Number Crunching to Six Figures


Episode Summary:

Hi friends, get out your calculators, get out your spreadsheets, get out your sticky notes because we're going to do some number crunching today on the podcast. This is something that I nerd out about with my clients because it’s so important to be strategic with every facet of our business. When it comes to numbers and finances, it’s KEY to have structure around this and feel safe when you’re talking about numbers. This episode is going to help you approach your business with more confidence so that you can find MORE success.

Topics Discussed:

  • The importance of having confidence around your finances and continually crunching your numbers and tracking metrics

  • Giving yourself the permission to allow your business to feel real, legitimate, and knowing it can do powerful things.

  • The exercise, 3 Ways to Make $100K, and how it can apply to whatever your current goal is

  • The reminder that you’re in charge and you can design the exact business model you want

  • Why Anna decided to keep her high ticket program more affordable than industry average

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:02):

    Hi friends. Get out your calculators, get out your spreadsheets, get out your sticky notes cuz we're gonna do some number crunching. <Laugh>, I'm giggling, but something you may not know about me is with my clients, we do a lot of calculating and number crunching. I consistently am taking out my actual, I have a little calculator and I calculate and number crunch and I, I think it's so important that we talk about this because yes, I know that when you decide to do so with our mastermind, you appreciate seeing behind the scenes in my business and getting my energy and all of that. But like really we're here to like crunch numbers and talk data and get at it, right? I think it is important that we're strategic. That's why every quarter we do a business planning session and we literally take out our calendars and you map out what you are doing when it's why, you know, I have a sales tracker spreadsheet so you can track that you're actually showing up and selling in your business.

    Anna Rapp (00:58):

    So you have accountability there, right? I think it is important to have that structure and talk through the numbers and feel safe and supported doing that because for a lot of us that can feel like bring up a lot of imposter syndrome. Like who am I to be making this so official, right? Like when I encourage my clients to like open up an official business banking account, it's like, well yeah, what if it just brings up so much imposter syndrome and like, yeah, what if I do that and this doesn't work anyway and I waste my time, right? And I just wanna say you, you deserve, your business deserves for you to take her seriously. She wants to be taken seriously, right? And the more serious you take her, the more success that you'll find. So I really want you to ask yourself, how can I approach my business with more confidence knowing that it's gonna be successful?

    Anna Rapp (01:43):

    Therefore, like why wouldn't I do some of these things? Why wouldn't I number crunch? So I wanna talk about one of the ways that I help my clients and sell with heart number crunch that you can try today. But I also just want you to ask yourself this question in general where Liz, like what can I do to make my business more official? Because it is, right? I think it's really interesting when I was going to get a loan for my house that I bought, the loan officer was asking me like a ton of extra questions and at first I kind of like took it personal. Like I'm like, excuse me. Like would you be asking this question if I were a man or had like an in-person business? But I think then what I later realized when I journaled it, <laugh> was I think it's just new, right? Having an online business really is new in the landscape of businesses. And so because of that, I think it feels maybe less real. But guess what? It's just as real. And I can tell you as real as the beautiful, you know, $675,000 house that I purchased sitting in that I bought a hundred percent with my business money. Like it's real. It's real money. Your business is legit, it's real. It can do real powerful things. So I just think it's like grounding into that. Okay, so this exercise is called

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    Three Ways to Make a hundred K. And this is similar to a exercise my coach Lacy Sys had me do when I was working on my first six figures. And I really think it is so imperative if you are in that place of working towards your first six figures and the premises, giving yourself flexibility when it comes to brainstorming your business model and brainstorming three different ways to get to six figures in your business. Right now I'm working towards the million dollar mark, right? But so this exercise can apply to whatever it is your goal is, but I really recommend if you haven't hit six figures yet, asking yourself what are three ways I can make a hundred K, right? If I did all one-on-one clients, whether it's done for your or coaching, how many clients would I have to see? What would that look like?

    Speaker 2 (03:43):

    What would I have to charge? Playing with that, right? Playing with a business model where you're doing all leveraged work, right? Wa b it's a little bit of d i y courses, maybe it's a little bit of group program stuff. How many clients would you have to have? What would you have to church? Then I want you to play with another model that's a hybrid, someone on one client, some group clients. Anyway, the point is that I want you to start literally seeing on paper, oh, this is how this can become a reality, right? Number one, so that your mindset can latch onto the fact that this is true. I told one of my clients the other day, she was feeling like this. Everything felt like a big risk and it felt really scary. And I was like, literally, this is really calculated and not very risky at all in the sense of like you're just taking one foot in front of the other and executing on this plan.

    Speaker 2 (04:32):

    And I think having those numbers does that in the biggest way. And so I'd really challenge you to put pen to paper, take out your calculator and make it fun, right? Make it exciting and really play with these three ways to get to that next point. And then obviously you pick the one that's most aligned for you and you start taking action towards it, right? But I think along the way, like let's say you're making like 5K months, right? And you pick one business model, you start working towards it. Like the point is that you're moving forward towards the a hundred k. You may try on different things on the way, but I think what this does is it helps you move forward with confidence knowing that you have choice and freedom and option. A lot of my clients, I notice, I see them shrinking back when it comes to selling out their programs when they feel like again, being sold out would restrict them or restrict their freedom or schedule when like that's why they started their business in the first place.

    Speaker 2 (05:22):

    So I think this just really reminds you like no, you're literally in charge and you literally are here to design your exact business model to get you to a hundred k to get you to 200 k, to get you to 400 k to get you to the million dollar mark. You are designing it every step in the way because you are in charge. And I think we forget that <laugh>, we forget that like you literally are making it up. And the reason I love that this is three ways to a hundred K and not 17 because like there literally are like 17 ways, right? But I think it's just like for me, there was something this morning that I was journaling on on that I was stuck around and I literally in my journal put like option 1, 2, 3, right? Because again, as we're designing our dream life and as we're designing our dream business, there are literally infinite options and that's wonderful.

    Speaker 2 (06:09):

    But guess what? It's also super debilitating, right? I saw a funny quote online that was like, we want so bad not to have a boss, but then when we don't have a boss, we're like, we want a boss. Tell me what to do, right? And I think what I've seen help my clients is just giving ourselves options, right? Options. That's why I love that. My mastermind too when I like, I'm like, okay, here's three ways you could do it, right? And then my clients pick one of the three, right? It's be, it just reduces that decision fatigue, right? We have so such an open plate. Okay, so my challenge for you today is to come up with three ways to get to six figures, bonus points for sharing it with me. I would love to see it. And I know again, there's so many options within that, right?

    Speaker 2 (06:53):

    You're like, well how much do I charge? I don't know. Pick a number, right? I, when I do this exercise for myself, I like to do it at the rates I'm charging now. And then I also like to play with it at like, oh yeah, if I doubled my rates, I could see half the clients and make the same amount of money. How does that feel? Right? Obviously we wanna like co-create our prices for what we feel like is appropriate for our clients, right? Like what I churchly sell with Heart Mastermind, I actually feel like is really low compared to what I see other women charging in our industry, but it's because the, the women that program is for are not yet hitting six figures in their business are not yet hitting 8, 10, 12 k months. So you're really managing a lot of expenses and investments.

    Speaker 2 (07:37):

    So I wanna keep it affordable to be honest. I want it to be a stretch, but I also want it to be a program that feels like you can buy it while you're getting to six figures and not the pressure to like have to get to six figures to have to afford the support, right? So I think like our pricing, we wanna play with what feels good to us, what feels right for the market we're serving, but this is just a great playground. I also would set a timer for 30 minutes, will you do this exercise? Because the point isn't to have this perfect business model nailed and you're never gonna change it till you get to six figures. You are gonna change it, it is gonna shift, right? Because you're gonna work towards it and then you're gonna have aha moments and then you're probably gonna do the same exercise again, right?

    Speaker 2 (08:18):

    So give yourself 30 minutes to see how far you can get when it comes to brainstorming these three business models to six figures and then share with me after 30 minutes really set the timer and let that be enough. We do this exercise in cell with heart and I really feel like it helps women start to grasp onto the like six figures as possible for me, not just mindset wise, but strategically like it actually practically pencils out on paper in a way that doesn't encroach on my value to be heart centered, to show up for my people, for my clients, for my kids for my life to be able to travel. Like whatever is that value for you. We're not, you're not gonna make six figures if you feel like six figures conflicts with your values, but I just wanna remind you that making six figures can magnify your values, it can give you more freedom, it can give you more margin for your babies, right?

    Speaker 2 (09:12):

    Okay. Do this exercise like I know it can be so easy to like listen to content and not execute, but like this is what I actually want you to do and I would love you to send it to me so that I can cheer you on if you are a client of mine. Of course, you probably have already heard this exercise, but you are welcome to send me a fresh three ways to whatever is your goal through ways to 250 K, right? And just really use this as an exercise to brainstorm. And of course you know that I love to dive in and comment and give you detailed feedback in that case. Okay? I can't wait to hear from you. And if you want support getting to six figures, if you want support crafting those models, picking which one feels most aligned for you and actually taking action to hit it, know that I would love to have you in the Cell with Heart Mastermind. Feel free to apply. That's your next step if you're interested. It's just a few journaling questions essentially that helps me get to know you better. And then I will tell you if this program is a fit for what you need to get to six figures and beyond here for you. Grateful for you. Have a great day.

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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