Your Happy Boring Life (New House Update!) 


Episode Summary:

Hi friends, this is the first episode I am recording in my new home – I’m actually recording it on my phone because I don’t have my podcast mic set up yet. But this episode is really just a check-in as I share the tiny miracles and change that I am currently celebrating after the purchase of the home which, as you know, is a manifestation that is years in the making. I’m so thankful for you as you’ve been by my side throughout this whole journey!

Topics Discussed:

  • What it means to create a “boring happy life” and why this isn’t something to be ashamed

  • Focusing just as much on who we work with as the actual work that we are doing

  • Miracles that Anna is celebrating as she’s living in her new home and shedding the fears that come with it 

  • Allowing yourself a period of sustainability and rest after a period of growth 

  • Our role as Heart Centered Entrepreneurs in serving our clients and showing up online 

Episode Resources:

  • Anna Rapp (00:00):

    Hi sweet friends. I'm recording this podcast episode from my new home and I just wanted to share this special moment with you because this is definitely the biggest thing I've manifested today. This stunning house for my kids and I with an amazing backyard, really close to my parents so they can support me. And it just feels so magical. And so I thought like what a better place to record this episode from. And I just wanna like bring you with me because whatever it is, that's the dream on your heart. I just talked to someone this week that they're dreaming of owning a farm, you know what I mean? Like I feel like a lot of my audience resonates with the term like boring, happy life in the sense that like our version of success might seem boring to some people, but for me, for you it likely has to do with spending more time with the humans You love being flexible in your schedule, having freedom to do what you wanna do, working with really kind humans, you know, like I was telling you another friend, I'm like, it kind of sucks that we have to work right as humans, but if we have to work, we might as well be doing work we love with amazing clients.

    Anna Rapp (01:06):

    I feel like all of my clients are like soulmate sisters. My team members really are. I just thank them this morning on base camp because yes, they work for me and I feel like they're team leader, but I also feel like they're the most of IB coworkers. And I don't know if you've worked in a job before that you hated, but my guess is is not so much what you do, but who you work with. And so I just feel so lucky. So lucky pinch me, lucky. And I want that for you too. I want a beautiful, vibrant, peaceful life, you know? So I would love for you to say out loud right now, whatever it is that's on your heart that you are wanting to manifest next. What's that big dream that maybe you don't even allow yourself to fully say it because you're afraid?

    Anna Rapp (01:48):

    Like, what if it's not possible and then I say it and then I don't get it and then I'm disappointed. You know, I did a podcast episode a few weeks ago about you know, bigger manifestations and kind of broke that down. So this is a continuation off that. But I just hope you give yourself permission to, whether it's a house or whether it's more traveling or whether it's paying off your debt or whether it's, you know, doubling your, you know, investments so that you can have a massive 401k. Like just give yourself permission to dream that. I'm hoping this summer to do an in-person workshop here at my house in San Diego. Just a small one. And so if you live in San Diego or interested in traveling, make sure that you message me and reach out because I do this thing with my clients called a Dream Day, where I really help them take a pause from the world and unlock some of the visions in their heart. And I could not be more thrilled. It's been like three years since I've done something in person, so, so excited for that. DMMI if you want more information, but I just wanted to say like some little tips and thoughts as I'm moving into this house and what it's been like and just share just privately some of my story. By the way, if the audio is weird,

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    That's because I am recording this on my phone cuz I don't have my mic set up yet. But just such a good reminder for you too. Like if you have a podcast like we have such an amazing tool on our phone, like don't let it hold you back. Like use your phone to record if you need to. And if you've dreamed of having a podcast and you don't have one yet, give yourself permission to record a 30 minute, 20 minute voice memo from your phone. Number one, you can use that as a podcast when you create one. But until then, what I used to do before I had a podcast, I would just record a voice memo from my phone and then I would upload it to Google Drive and then I would share with my audience via email. You know what I mean? Like don't let that hold you back.

    Speaker 2 (03:40):

    Okay, I digress. So I'm so grateful because I actually moving into this new house, I was a little worried about feeling safe cuz I'm someone that's like a little bit of a worry war obviously cuz a little bit of my background, but I've always been that way and it was such a miracle that like since I moved in this house, like I've never felt safer in my life before. And honestly like where we rented before was probably technically safer than where my house is cuz my house is in kind of like an urban area. But I have felt such safety. So many of you I've made like a little Google form and like 50 of you wrote a new house busing for my house. And so I read all of those prayers, I read all of those positive thoughts and just feel so your energy and there's just something amazing.

    Speaker 2 (04:29):

    Like I wrote my coach before I moved in because I'm like, you know, I was so nervous about this even though it's like a huge uplevel, like we have a huge backyard for the kids now, right? Like change is hard. And I had so many fears like that fear of success, right? For me when I started my coaching business I was like, I'm super excited to coach but what if when I start my own business it makes me a bad mom, right? Or what if like all this things of like what if when it works? And so I think for me moving to the house I was really nervous about like, will I feel safe living on my own as a single mom? But like I have slept for the last three nights better than I've slept anywhere else at any other place. And that for me, that's amazing <laugh>.

    Speaker 2 (05:12):

    And so it's just a reminder like as you have these fears around your desires coming true, just a reminder that like sometimes it won't even come true at all. You know what I mean? So it's just been a big blessing to be in this space and I already feel like such an uplevel. And I'm excited to take you with me. I feel like for me, like as God calls me to do big brave things, it always comes with my clients seeing massive whims and up levels and I've noticed that several of my clients like had their first 20 k month had their first 40 K month. Like it's just so fun to see and just reminding yourself, I think we can get into seasons of like stagnation. And I think for me, like I go into seasons of like growth and then then like almost like not stagnation, but like grow and then sustain, right?

    Speaker 2 (06:03):

    <Laugh>, I talk about this in the freedom freedom fund book like grow and then you need to like sustain and recharge yourself, right? But I noticed for me at my old apartment, you guys know my story is in order to save for this house. I lived in a smaller space for a while. And it was really comfortable cuz it was super cheap and I had already built up my savings to my 200 k goal to build the house and I kind of noticed myself like not self sabotaging, but I was like thinking of like ways I could spend my house money and like, I don't know, like I was nervous to go forward and buy the house, but I also felt like, I think as ambitious women, if we don't challenge ourself, we self sabotage <laugh>, right? We create a problem in our marriage, in our, with our kids, right?

    Speaker 2 (06:48):

    In our business. I noticed this for a lot of my high-earning clients too that are at six figures is they will start to like find a problem if they're not challenged enough. And this is just like fine line cuz obviously we don't always need a challenge. We don't always need to be like chomping at the bit. We need to be able to relax and enjoy all the hard work we did. We need to be able to stop and celebrate. Which on that note, I just tallied with my bookkeeper this morning that I had my highest quarter one yet ever. And like it was so amazing to like stop and look at the stats and celebrate that there are seasons for that to rest and enjoy. But also there's a time and a place to say I'm, it's time for the next level. It's time to expand.

    Speaker 2 (07:32):

    I'm ready for the brave action, right? Like even though it like lightly terrifies us, if you don't put yourself into that like healthy discomfort as a woman, as an entrepreneur stretching yourself, you are going to create work and drama in your life or business like you are. You know? And it's that fine line. And so would even ask yourself, am I in a season of growth and bravery and putting myself out there or am I a season in a season of rest and stabilizing, right? And only you're gonna know the difference. But I think for me, I was definitely feeling the edge of like, you know, and usually what pops you out of that is like a big decision. Whether it's like launching a new offer in your business or whatever that is, right? My cell with Heart Mastermind ladies, which by the way next round is opening up soon.

    Speaker 2 (08:18):

    And so if you are looking for the highest vibe support sisterhood online ever and a coach in your back pocket me that's gonna be there to cheerlead you personally, make sure you fill out the application for the Cell With Heart Mastermind. So in love with those group of that group of ladies. And what was I gonna say? This is a conversation we have a lot. Cause a lot of those women are, all of them are working towards six figures or past six figures. And I think at that level you're really trying to create a lot of boringness in your business in a lot of ways. You're trying to create money, love, stability, right? Money loves you working in advance, money loves you making c e o moves, like batching your content and hiring team members and all that stuff that like isn't instant gratification, right?

    Speaker 2 (09:07):

    At the start of our business, we're really running our business off adrenaline, right off of like putting up a social post in the moment and oh, there's a client emergency and like, but as you grow in your business, right? Like everything that my team and I are working on right now isn't gonna see the light of the day for like one or two more months, right? You just work a little bit more in advance and because of that it gets a little more boring in a good way, right? But I think that's just such a good interesting conversation to have as you are scaling your business because then you're really looking at how can I add an excitement to my life, right? How can I really add an excitement but in a way that's sustainable for my team in a way that fits in my business model, right?

    Speaker 2 (09:50):

    Anyway, so as you ladies have new dreams and visions on your heart, I just wanna say like, buckle your seatbelt. I'm like, come along for the ride because if you listen to this podcast, I consider you to be a part of the Heart Centered Entrepreneur community. We are a movement. And I think this year I just have that even more on my heart as I'm like growing my team. We're hiring a third team member. I'm really excited about it and I really feel like this is so much bigger than me. This is you, this is us, this is the heart center entrepreneur movement. These are women that yes wanna make a ton of money, but we wanna do it differently. We wanna do it with heart, we wanna do it with our babies on our lap while we're on Zoom. You know what I mean?

    Speaker 2 (10:29):

    Like we really want to pave a new way, a new thing I was playing one of my friends, like the internet in some ways sucks in other ways. It's this most magical thing that allows us like ultimate freedom that we can work from anywhere, right? Even if that means at home, right? And I just think it's like the biggest blessing and I just think like as more people come online, a lot of people are nervous about like, oh, is the online world gonna be overly saturated? No, I just think we're creating a new paradigm of humans and women that work from home, that work from freedom, that work from Zoom, that work from technology. And I think it's our job since we're the forerunners, since we've been doing this before the pandemic, right? I really think it's our job to say this is how it's done and it's done right and it's done ethically.

    Speaker 2 (11:18):

    And you can market in your business in a way that's an integrity. You can show up for your clients in a way where you're serving them with highest integrity and service. And I just think like we are the leaders, right? We are the ones that are like, this is what it's like to be not just a profitable entrepreneur, but a heart centered entrepreneurs. So more on that this year I'm looking forward to continuing to expand the brand as we've gotten our Heart-centered entrepreneur trademark, which I'm so excited about. And what I would love to do is, if you're listening to this, I would love to hear two things from you. You number one what are the bigger things you're dreaming on your heart? Maybe it's in your business, maybe it's selling out your one-on-one, selling out your mastermind. Maybe it's a personal dream like buying a home or moving or traveling.

    Speaker 2 (12:08):

    Like what are your biggest dreams? Like will you email it to me? I would love to read it personally and cheerlead for you because if you're in the community, like I consider you one of my sisters, one of my soulmate sisters, and I want to send all of the positive thoughts to your dream <laugh>. I just messaged my, one of my dreamers this morning. I gave them a bonus as a way to thank them for my biggest quarter ever. And I wrote her and I was like, I wish I could give you more money, but I don't even have to because I know the universe supports you in that too. And I feel like that's the same thing for you guys listening to the podcast. I wish I could like personally go to all of you, right? But sense that doesn't work all the time.

    Speaker 2 (12:47):

    Know that like even if I never meet, you know that I send you so much positive thoughts and prayers that the universe will bless you, bless your business, give you so much peace, give you abundance. And so that's my prayer for you today. Whether you're just like living out a boring day at home or whether you're going out and about and get some fresh air in nature time, I just hope your day is filled with the tiniest miracles. Whether it's a beautiful sunset or a rainbow or a butterfly landing on your cheek, I just hope that your day is sold with the most magic and just know how honored I am to be in your corner. Okay, that was one thing. Number one, I wanna hear your big dreams, your big desires. And number two, I would love to hear from you. Oh shoot, I forget, what was the second one?

PS: In the midst of this challenging time I’ve been asking myself what I can do to help? One of the #1 ways I support my clients is by helping them simplify their business so that they can increase the flow of money without creating extra work. In this season simplified visibility and sales is needed more than ever.

So if you’re craving personal support as you reposition your free and paid work, I’d love to help you simplify your sales process so that you can produce income in your business even during a challenging time. If you want support you can check out my services and book a free discovery call here, or you can send me a DM on Instagram.


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