton (07:43):

    Yeah. <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (07:45):

    Okay. Talk to me about target audience. Like are there a few you're picking between?

    Clare Sutton (07:51):

    Yeah, so, so I I think prefer working with, I don't exclusively work with women, but women more, I feel more comfortable in that realm. And yeah, and then that's where it gets sticky <laugh>. So, so I want to support people who they feel very passionate that, you know, they have one life and they want to live it to their fullest. But there's things that get in the way, like, you know, limiting beliefs or people pleasing, putting other people first and then last, you know, perfectionism, those kind of things that get in the way. So they're very passionate about it and they really desire, you know, that full, full life. But there's things that are stopping them, you know, <laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (08:46):

    That's so be, even like hearing you talk about it is so beautiful. I love your passion and you already have some clarity, right? Women, you knocked out half the population <laugh>. Right? And I love that idea of like someone who wants to live their life to the fullest. I'm a big fan of like having branding words, right? At the end of the day, all coaches are making people happier, but we say it different. One of my clients uses the word I can't remember what it is, something joy, inner joy, right? I really use the phrase happy, boring, dream life. Right? For you maybe it's like living life to the fullest. So I love that is in your message and like one of your things that you just say in like almost every video, every post, right? So that's almost a bonus. That's like a brand word. Okay. Tell me a little bit, just like 30 seconds to a minute, two of like why your story, why you got into coaching, like, why this matters to you.

    Clare Sutton (09:44):

    Hmm. So the thing that really sparked, like when I found out about what coaching was, the thing that really like struck with me was the at the heart of it, there's the belief that everybody has their own, you know, resources and strengths and experience that they can work out their problems for themselves. So it's very nondirective. So it's not at all about me telling you what to do, it's about you working out your own thing. And I think it's that belief in your own control that you have over your life. And I think that's, I feel very passionately about, about that. Just throughout my life I've always felt very passionate about people, you know, advocating for themselves and feeling that autonomy and control over their own lives. So yeah, and that's something that I've strived for as well. So yeah. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (10:49):

    Was the, this is like a more personal question. This is, okay. Was there a time in your life where you felt like you didn't have that autonomy or control or self trusts and you wish that you could have had that?

    Clare Sutton (11:01):

    Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think just like as women generally, we are taught to kind of, you know, accept what you have, serve other people, not necessarily like ask more <laugh>. So, you know, and I think that's, that's just something that's, that was ingrained in me I think as well. So yeah, definitely. Yeah, <laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (11:33):

    I love that you're turning that around and really like redeeming your story and looking at a way of like, how do I give this gift back to other women that's really changed my life so much, right? Mm.

    Clare Sutton (11:43):

    Yeah. Yeah. <Laugh>. But it's an ongoing process, isn't it? We're never finished product,

    Anna Rapp (11:49):

    Never. And it's safe for us. I love this affirmation, right? It's safe for us as a coach to have our own process, to have our own journey to like take two steps forward, one step backwards, right? Like to have our own coaches and therapists and also help other women on their journey too, right?

    Clare Sutton (12:04):

    Yeah, yeah. Yeah. <Laugh>

    Anna Rapp (12:07):

    So beautiful. Okay. So women for sure as a target audience, helping women live their life to the fullest. Like when you think, when I think about women in general, I encourage my clients to like another big, like a big bucket is like women or men, right? Another big bucket when we think about women, like when we're listening about big buckets first and then tiny buckets, another, there's other big buckets like, you know, women that have corporate careers, women that have their own businesses. Like which of those buckets are you feeling more called to between the two?

    Anna Rapp (12:48):

    Then we can go micro after that.

    Clare Sutton (12:51):

    Yeah, it's hard to say.

    Anna Rapp (12:57):

    I mean we know you could help both, but let's just say you could, you know, let's say you are, you're gonna have unlimited clients, unlimited money, unlimited business for the month of August. I'm either gonna have you coach five women helping them live their life to the fullest in their business owners or helping five women live their life to the fullest and their corporate women. Which would you pick?

    Clare Sutton (13:24):

    Oh, it's a really hard question to answer. 'cause I'm not sure like the distinction I actually, if I was forced to choose, I'd say women who have their own business as opposed to corporate just 'cause they're on that journey of stepping out and doing something on their own and you know that kind of thing. So I guess if I were to choose then that would be, that would be, yeah.

    Anna Rapp (13:56):

    Yes. So this is some of the super stuff that we have to do is like start choosing, right? Another umbrella you can pick is like women who have children and women who don't have children, right? Again, there's nothing wrong with women in corporate. There's nothing wrong with women in business. There's nothing having children not but doing this. What it helps us do is when we create content online, when we met, when someone googles us, it just helps us to know what problem to solve, right? Because these women just have different people pleasing and perfection. Like they all have different outcomes based on our lives, right? What about the mom versus non mom one?

    Clare Sutton (14:36):

    See, I, I would love, well I'm not a mom yet, so I feel like I, I dunno, that's, that's always been my hesitancy around you know, doing something for moms. But I definitely would like to <laugh> yeah, <laugh> because I think moms could do with a lot of yeah. Support and <laugh> and stuff. So, yeah.

    Anna Rapp (15:03):

    So that one, this is interesting, like as I asked you those two questions, it was even, it was easier for you to answer the first one. Like the first one you were like, I don't wanna pick, but if I did, it would be the business owners because they're already on that journey of breaking out, breaking through, breaking free, right? For the mom one you're like, well, I'm not a mom so obviously I can relate to non moms, but like the moms I wanna help because they really need this. So, you know, I would just continue to ask yourself those questions this week and almost forcing the decision and seeing what it feels like for you and which you're able to latch onto. Like that first one you actually latched on, right? So that's a great distinction too is so maybe we've already narrowed to like women and business owners, right? Perhaps the mother thing doesn't matter so much. Mama or not mama. What's another question that we can ask you that's like a big bucket? Anything come to mind?

    Clare Sutton (16:03):

    Potentially around like introvert versus extrovert? Like, I dunno, <laugh>. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (16:08):

    Okay, let's, great, let's ask you, and let me ask you that question to you. What about if you had to pick five introverts or five extroverts, what should you pick?

    Clare Sutton (16:17):

    Introvert <laugh>. Okay,

    Anna Rapp (16:18):

    Tell me why.

    Clare Sutton (16:20):

    Because I think I'm an introvert, mainly leading on the introvert side. We all have a mixture, don't we? But and I think, you know, generally the world is set up a lot more for extroverts, so it can be harder for introverts to kind of flourish sometimes I think, and have spaces for introverts. So yeah, I think I would feel more comfortable working Yeah. With introverts.

    Anna Rapp (16:45):

    That's so beautiful. Okay, so let me ask you that question again. Okay. What's another bucket? What's another question I can ask you? Is there another bucket question I can ask you?

    Clare Sutton (17:11):

    I dunno about buckets, but like, I feel very drawn to working with people. Like I've got quite a creative streak in me and in my past and I've worked in the arts and things like that. So I do like working with people who are quite creative and kind of, you know, innovative <laugh>. And because I come from like a, a charity background as well, people who are passionate about making the world better as well. So there's something around like creative people, creative women as well.

    Anna Rapp (17:52):

    Okay. I need to write these down because you're coming up with your niche faster than I can write. This is so good. Okay.

    Clare Sutton (17:59):

    Like creative and like value driven or, or like socially.

    Anna Rapp (18:06):

    Okay. I have good news and bad news for you. Are you ready? <Laugh>?

    Clare Sutton (18:10):

    Yeah. <Laugh>, your good

    Anna Rapp (18:11):

    News is you actually have a great niche. Like you have a lot of clarity and in my opinion, you have enough cla clarity now to go collect data. What I mean by that is, like, as coaches, how we collect data is by doing coaching, right? So I love the idea of you finding ten five, I don't know how much margin you have in your life right now, but like the best thing I did at the start of my business that people think is kind of wild is like I did so much free coaching in with lots of boundaries. And I coached three people for free for three months, even though I was like a therapist and make charging a lot of money for that, right? Three people for three for three months. And then I did a ton of free coaching calls. Like, that was the biggest gift to my business on my lands, number one, because I'm a good coach.

    Anna Rapp (18:58):

    So like, people were happy and they were like, how do I keep working with you? Right? but also it gave me a lot of confidence and clarity around like, I do like this, I don't like this. Ooh, this. Like, I just kind of got messy in the coaching, right? So I What do you think about, obviously you have a week to like firm up the other parts of your message, but then really go for 30, 60, 90 days coaching a lot of women in this message, business owners who are introverts, who are innovative and creative in some form, who wanna make the world a better place. We can ask them and we can, once we're working with them, you can even ask them, what's your biggest problem? Mm-Hmm. Right? We want them, we want the creative, innovative business owners in your life, in your business, what's your biggest problem when it comes to living your life to the fullest? And they'll tell us, right? What are your thoughts around that?

    Clare Sutton (20:02):

    Yeah, yeah. That that sounds really good. Yeah. Yeah, it sounds good. I like that idea a lot. Definitely. Definitely. 'cause I, I have been coaching various different clients, but I haven't been doing it in such an intentional way to focus on that particular niche. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (20:27):

    So being really, like obviously in my program getting coach, I talk about this like how to do free work with lots of boundaries, but I'm a big fan of like, just being very picky, making sure you're getting something back from the free work you're doing. Right. Whether it's testimonials, whether it's pitching them at the end, you wanna keep working with me, right. With whether it's like, Hey, I need you to be this sort of person if you want free coaching 'cause I wanna experiment with these type of people. Right. okay. Tell me as we wrap down session, tell me like what's most coming up for you around all this?

    Clare Sutton (21:04):

    Hmm. I think it's just actually not being afraid to kind of lean into some of the things that I think <laugh>. Like, I like things around the introversion and the creativity. I've kind of been stopping going into, leaning into that. For some reason, I dunno what, but

    Anna Rapp (21:30):

    What if you didn't know the reason? What would it be?

    Clare Sutton (21:46):

    I think, I think just feeling like I'm not an expert in those areas, so to say, oh yeah, I work with introverts and creative. Like, I don't have any like specific expertise in that, in that area. So that would be my hesitancy.

    Anna Rapp (22:02):

    And what, what would you say back to yourself on that?

    Clare Sutton (22:06):

    Well I am creative and I, so that's one thing. And I've worked in and I have worked in creative sector before, so yeah, that's something <laugh>

    Anna Rapp (22:19):

    So that's something you're innovative and what better person to talk about introversion than an introvert, right?

    Clare Sutton (22:26):

    <Laugh>? Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (22:27):

    Yeah, I think too. Okay. I have some homework for you. Is that okay?

    Clare Sutton (22:31):

    Yeah. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (22:32):

    So number one, the messaging worksheet, we already nailed number two, which I think is honestly the hardest part. The rest are gonna fall from that. And then just telling yourself like, I can make an imperfect message because I'm just gonna make my best guess, gather data for 90 days and then after the 90 days I can totally change it up. I can be like, I was wrong. I don't wanna work with business owners, I wanna work with corporate women. Right. But we won't know that until we work with a ton of business owners. Right. and to be honest, I still micro shift, shift my message and my business. It's just something that changes over time. Right. Okay. So

    Clare Sutton (23:12):


    Anna Rapp (23:13):

    What'd you say?

    Clare Sutton (23:14):

    That's okay to shift, like, yeah, <laugh>. Yeah, I do

    Anna Rapp (23:20):

    Think it, yeah, go ahead.

    Clare Sutton (23:23):

    I was just gonna say because there's like a, oh well I've been saying this for three months and now you're saying something else. So what's going on kind of thing. <Laugh>,

    Anna Rapp (23:32):

    I think it's, I mean, I don't think we wanna like shift it every day, right? But the thing is, most of us develop different products in our business that solve different problems. Like, you'll hear me when I'm launching, get and Coach your first client. I'll really talk to coaches, right? When I launch my mastermind is for coaches and service providers. So then I talk more about selling ideally all of our, our, we're not like swinging really wide, but I think it's normal in business to have different topics, different messages, and to have it like lightly evolve over time too.

    Clare Sutton (24:05):

    Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's true. Killer <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (24:09):

    Okay, so you're gonna do messaging worksheet, and then I also have a worksheet called three messaging blocks. And that's really fun journaling around what are the three things keeping you most stuck in your messaging. And then I have another one for visibility too, right? Kind of like what you brought up here, which is like, am I an expert? Like, can I do put a video for tips on introversion? Like, you know, will someone judge me? Right? And so allowing yourself to write down your biggest messaging blocks and then also your own solutions there too.

    Clare Sutton (24:42):

    Yeah. Cool.

    Anna Rapp (24:44):

    Because you have really good answers. Like you answered yourself better than I could have when you were like, you know, am I really an expert? You're like, yeah, but actually I do have something to say, right,

    Clare Sutton (24:55):

    <Laugh>. Yeah.

    Anna Rapp (24:58):

    Okay. So when do you wanna finish both of those worksheets by probably like 30 minutes each.

    Clare Sutton (25:06):

    Yeah. I think by next Thursday is a, is a good goal.

    Anna Rapp (25:12):

    And then from there it's out of the books and into action. Like in, I know you've already done some of the coaching, but into more of the actual coaching, right?

    Clare Sutton (25:23):


    Anna Rapp (25:24):

    Okay, so we'll, so basically like August one through August, September, October, November through November one. And let's imagine for a second that version of you on November 1st is looking back on you August one, what pep talk or encouragement does she wanna give you today?

    Clare Sutton (25:51):

    <Laugh>. just go for it. <Laugh>. Don't, don't let yourself get, anyway.

    Anna Rapp (26:05):

    Okay. I love that. Okay, I'm gonna write, tell me two more things. Go for it. Don't let yourself get in the way. What else?

    Clare Sutton (26:17):

    Stay positive and curious.

    Anna Rapp (26:24):

    Okay, one more question. I want you to think about a younger version of yourself, maybe six or eight or 10 or 14. And she's seeing you now and she's so proud of where you are. What reminders does she have for you over the next three months as you're taking some brave action? Vulnerable, messy action.

    Clare Sutton (26:48):

    Oh, what she's saying. Oh I think it's like no, this is, this is like, you've done so much already. You've got this <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (27:16):

    Oh. Like she's kind of in awe of you. Like what? I I became a really cool woman, right?

    Clare Sutton (27:24):


    Anna Rapp (27:24):

    Okay. What did she say? You've done so much already.

    Clare Sutton (27:28):


    Anna Rapp (27:31):

    What else does she say?

    Clare Sutton (27:33):

    You've got this's

    Anna Rapp (27:38):

    One more thing.

    Clare Sutton (27:52):

    Everything good happens when I push myself outta my comfort zone. That's when all the good things <laugh>.

    Anna Rapp (27:59):

    Yeah. No. Isn't it just the most annoying truth? It's so true. Everything good happens when I push myself. I'm writing these for you.

    Clare Sutton (28:09):

    Oh, okay.

    Anna Rapp (28:12):

    Yes. So in the next 90 days when it is uncomfortable or what it, you don't have to make yourself wrong, you could be like, of course it's messy because this is what I signed up for and this isn't forever, it's temporary, right?

    Clare Sutton (28:25):

    Yes. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. There's nothing that could undone.

    Anna Rapp (28:30):

    There's Oh, I love that one too. It's so true.

    Clare Sutton (28:34):


    Anna Rapp (28:35):

    Okay. Okay. Third homework assignment is to put these as sticky notes around your,

    Clare Sutton (28:41):


    Anna Rapp (28:43):

    Okay. My love. Really proud of you. Cheering you on and check in with me on Thursday, so I know you did it all. Okay,

    Clare Sutton (28:50):

    Thank you so much.

    Anna Rapp (28:53):

    Good Thursday.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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